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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融写作小组:
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1. 对抗私人信息随机失效的交易:一个自然实验
For years, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) accidentally distributed securities disclosures to some investors before the public. We exploit this setting, which is unique because the delay until public disclosure was exogenous and the private information window was well defined, to study informed trading with a random stopping time. Trading intensity and the pace at which prices incorporate information decrease with the expected delay until public release, but the relation between trading intensity and time elapsed varies with traders' learning process. Noise trading and relative information advantage play similar roles as in standard microstructure theories assuming a fixed time window.
参考文献:BOLANDNAZAR, M., JACKSON, R., JIANG, W., & MITTS, J. (2019). Trading Against the Random Expiration of Private Information: A Natural Experiment. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 5-44. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12844
2. 抵押品的获得与信贷的民主化:法国对《拿破仑证券法典》的改革
Access to Collateral and the Democratization of Credit: France's Reform of the Napoleonic Security Code
France's Ordonnance 2006‐346 repudiated the notion of possessory ownership in the Napoleonic Code, easing the pledge of physical assets in a country where credit was highly concentrated. A differences‐test strategy shows that firms operating newly pledgeable assets significantly increased their borrowing following the reform. Small, young, and financially constrained businesses benefitted the most, observing improved credit access and real‐side outcomes. Start‐ups emerged with higher “at‐inception” leverage, located farther from large cities, with more assets‐in‐place than before. Their exit and bankruptcy rates declined. Spatial analyses show that the reform reached firms in rural areas, reducing credit access inequality across France's countryside.
参考文献:ARETZ, K., CAMPELLO, M., & MARCHICA, M. (2019). Access to Collateral and the Democratization of Credit: France's Reform of the Napoleonic Security Code. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 45-90. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12846
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3. 行动总是胜于言语吗?
Words Speak Louder without Actions
Information and control rights are central aspects of leadership, management, and corporate governance. This paper studies a principal‐agent model that features both communication and intervention as alternative means to exert influence. The main result shows that a principal's power to intervene in an agent's decision limits the ability of the principal to effectively communicate her private information. The perverse effect of intervention on communication can harm the principal, especially when the cost of intervention is low or the underlying agency problem is severe. These novel results are applied to managerial leadership, corporate boards, private equity, and shareholder activism.
参考文献:LEVIT, D. (2019). Words Speak Louder without Actions. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 91-131. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12834
4. 向同事学习:周围同事对个人投资决策的影响
Learning from Coworkers: Peer Effects on Individual Investment Decisions
Using unique data on employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), we examine the influence of networks on investment decisions. Comparing employees within a firm during the same election window with metro area fixed effects, we find that the choices of coworkers in the firm's ESPP exert a significant influence on employees’ own decisions to participate and trade. Moreover, we find that the presence of high‐information employees magnifies the effects of peer networks. Given participation in an ESPP is value‐maximizing, our analysis suggests the potential of networks and targeted investor education to improve financial decision‐making.
参考文献:OUIMET, P., & TATE, G. (2019). Learning from Coworkers: Peer Effects on Individual Investment Decisions. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 133-172. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12830
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5. 为什么我们会产生分歧呢?来自投资者社会网络的证据
我们使用社交媒体投资讨论平台的投资者情绪,结合用户投资方式的信息(例如,技术面,基本面),研究投资者分歧的来源。通过研究相同投资模型但不同信息集分歧(within investment approach)和不同投资模型的分歧(across investment approach),本文研究了多少分歧是由信息集不同和对信息解读不同所驱动的。整体分歧在两个分歧来源之间平均分配,相较于两个分歧源之间的相关度,同一个分歧源的内部分歧与交易量的相关性更高。尽管两种分歧的来源都很重要,但本文研究结果表明,信息差异对交易的重要性大于投资模型之间的差异。
Why Don't We Agree? Evidence from a Social Network of Investors
We study sources of investor disagreement using sentiment of investors from a social media investing platform, combined with information on the users' investment approaches (e.g., technical, fundamental). We examine how much of overall disagreement is driven by different information sets versus differential interpretation of information by studying disagreement within and across investment approaches. Overall disagreement is evenly split between both sources of disagreement, but within‐group disagreement is more tightly related to trading volume than cross‐group disagreement. Although both sources of disagreement are important, our findings suggest that information differences are more important for trading than differences across market approaches.
