第十五届国际信息光学与光子学学术会议(CIOP 2024)
于2024年8月11-15日在中国西安召开,本次会议由中国激光杂志社、西北工业大学和西安电子科技大学共同主办。CIOP 2024预计将吸引来自世界各地约1500名与会者,其中包括500余位特邀报告。
本届大会秉承专业性和前沿性的原则,特邀University of Stuttgart
Harald Giessen
、University of California, Los Angeles
Mona Jarrahi
、École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Olivier J. F. Martin
报告题目:3D printed microoptics: fundamentals and first applications
We report on the latest advances in printing 3D complex optical systems. We report inclusion of the color black into printing materials, as well as printing without additional alignment onto both sides of a substrate. We examine the influences of strain and stress onto the polarization state of light after propagation. We also present our ansatz to include shrinkage into the systems design. We report on applications in quantum technology, in particular on coupling quantum emission into single mode fibers, on optical trapping, and on multimode imaging in micro endoscopy. We also report on the smallest wide-angle endoscope in the world, which gives aberration corrected images for a viewing angle of 120°.
Harald Giessen graduated from Kaiserslautern University with a diploma in Physics and obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona in 1995 as J.W. Fulbright scholar. After a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart he moved to Marburg as assistant professor. From 2001-2004, he was associate professor at the University of Bonn. Since 2005, he is full professor and holds the Chair for Ultrafast Nanooptics in the Department of Physics at the University of Stuttgart. He is also co-chair of the Stuttgart Center of Photonics Engineering, SCoPE. He was guest researcher at the University of Cambridge, and guest professor at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Sydney, at A*Star, Singapore, as well as at Beijing University of Technology. He received an ERC Advanced Grant in 2012 for his work on complex nanoplasmonics. In 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, he was named “Highly Cited Researcher“ (top 1%) by the Institute of Scientific Information. In 2021, he was awarded the Gips-Schüle Research Prize together with Simon Thiele and Alois Herkommer for his pioneering work on 3D printed microoptics. He was awarded the 2024 Robert-Wichard-Pohl Prize of the German Physical Society for developing 3D printed microoptics. His research interests include Ultrafast Nano-Optics, Plasmonics, Active, Switchable and Chiral Metamaterials, 3D Printed Micro- and Nano-Optics, Medical Micro-Optics, Miniature Endoscopy, Novel mid-IR Ultrafast Laser Sources, Applications in Microscopy, Biology, and Sensing. He has spun out three companies based on his research: NT&C (single particle spectroscopic microscopy), Stuttgart Instruments GmbH (Ultrabroadband tunable fs and ps laser sources from visible to mid-IR), and Printoptix GmbH (3D printed microoptics).
何祖源,国家特聘专家,上海交通大学讲席教授,光纤通信国家重点实验室主任,OPTICA Fellow。日本东京大学博士,历任东京大学助教、讲师、副教授、教授,曾任美国CIENA公司主任工程师。曾任OFC、CLEO、OFS等国际会议技术程序委员会委员,2014年亚洲通信与光子学国际大会(ACP2014)主席,2016年亚太光学传感国际大会(APOS2016)主席,IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology期刊Associate Editor,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)信息科学领域咨询专家。
University of California, Los Angeles
报告题目:Navigating Terahertz Spectrum via Photomixing
Tbit/s wireless datalinks, hidden object inspection, chemical fingerprint identification, space explorations - these are several of the many terahertz applications that can revolutionize modern world and reshape the way we live in the coming decades. To bring these applications to daily use, there is an urgent need for bright coherent sources to empower terahertz systems. The biggest challenge is to boost terahertz powers and frequency sweeping ranges. Even though this challenge has already been fulfilled long time ago in the nearby electromagnetic spectrum, when it comes to the terahertz regime, either electronic sources suffer from RC and transit-time roll-off at higher frequencies or optical sources require cryogenic environments to maintain efficient stimulated emission at meV-level band gap energies. Electronic sources such as impact ionization avalanche transit-time diodes, Gunn diodes, resonance tunneling diodes, and Schottky multipliers can provide high power, high spectral purity and decent frequency tunability in the lower end of the terahertz frequency range. From the higher end, terahertz quantum cascade lasers (THz QCLs) deliver sub-watt-level coherent radiation with broad frequency tuning. This excellent performance makes THz QCLs a very effective engine of terahertz systems operating at low temperatures. On the other hand, photomixers have the advantages of both worlds, making them ideal when room-temperature, high-stability, and broadly tunable high-power terahertz sources and high-sensitivity terahertz detectors are required. This talk highlights recent transformative advances in terahertz optoelectronics utilizing photomixing for imaging, spectroscopy, and communication.
