The MLP Treadmill
We arrive at a situation where an incentivefor risky growth is then combined with a reliance on outside funding. Itis this dynamic that leads to the MLP Treadmill.
MLPs constantly need more capital to drivebigger and bigger deals so that they can keep growing distributions. Inturn, bigger distributions will lead to a higher valuation. This is theMLP Treadmill. Once you get on and start feeding growth through externalfunding, it is very hard to stop and get off. And get off you must,eventually.
One of the inherent contradictions of theMLP model is that, if it works exactly as designed, the company will hit the
high splits
quickly. As the GP grabs a biggerand bigger piece of the pie, the cost of capital will increase commensurately. As
one observer
put it: “ The Company’s unitprice depended upon constantly increasing dividend distribution, andever-higher dividends, creating ever-greater IDRs, required staggeringinfusions of capital.”
For example, below is a look at the 20 yearlifespan of an MLP. We have assumed a 7% yield
at the outset
with an expectation that the yield will grow by 3% per year. Theseassumptions give the MLP an initial cost of capital of 7%. But, by year20, the GP is taking 4q% of distributable cash flow and the MLP must earn 51%on its equity to preserve the distribution growth to LPs. The
of investments providing that sort of return is rather small.
Kinder Morgan serves as a cautionary tale. Kinder Morgan rode the MLP Treadmill all the way to its logicalconclusion. From 1990 to December 1996, Richard Kinder served as thePresident and COO of Enron Corporation. He resigned from Enron in 1996 afterbeing denied a promotion to CEO. He had a headstrong belief in theprofitability of collecting a toll to move energy through pipelines” which didnot gibe with the more aggressive vision at Enron. After leaving Enron,he and college friend William V. Morgan started a pipeline business. They firstpurchased Enron Liquids Pipeline, a natural gas conduit business that Enron waseager to get rid of, for $40 million. They also merged with KNEnergy. After a number of acquisitions, most prominently El PasoCorporation, Kinder Morgan became the largest midstream energycompany in North America. Enron declared bankruptcy in 2002.
金德摩根公司就是个警示传奇。金德摩根在MLP跑步机上一直跑跑跑,最后的结局也在意料之中。从1990年到1996年12月,理查德·金德担任安然公司(世界上最大的综合性天然气和电力公司之一)的首席运营官。1996年晋升CEO失败后,他从安然公司辞职。他坚定地认为对管道运输石油收取费用是有利可图的。离开安然之后,他跟朋友威廉 V·摩根开始了管道运输的生意。他们首先用4000万美金买下安然石油运输公司,这是安然公司十分想摆脱的负责天然气管道业务的子公司。他们还跟KN能源公司合并起来。金德摩根通过一系列的合并,尤其是跟埃尔帕索公司的合并,变成了北美最大的中游能源公司。安然在2002年宣告破产。
By 2014, the Kinder Morgan empire hadgreatly expanded.
Enron Liquids Pipeline evolved into KinderMorgan Partners (KMP), a master limited partnership. KMP earned themajority of its income by transporting oil, natural gas and CO₂ through its approximately 52,000 miles of pipelines located throughoutthe United States and Canada. It also owns approximately 180 terminalsdedicated to handling natural resources. The Company owns the physicalpipelines, and collects lucrative fees when natural resource companies usethose pipelines to transport their products. KMP had increased itsdividend every quarter since its inception.
Combined, the Kinder Morgan family was thethird largest energy company in North America, with an estimated combinedenterprise value of ~$140 billion. Among other assets, the Kinder Morganfamily owned the largest natural gas network in North America.
Yet on August 10, 2014, Kinder Morganannounced that it was shutting down its MLP and rolling them up into the mainpublic company. Why would they do this?
By 2011, its MLP, Kinder Morgan Partners(KMP), was in the high splits. The GP was earning more than 50% of totaldistributions to unit holders. Further, over 100% of cash not neededimmediately by the business was being distributed out. How much did thisleave for growth investments? Not a whole lot:
CashFlows, 2011-2013
Further, with the GP in the high splits, theMLPs cost of capital was enormous and the corresponding hurdle rate for newinvestments severely limited the universe of accretive investments. Hereis a slide from a Kinder Morgan investor presentation showing the return tominority unitholders and shareholders from a new investment in the MLPstructure and in the more traditional corporate structure:
Kinder Morgan opted to hop off the MLPTreadmill rather than extend the pain. In 2014, they rolled up their MLPsinto the Sponsor, effectively reversing years of drop downs.