参考文献:COOKSON, J., & NIESSNER, M. (2019). Why Don't We Agree? Evidence from a Social Network of Investors. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 173-228. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12852
6. 显著性对投资者行为的影响:来自一个自然实验的证据
The Impact of Salience on Investor Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
We test whether the display of information causally affects investor behavior in a high‐stakes trading environment. Using investor‐level brokerage data from China and a natural experiment, we estimate the impact of a shock that increased the salience of a stock's purchase price but did not change the investor's information set. We employ a difference‐in‐differences approach and find that the salience shock causally increased the disposition effect by 17%. We use microdata to document substantial heterogeneity across investors in the treatment effect. A previously documented trading pattern, the “rank effect,” explains heterogeneity in the change in the disposition effect.
参考文献:FRYDMAN, C., & WANG, B. (2019). The Impact of Salience on Investor Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 229-276. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12851
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7. 刺激房地产市场
Stimulating Housing Markets
We study temporary fiscal stimulus designed to support distressed housing markets by inducing demand from buyers in the private market. Using difference‐in‐differences and regression kink research designs, we find that the First‐Time Homebuyer Credit increased home sales by 490,000 (9.8%), median home prices by $2,400 (1.1%) per standard deviation increase in program exposure, and the transition rate into homeownership by 53%. The policy response did not reverse immediately. Instead, demand comes from several years in the future: induced buyers were three years younger in 2009 than typical first‐time buyers. The program's market‐stabilizing benefits likely exceeded its direct stimulus effects.
参考文献:BERGER, D., TURNER, N., & ZWICK, E. (2019). Stimulating Housing Markets. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 277-321. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12847
8. 两个关于溢价的故事:对冲者和投机者在大宗商品期货市场中的作用
本文研究了大宗商品期货市场中交易者净头寸与风险溢价之间的动态相互作用。短期头寸变化主要受非商业交易员(Non-commercial trader)的流动性需求驱动,而长期变化则主要被商业交易者(commercial trader)的对冲需求所驱动。这两种驱动原因以释放相反的信号影响期货的预期收益。因商业交易者提供的流动性而获得的收益很大程度上抵消了他们为获得价格保险而支付的成本。
A Tale of Two Premiums: The Role of Hedgers and Speculators in Commodity Futures Markets
This paper studies the dynamic interaction between the net positions of traders and risk premiums in commodity futures markets. Short‐term position changes are driven mainly by the liquidity demands of noncommercial traders, while long‐term variation is driven primarily by the hedging demands of commercial traders. These two components influence expected futures returns with opposite signs. The gains from providing liquidity by commercials largely offset the premium they pay for obtaining price insurance.
参考文献:KANG, W., ROUWENHORST, K., & TANG, K. (2019). A Tale of Two Premiums: The Role of Hedgers and Speculators in Commodity Futures Markets. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 377-417. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12845
9. 可抵押性、行业流动性和融资周期
Pledgeability, Industry Liquidity, and Financing Cycles
Why do firms choose high debt when they anticipate high valuations, and underperform subsequently? We propose a theory of financing cycles where the importance of creditors’ control rights over cash flows (“pledgeability”) varies with industry liquidity. The market allows firms take on more debt when they anticipate higher future liquidity. However, both high anticipated liquidity and the resulting high debt limit their incentives to enhance pledgeability. This has prolonged adverse effects in a downturn. Because these effects are hard to contract upon, higher anticipated liquidity can also reduce a firm's current access to finance.
参考文献:DIAMOND, D., HU, Y., & RAJAN, R. (2019). Pledgeability, Industry Liquidity, and Financing Cycles. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 419-461. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12831
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10. 借贷合同中”保险“的逆向选择:未能为合同编制指数
The Insurance Is the Lemon: Failing to Index Contracts
We model the widespread failure of contracts to share risk using available indices. A borrower and lender can share risk by conditioning repayments on an index. The lender has private information about the ability of this index to measure the true state that the borrower would like to hedge. The lender is risk‐averse and thus requires a premium to insure the borrower. The borrower, however, might be paying something for nothing if the index is a poor measure of the true state. We provide sufficient conditions for this effect to cause the borrower to choose a nonindexed contract instead.
参考文献:HARTMAN‐GLASER, B., & HÉBERT, B. (2019). The Insurance Is the Lemon: Failing to Index Contracts. The Journal of Finance, 75(1), 463-506. doi: 10.1111/jofi.12856
11. 基于消费的资产定价的可靠推断