Mona Jarrahi received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 2000 and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2003 and 2007. She served as a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California Berkeley from 2007 to 2008. After serving as an Assistant Professor at University of Michigan Ann Arbor, she joined University of California Los Angeles in 2013 where she is currently a Professor and Northrop Grumman Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Director of the Terahertz Electronics Laboratory. Prof. Jarrahi has made significant contributions to the development of ultrafast electronic and optoelectronic devices and integrated systems for terahertz, infrared, and millimeter-wave sensing, imaging, computing, and communication systems by utilizing novel materials, nanostructures, and quantum structures as well as innovative plasmonic and optical concepts. The outcomes of her research have appeared in more than 300 publications and 270 invited talks and have received a significant amount of attention from scientific news outlets including Huffington Post, Popular Mechanics, EE Times, and IEEE Spectrum. Her scientific achievements have been recognized by several prestigious awards including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE); Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and etc. Prof. Jarrahi is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Optical Society (OPTICA), International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), American Physical Sosiety (APS), Institute of Physics (IoP), and has served as a distinguished lecturer of IEEE, traveling lecturer of OSA, and visiting lecturer of SPIE societies.
报告题目:Laser nanoprinting of atomaterials and beyond
This presentation mainly introduces the interaction between 3D nanoprinting and various materials at the atomic scale. Describe the precise and unparalleled manipulation of materials by nanoprinting at the spatial, temporal, and atomic scales. In particular, the application status and broad prospects of optical nanoprinting and two-dimensional photonic integrated devices are introduced in detail. The report will also share the future development directions of ultrafast optical nanoprinting and angstrom material devices, and the major challenges faced. The developed scalable graphene metamaterials show attractive optical and thermal properties. Through patterning with advanced laser nanoprinting technique, functional photonic devices with ultrathin, light weight and flexible nature have been demonstrated promising exciting opportunities for integrated photonics.
Distinguished Professor Baohua Jia is a Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Technologies (FTSE), and Future Fellow at RMIT University, Australia. Before joining RMIT University in 2022, Baohua was a tenured professor at Swinburne University of Technology and Founding Director of Centre for Translational Atomaterials. Professor Jia is a Fellow of Optica (previously known as the Optical Society of America), and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IMO3). Since 2019, Prof. Jia has served as a Colleague of Expert for the Australian Research Council. Professor Jia's research focuses on the design and optical characterization of novel nanostructures and nanomaterials, fabrication, and efficient conversion and storage of light energy. As a leading Chief Investigator, Professor Jia received a total of more than $50 million in research funding support. Professor Jia has published more than 300 journal papers with an h-index of 72 (Google Scholar) and developed more than 20 invention patents and patent applications. Based on Professor Jia's outstanding contributions in scientific research, she has won many awards, including the 2017 finalist of the Australian Prime Minister's Science Award, the Vice Chancellor's Industrial Achievement Award in 2011, 2016, and 2018, 2013, Young Science Leader Award, 2012 UNESCO L'Oréal Australia New Zealand Women in Science Award.
