专栏名称: 三思行研
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三思行研  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-10 00:00


Based on current trends and past policy guidelines, some specific figures that Minister Lan might discuss regarding fiscal policy could include:
1. Fiscal Expenditure Scale
Annual Fiscal Expenditure Growth: The government may target an increase in fiscal expenditure by around 6-8% year-on-year, maintaining or slightly expanding the pace of spending to support economic growth. This would be in line with previous expansions aimed at countering economic slowdowns.
Infrastructure Investment: A significant portion of this expenditure could be allocated to infrastructure projects, potentially around ¥2-3 trillion (about $275-410 billion) for new projects in sectors like transportation, energy, and digital infrastructure.
年度财政支出增长 :政府可能会将年度财政支出增长目标设定在约6%-8%之间,以维持或适度扩大支出力度,支持经济增长。这与以往旨在对抗经济放缓的扩张政策相一致。
基础设施投资 :支出中的很大一部分可能会分配给基础设施项目,新项目投资金额可能达到约2-3万亿元人民币(约合2750-4100亿美元),涵盖交通、能源和数字基础设施等领域。

2. Deficit Ratio
Deficit-to-GDP Ratio: Given the ongoing economic pressures, the deficit ratio might be increased to around 3.2-3.5% of GDP for 2024. This would be a slight rise from the traditional 3% threshold, allowing for more room to maneuver in terms of fiscal stimulus while still maintaining some level of fiscal discipline.
Total Deficit: With China's GDP expected to exceed ¥130 trillion ($17.8 trillion) in 2024, this would imply a fiscal deficit of approximately ¥4.2-4.5 trillion ($575-615 billion).

赤字占GDP比率 :鉴于当前的经济压力,2024年的赤字率可能会提高至GDP的3.2%-3.5%左右。这将略高于传统的3%门槛,为财政刺激措施提供更多操作空间,同时仍保持一定的财政纪律。
总赤字 :预计中国2024年的GDP将超过130万亿元人民币(约合17.8万亿美元),这意味着财政赤字将达到约4.2-4.5万亿元人民币(约合5750-6150亿美元)。

3. Local Government Special-Purpose Bonds
Special-Purpose Bonds Quota: The government may issue around ¥4 trillion ($548 billion) in special-purpose bonds for 2024, which would be used for specific infrastructure projects and public services. This amount is typically set aside to fund regional projects without adding to the general budget deficit.
