专栏名称: MOOC
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MOOC  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-24 21:00




首先英文面试无非就是半小时一小时的双向面对面或者电话交流,逃不出听说能力的长期培养。而且有想法要进说英文的外企,长期英文的学习积累肯定是必须的,否则一旦进入外企铺天盖地的语言应用环境会压得你喘不过气。在外企十几年,深深感觉在业务领域没有什么是突击不了的,比如你进入一个新的工作领域,多花点时间多用心,几周一个月肯定能上手,唯独英语不经过长期积累一定不会有质的改变。比如现在告诉你下个月去美国主持一个3天的50人参加的Workshop大会,就算你不吃不喝每天专门练你一定不可能在一个月提升到游刃有余的程度,就是这个道理。这个文章不涉及一般性如何提高英语,只是告诉你这个是Long-Term一定要花时间的事情。关于Long-term提升,可以看之前的 英文自习小组招募 ,学长也可以帮你。





  • 招聘网站的JD (job description)

  • 招聘公司本身的网站

  • 平常的观感

  • 如果有人脉在这个公司想办法直接了解这个职位JD之外的信息.


  • 一般性

  • 套路性(CBI)

  • 专业领域性

一般性的问题每个面试都可能碰到,和这个职位的专业无关。常见一般性问题其实大家都大概能知道是哪些,无非是背景介绍,你为什么跳槽之类的,但是要怎么回答的好就有学问了。下面列出常见问题,每个问题背后的目的,建议回答的思路和参考回答。当然没有one size fits all的标准答案,只能你自己根据对自己的了解判断来写。如果写不出来,说明你英文需要迫切提高的点到了。万里长征第一步,想进外企,从这里开始。



Tell me about yourself

Your Goal: To prove to the interviewer that you have the skills and experience to be the ideal or perfect candidate for the job.

  • Keep the answer short at about two minutes.

  • Focus on work-related skills and accomplishments, not personal information.

  • Tell the interviewer why you think your work-related skills and accomplishments would be an asset to the company.

  • Describe your education or work history very briefly.

  • Tell the interviewer about things you have done and jobs you have had related to the position you are interviewing for.

  • Mention one or two personal characteristics that have helped you accomplish your goals, giving short examples to illustrate.



  • 所在的公司/团队

  • 你的角色

  • 主要成绩

Why did you leave your last job / Why are you looking for a new job

Your Goal: To minimize any problems and to show that you had positive reasons for leaving previous positions

  • Mention positive reasons for leaving.

  • Never criticize supervisors, co-workers, or the company/organization.

  • Don’t mention major problems with management.

  • Tell the interviewer about any neutral reasons for leaving.

  • Stay positive no matter how bad the situation you are leaving may be.

  • Use the right words so you don’t sound self-serving. Instead of saying “I left to seek better opportunities” say “I'm looking for a situation which will use more of my skills and experience.”

  • Avoid sounding like a “job hopper.”

  • Turn this into an opportunity to tell the interviewer about your skills and abilities, if possible.

  • Keep your explanation short or the interviewer may think you’re making excuses.


对跳槽多次的老人来说,对新工作的了解之外,还很重要的是不要说过去职位不好负面的东西,比如和老板水火不容啊,哪怕这个真的是你离开的主要原因,也一定要Stay positive。面试官不会要一个满满负面情绪的人,找一些中立的原因,比如职业生涯发展,更好的发挥自己的长处等。

Why do you want to work here

Your Goal: To show that you know a lot about the company and that your qualifications match the company’s needs

  • Find out all you can about the company, including the department where you would work and the people you would work for.

  • Research the company’s products or services and the positive things it has done for the community or society.

  • Be familiar with the company’s mission statement and core values.

  • For large U.S. companies, look for information about the company through the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the Better Business Bureau, in addition to the “About Us” section on the company’s own website.

  • Don’t make the answer all about you. Focus on the positive things about the company, including its reputation in the industry.

  • Tell the interviewer how your qualifications meets a need in their company.

  • Show the interviewer that you are being selective about where you want to work and are not willing to take just any job offered to you.


Where do you see yourself in five years

Your Goal: To assure the interviewer that if the company hires you, you will continue working for them, and that you have given careful thought to your future career plans.

  • Reassure the interviewer that you are not a “job hopper” by telling the interviewer that you plan to stay and grow with the company.

  • Research the company to find out the logical next positions to move up in the company.

  • If there is more than one direction you can move in to move up in the organization, name these paths and talk about your options depending on your future interests and performance, and the company’s needs.

