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唧唧堂:JA 广告学期刊2020年第2期论文摘要7篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-11 23:54


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: Cassie
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组: 明月奴
推送编辑 | 悠悠



This position article on augmented reality (AR) advertising offers a conceptual framework of recent scholarship on the intersection between AR technologies, advertising, and marketing metrics. The framework identifies theory-based building blocks for this domain alongside relevant recent examples. It proposes a conceptual case for contextualization of advertising content through AR technology. Finally, an agenda for future research in AR advertising is specified, incorporating multiple conceptual perspectives and empirical directions.

参考文献:de Ruyter K, Heller J, Hilken T, et al. Seeing with the customer’s eye: Exploring the challenges and opportunities of AR advertising[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2020, 49(2): 109-124. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2020.1740123



Despite frequent reports that they favor products with environmental benefits, consumers often purchase conventional alternatives. One reason for this is the performance liability associated with green products, in which consumers perceive them as being less effective. This research examines the concept of "green understatement" (i.e., communication of implicit green signals) compared with "green emphasis" (i.e., communication of explicit green signals) in green product advertising as a strategy to enhance performance evaluations. We test whether, why, and when an implicit (versus explicit) advertising strategy leads to higher performance evaluation for green products. We suggest and show that implicit green signals are more effective in conditions under which consumers have more concerns about the product's performance or have lower expectations about its greenness. More specifically, the results of two experimental studies show that implicit (versus explicit) communication about greenness leads to higher performance evaluations for products that are less commonly green (Study 1) and for products that have an optional green mode (Study 2). The findings aid in the understanding of how a green product advertising strategy may influence performance evaluations and provide managerial implications for green product promotion.

参考文献:Usrey B, Palihawadana D, Saridakis C, et al. How Downplaying Product Greenness Affects Performance Evaluations: Examining the Effects of Implicit and Explicit Green Signals in Advertising[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2020, 49(2): 125-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2020.1712274

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We suggest that thematic ad–medium congruency versus incongruency evokes distinct effects on consumer evaluations through different underlying mechanisms. Specifically, we propose congruency largely has positive effects on consumer evaluations due to a relatively automatic fluency process, whereas incongruency evokes a more conscious and negative persuasion knowledge (PK) process that leads to negative evaluations. Study 1 showed that consumers were more attentive to incongruence than congruence, particularly when the ad–medium combination was presented with other ads or materials. Studies 2A and 2B confirmed that congruency led to positive evaluations through perceived fluency, whereas incongruency led to negative-PK thoughts involving manipulative intent and more negative evaluations. Studies 3A and 3B provided causal evidence for the role of PK by showing that positive PK attenuated the negative effects the incongruency tactic had otherwise. Overall, these findings suggest the common practice of directly comparing congruent and incongruent media tactics confounds two very different processes. Managerial implications for advertising and media marketing are discussed.

参考文献:Germelmann C C, Herrmann J L, Kacha M, et al. Congruence and Incongruence in Thematic Advertisement–Medium Combinations: Role of Awareness, Fluency, and Persuasion Knowledge[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2020, 49(2): 141-164. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2020.1745110



A significant number of ads showcase products with their shadows cast in the background. Given that shadows are characteristically dark and that previous research documents a positive link between darkness and heaviness, the current work proposes and documents that consumers evaluate a product to be heavier when it is advertised with (versus without) its shadow. Particularly, when heaviness is a desired product attribute, consumers exhibit a greater preference for the product advertised with (versus without) its shadow due to enhanced product heaviness perceptions. However, when heaviness is an undesirable product attribute, presence (versus absence) of the product shadow in an ad lowers consumers' product preference. Also, the authors show that when heaviness is a desirable product attribute, the positive effect of shadow on consumer product preference attenuates when explicit associations of product heaviness are provided using verbal cues. Findings from the current research provide actionable guidelines for managers to help them use product shadows effectively in advertising for an intended impact on consumer product preferences.

参考文献:Sharma N, Romero M. Looks Heavy to Me! The Effects of Product Shadows on Heaviness Perceptions and Product Preferences[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2020, 49(2): 165-184. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2020.1742819

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This study examines how a disfluent celebrity endorser's face affects the level of consumer engagement with brand name in the advertisement. Focusing on metacognition theories, results from three experiments and one eye-tracking experiment suggest that as compared with a clear version of celebrity endorser's face, a blurred or partly covered version will enhance consumers' brand recall. This study also shows that the reinforcing effect of a disfluent celebrity's face on brand memory recall is mediated by consumer engagement with the advertisement and moderated by celebrity identification.

参考文献:Liu Y, Liu M T. Big Star Undercover: The Reinforcing Effect of Attenuated Celebrity Endorsers’ Faces on Consumers’ Brand Memory[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2020, 49(2): 185-194. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2020.1740122



Argument quality plays an important theoretical and methodological role in persuasion research. Researchers frequently refrain from employing independent normative criteria to manipulate argument quality. Instead, they use pretests to qualify arguments that evoke predominantly favorable thoughts as strong and arguments that predominantly evoke unfavorable thoughts as weak. In this article, we analyze weak arguments as they have been used in actual studies. These weak arguments ranged from arguments referring to less favorable consequences compared to their strong counterparts, to consequences that are irrelevant to the participants, or even to undesirable consequences, thereby essentially functioning as counterarguments. We discuss the implications of this practice for our understanding of the persuasion process and our ability to provide evidence-based guidelines for message designers. We also provide guidelines on how to manipulate argument quality using normative criteria.

参考文献:Hoeken H, Hornikx J, Linders Y. The Importance and Use of Normative Criteria to Manipulate Argument Quality[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2020, 49(2): 195-201. https://doi.org/10.1080/00913367.2019.1663317

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Three studies were conducted using nonstudent samples to empirically test the impact of paternal engagement and paternal sentiment (PS) on customer evaluations of advertising content. Paternal investment theory (PIT), an extension of attachment theory, states that the quality of fathering that a daughter receives provides important information about others and society. Paternal sentiment, the global perception of one's father, is defined and introduced to the advertising literature in this project. Both constructs are examined for males and females within a marketing context for the first time. An experiment is conducted in Study 1 to establish that low paternal investment (PI) and negative paternal sentiment lead to high customer evaluations for ads with maternal referents. Results from a second experiment suggest that customers with low paternal investment are more responsive to ads with maternal referents, particularly when combined with self-focus messaging. In Study 3, subjects participate in a field study. The findings suggest that when negative paternal sentiment and low paternal investment are primed, females are more prone to emotionally regulate than males. These research outcomes should inspire advertisers to consider the father–child relationship within the family structure as a possible basis for brand positioning.