报告题目:X-photonics: illuminating the future of imaging and assistive technology
刘小钢博士于2004年在西北大学获得无机化学博士学位。之后,他在麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系担任博士后研究员。2006年,他加入新加坡国立大学化学系,并于2017年晋升为正教授。他还在医学院外科系任职。他的研究兴趣包括探究掺杂镧系元素纳米材料中的能量转移、光学纳米材料在神经调控和光场成像中的应用、先进X射线成像闪烁体的开发,以及辅助技术电子工具的原型制作。他是《Nanoscale》、《BMEMat》、《Journal of Luminescence》的副主编,并曾担任《中国化学会志》、《Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters》、《亚洲化学》、《中国科学材料》、《Advanced Optical Materials》等期刊的编辑委员会成员。
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
报告题目:Unlocking the full potential of nanophotonics with hybrid metasurfaces
Materials and nanotechnologies are key for many applications in photonics, especially for metasurfaces that are built from sub-wavelength nanostructures – the so-called meta-atoms. In this presentation, I will report on our on-going research effort to develop metasurfaces that utilize hybrid meta-atoms, which combine both high index dielectrics and plasmonic metals. This combination unlocks interesting optical effects that stem from the interaction between electric and magnetic resonances. Indeed, the fundamental resonance of a dielectric structure has a magnetic character, while that of a plasmonic metal has an electric character. The coupling between both resonances occurs through bi-anisotropy and leads to extremely interesting effects, where an electric excitation produces a magnetic response and vice-versa. However, strong bi-anisotropy requires the fabrication of nanostructures with a high aspect ratio, which is very challenging from a technology point of view: indeed, most technologies developed in the cleanroom can only produce two-dimensional, planar, nanostructures. To overcome this limitation, we have developed some original approaches based on ion-etching and reactive ion-etching. They can be used to produce nanostructures with a high aspect ratio to build strongly bi-anisotrope metasurfaces. The combination of electric and magnetic effects leads to very strong optical features that cannot be attained in homogeneous systems. Such features can be used for sensing, to produce strong physical colors, or even in the non-linear regime to develop surprising effects, such as a nonlinear optical diode.
Olivier J.F. Martin studied physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and conducted his PhD at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, where he studied semiconductor lasers. After a stay at the UC San Diego, he became Assistant Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). In 2003 he was appointed at the EPFL, where he is currently Full Professor of Nanophotonics and Optical Signal Processing. Dr. Martin conducts a comprehensive research that combines the development of numerical techniques for the solution of Maxwell’s equations with advanced nanofabrication and experiments on nanophotonic systems. Applications of his research include optical antennas, metasurfaces, nonlinear optics, optical nano-manipulations, heterogeneous catalysis, security features and optical forces at the nanoscale. Dr. Martin has authored over 300 journal articles and holds several patents and invention disclosures.
邱建荣现任浙江大学光电学院教授、信息学部副主任。教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者,教育部“创新团队发展计划”带头人。《中国硅酸盐学报》副主编和美国陶瓷协会等五个SCI期刊Associate Editor等,中国激光杂志社《激光与光电子学进展》执行主编。长期从事玻璃与光纤、发光与非线性光学材料以及激光与材料相互作用(超快激光制造与激光增材制造)研究。在Science等发表SCI收录论文600余篇,SCI他引34500次。入选美国光学学会Fellow, 美国陶瓷学会Fellow,世界陶瓷科学院院士。曾获德国Abbe基金的国际Otto-Schott研究奖、日本陶瓷协会学术奖和美国陶瓷协会G. W. Morey奖等。1项成果入选中国科学十大进展,6项成果入选中国光学十大进展。
蔡定平教授,现任香港城市大学电机工程系讲座教授,是中国光学学会(COS)会士(Fellow),国际电子电机工程学会(IEEE)会士,国际光电工程学会(SPIE)会士,美国光学学会(OPTICA)会士,美国物理学会(APS)会士,美国科学促进会(AAAS)会士,国际电磁科学院(EMA)会士,日本应用物理学会(JSAP)会士,台湾物理学会(PST)会士,亚太人工智能学会(AAIA)会士,美国国家发明家科学院(NAI)院士,俄罗斯国际工程科学院(IAE)院士,亚太材料科学院(APAM) 院士。蔡教授1990年获得美国俄亥俄州辛辛那堤大学博士,目前研究的领域是纳米光子学、等离激元光学、超材料、超构表面、超构组件、量子光学芯片、量子光学计算与信息等。目前已发表相关研究的SCI期刊的学术论文共379篇、出版专著或专著章节及会议论文共70篇、技术报告及其他论文共39篇,国内外(美国、加拿大、日本及德国等)专利共45项(69个)。曾荣获国际光电工程学会(SPIE)墨子奖(2018年),2019年及2020年两度荣膺爱思唯尔SCI高被引学者、并两次获得2018年及2020年中国光学十大进展奖, 2022年香港城市大学校长奖。曾参加国内外举行的重要国际会议340次做特邀报告,目前担任12个重要国际期刊的编辑委员或编辑,多项国际知名期刊的文章审稿人。