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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-08 10:10


德勤英国连续第九年入选《泰晤士报》性别平等50强雇主榜单。该榜单是德勤与商业社区(BITC)合作发布的, 德勤连续被评为性别平等50强公司之一。

德勤英国继续致力于为员工提供灵活的工作地点和工作方式,混合工作方式是我们支持员工的重要组成部分。我们已经将2022年6月启动的未来领袖项目扩大到1000人, 旨在提高女性和未被充分代表的种族群体在我们公司各级的代表性。 德勤英国 今年 合伙人晋升中, 有27名(33%)女性获得晋升,使德勤女性合伙人总数达到412名(30%)。

德勤人力与目标管理合伙人 Jackie Henry 表示:“我们入选《泰晤士报》性别平等雇主50强榜单,是对我们致力于创造包容性工作场所的重要认可。在这里,每个人都能在工作中茁壮成长。”我们最近宣布, 我们提前一年实现了2025年女性合伙人数量的目标 ——这是我们非常自豪的事情,但此项工作不会就此停止。我们将继续对自己负责,并为实现更大的性别平等而努力。”


社区商业性别平等总监夏洛特·伍德沃斯表示:“被评为《泰晤士报》性别平等50强雇主,表明德勤致力于推动一个更公平、更包容的职场。但是, 虽然上榜的雇主在优先考虑性别平等方面做得很好,但仍有更多的工作要做 。从解决薪酬差距问题到更好地支持那些有照顾责任的人,许多员工,包括女性,在找工作和职业发展方面仍然面临障碍。每个雇主都有责任在减少和消除工作场所的性别不平等方面发挥自己的作用,研究表明,这不仅是正确的事情,也是有商业意义的。”


Deloitte UK has today been named in The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality list for the ninth year running. The list, which is published in partnership with Business in the Community (BITC), recognised Deloitte as one of the top 50 organisations that continues to prioritise gender equality.

Deloitte in the UK continues to remain committed to offering our people flexibility in where and how they choose to work and our approach to hybrid working is an important part of how we support our people.  We have expanded our Future Leaders Programme, launched in June 2022, to 1,000 people, aiming to improve the representation of women and underrepresented ethnic groups at all levels of our firm. This year’s Deloitte UK partner promotions saw 27 (33%)  women being promoted, increasing the total number of Deloitte’s women partners to 412 (30%).

Jackie Henry, managing partner People and Purpose at Deloitte, said: “Our inclusion in The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality list is an important recognition of our commitment to creating an inclusive workplace, where everyone can thrive at work.  We recently announced that we’ve met our 2025 target for the number of women partners a year early - that’s something we’re really proud of, but of course the work doesn’t stop here. We will continue to hold ourselves accountable and to strive for greater gender equality.”

Over the past few years, Deloitte launched a series of new policies to support gender equality. This includes enhancements to parental leave, bereavement and baby loss, and a new menopause policy and community, alongside cover for assisted fertility treatment and gender dysphoria as part of the firm’s private medical insurance.

Charlotte Woodworth, Gender Equality Director at Business in the Community, said: “Being named as a Times Top 50 employer for gender equality demonstrates Deloitte’s commitment to driving a more equitable, inclusive world. But while the employers who made the list are doing great work prioritising gender equality, there is still more work to do. From addressing pay disparities to better supporting those with caring responsibilities, many employees, women among them, still face barriers to finding employment and progressing in their careers. It is every employer’s responsibility to play their part in reducing and removing gender inequalities from the workplace, and research shows this isn’t just the right thing to do, it also makes business sense.”



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