Conflicts of Interest
When we take a minority position inpublically traded companies, we always face the risk that the business is beingrun for the benefit of the majority owner and to the detriment of minorityowners. However, this risk is dramatically heightened if none of thetraditional protections for minority ownership are in place. Such is thecase with MLPs
a. Fiduciary Duty Waived
As discussed above, MLPs are organized aslimited partnerships rather than the more common corporation. MLPs takefull advantage of the fact that Delaware law does not require GPs to act in the best interests of the LP. Therefore, as shocking as this sounds, the GPmay act free of any duty or obligation to the MLP or its limited partners.
b. IDRs Mean That Deals Can Be Accretive To The GP And Not The LP
The way IDRs are calculated makes itpossible for actions to be taken that are accretive to the GP but notnecessarily to existing LPs. Distributions paid to the GP are not based on thedistribution per LP unit but the gross distribution to LPs. Therefore,even if the distribution per unit remains the same, the GP will receive agreater distribution. Here is a simplified example:
Notice that the equity funded acquisition,results in a 10% increase in the distribution to the GP while the LP remainsthe same.
c. Drop Downs Are Not At Arms-Length
Drop downs are often touted as a benefit ofMLPs. For example, the amount of assets available for drop down by theSponsor is used as a rough proxy for the future growth of the MLP. But,drop downs create a terrible conflict of interest. How can aminority owner of the MLP have any assurance that both parties are negotiatinga fair deal?
d. Lack of Voting Rights
Unlike common shareholders, MLP LPs haveseverely restricted voting rights and no vote for the board of directors.
Other Ways Management Can Rip You Off
Management has several other ways it can ripoff the minority owners
1. Accounting Games
The most straightforward method managementhas to rip off investors is playing games with the numbers. As statedearlier, MLPs are required to distribute all available cash. However, allavailable cash is not a term defined under GAAP. This gives managementsignificant leeway to pump up the numbers.
Below is a typical calculation of distributablecash flow by an MLP.
Source: ARCX 10-K
A couple of items stick out. First,the “one-time non-recurring” expenses sure do seem to recur a lot. Buteven more importantly, they are true expenses and a reduction to cash. Why are they being added back?
Second, “maintenance capital expenditures”is not a term defined under GAAP. This gives management a lot of leewayto play around with the numbers. Per the 10-K, management simply definesmaintenance capital expenditures as “(i) clean, inspect and repair storagetanks; (ii) clean and paint tank exteriors; (iii) inspect and upgradevapor recovery/combustion units; (iv) upgrade fire protection systems;(v) evaluate certain facilities regulatory programs; (vi) inspect andrepair cathodic protection systems; (vii) inspect and repair tankinfrastructure; and (viii) make other general facility repairs asrequired.” This last point is vague enough to cover (in good years) ornot cover (in bad years) just about any capital expenditure.
第二,“维护资本支出”也并非GAAP会计准则里有确切定义的项。这给管理层很大空间玩弄数字游戏。每一份年报中,管理层都单纯地对维护资本开支给出这样的定义:“(i)清洁、检查、修理储罐;(ii)清洁和粉刷罐表面;(iii)检查升级蒸汽回收和燃机组;(iv)升级火力保护系统;(vi) 检查和修复阴极保护系统;(vii)检查和修复储存设施;(viii)按要求修复其它设施。”最后的模糊项足够覆盖掉(在收益不错的年份里)任何资本开支,或者不包含(在收益差的年份里)这些资本开支。
Maintenance Capex, however, is intended torepresent the cost inherent in maintaining the Company’s current capacity, andis generally funded from operating revenues. Because of that, expendituresclassified as Maintenance Capex reduce the funds that may be distributed to thegeneral partner and the unitholders. The GP has a powerful incentive toclassify whatever expenses possible as Expansion Capex, as that leads to alarger payment for the GP.
Depreciation, depletion and amortization(“DD&A”) costs—reflective as they are of the anticipated expense ofmaintaining assets—should roughly mirror Maintenance Capex. Defying logic, theMLPs we looked at all had Maintenance Capex amounts far lower than theirDD&A. In fact, the average ratio in 2015 was just 30%.
2. Long Term Contracts can mask deteriorating economics.
2. 长期合约可以掩盖经济衰退现象。
One of the strengths of MLPs is therelong-term contracts. This gives investors visibility far into the futureand makes projecting future cash flows easier and more reliable. It alsogives the business financial stability. But, long term contracts are atwo-edged sword. Sure, it’s great to have the predictability, but whathappens when the contract ends? Will the MLP be able to negotiate a renewalon same or better terms or will the customer walk away altogether? Longterm contracts can paper over deteriorating economics until investors get arude awakening. Particularly in a business as cyclical as oil and gas,future economics can look far different than the present.
3. Midstream Companies Still have Commodity Exposure
While it is certainly true that midstreamcompanies do not have direct exposure to commodity pricing, the commodity cyclestill impacts their business. For example, storage businesses do better whenforward prices are higher than current spot rates, a situation known as“contango.” Contango increases storage needs because oil companies knowthey get more money by waiting than by selling it immediately. The GP hasfiduciary duty first and foremost to its own shareholders, not to the LPs.Because the GP has almost complete control of the MLP in any decision makingprocess, the GP can maximize its own benefits ahead of or even to the detrimentof the LP.
A Closer Look At WPT
近距离观察WPT(WorldPoint Terminals)
While combing through the wreckage of theMLP sector, we did come across one company that looks pretty good, WPT:
Current 8% yield and distribution has grown dramatically
Easy to understand. WPT’s sole activity is oil storage services.
No direct commodity exposure since it does not take title to the oil it stores
Unlike many MLPs, the GP does not have a 2% LP interest. The GP only earns income on the IDRs. It does not make money on the MQD.