  • Show that you are motivated and have definite plans about doing more in the company.

  • Avoid naming a specific job or position or you will seem too narrow or inflexible.

  • Do not talk about personal goals or plans.

  • Questions about marriage, babies, and childcare are illegal, but if you don’t plan to make any big personal life changes soon, you can volunteer that information.

背后的潜台词是希望你不是一个打一枪换一个地方心浮气躁的Job hopper。欧美企业大部分都是理解甚至鼓励你最短2年换一个岗位,在公司内部健康的流动,当然也因具体老板部分而异。但是没有人愿意看到你简历上都是1年1年半频度的跳槽,真有这样的经历相信你每次面试都会被考官针对这个问专门的问题,准备接招吧。在描述将来时也要注意这个问题,不要显得你在这个新岗位不会做很久,同时基于你对公司的理解,这个职位附近可能的发展机会也是回答这个问题的要点。

What are your strengths

Your Goal: To show how your strengths match the needs of the job

  • Know your strengths in three categories:

    • Knowledge-based skills – These are skills developed through education and experience, such as computer skills, university degrees, languages you speak, and technical ability.

    • Transferable Skills – These are skills that you can take from one job to another, such as being able to manage people well, being good at solving complex problems, being good at planning, and being a good communicator.

    • Personal Traits – These are qualities about you are a person, such as being dependable, being hard working, being flexible, and being outgoing.

  • Review with the interviewer your strengths, which are already noted in your resume and cover letter.

  • Give specific evidence or examples of how your strengths have helped you in the past.


What are your weaknesses

Your Goal: To name weaknesses that can be improved on and that may be an asset in the right circumstances

  • Don’t try to present a strength as a weakness, such as being a workaholic or being too detail-oriented.

  • Keep the weakness a small one.

  • Show how you are working to improve on your weakness.

  • Give specific evidence or examples of how you’re working to overcome your weakness. Some options:

  • Tell the interviewer about a weakness you have already overcome.

  • Tell the interviewer about a mistake you made in the past to show that you can learn from your mistakes.

  • Tell the interviewer about a weakness that does not relate to the duties of this job.






CBI全名 Competency-based interview,基于能力考核的面试。



  • Adaptable : 考核适应力,面对新挑战的反应能力

  • Customer First : 客户优先,顾名思义总是把客户当上帝的能力

  • Decide (Judge) : 做决定的能力

  • Drive : 驱动自己,他人或者团队达到预定目标的能力

  • Engage others : Engage好难翻译成中文,意思大概是强力搞定他人及团队的能力,能和其他人和团队紧密耦合为目标服务。这个地方和Drive还是有不同,我自己也需要进一步消化。

  • Inclusive : 包容力。很好理解,外企很尊重多样性,包容不同背景不同性格不同年龄各种不同是很重要的一种能力。

  • Innovate : 创新能力

  • Intellectual capacity : 智商

  • Personal effectiveness : 个人效率,自我发展的能力。




Question : 能否和我分享下某一次你负责一个大项目的时候,项目碰到一个很大的问题,你怎么反应的,最后的结果是什么。


  • 可能的回答1: 有人可能因为没准备或者慌张,说我做过的项目因为祖上积德,都很成功,没有栗子。那么也是可以,然鹅你觉得效果好吗?差评

  • 可能的回答2: 真实说出一个项目碰到的问题,怎么反应解决的。这里怎么说让人容易听得懂,怎么说才能拿到高分就是学问了。

怎么说: 引出CAR或者STAR模型来描述

CAR: Context Action Result。STAR把ST换成 Situation Tasks也差不多

  • Context/Situation: 描述这个案例整体的背景。你原来来自的领域有可能和面试官不同,这里就需要介绍清楚背景,才能让你后面的A和R有办法被人理解。

  • Action:你做了什么

  • Result: 导致什么结果


  • Context : 我去年参与了一个公司供应链方面全球的项目,这个项目从美国发起,美国人其实对中国国情不了解,想当然认为美国能用的模型放到中国一定能用。在需求定义阶段大家争议很多,相持不下

  • Action :做大量的数据调研和数据分析科学证明美国的模型不适用,或者需要做一些定制化才可以

  • Result :美国人妥协,项目内容深度针对中国定制。最终项目成功完成并且效果良好


  • 这个人沟通能力还不错,能够在美国人的压力下想办法沟通并解决问题

  • 这个人决定能力还不错,有一定数据采集能力
