In an effort to contain the explosion of popular anger at the revelations, Ms Park has in the past week fired ten of her aides, including her chief of staff; reshuffled the cabinet; and appointed a new prime minister, Kim Byong-joon. Mr Kim was an aide to Roh Moo-hyun, a liberal former president, and so is notionally a political opponent of Ms Park. His appointment is therefore supposed to be an overture to the opposition. On November 3rd Mr Kim said he would “use 100%” of his rights as prime minister, suggesting a more expansive role for a position that is mostly ceremonial—though whether the National Assembly will approve his appointment is unsure. Cho Kuk of Seoul National University says the president, whose party recently lost its parliamentary majority but who has 15 months of her single five-year term left, is not just a lame duck, but a “dead duck”.
为了能够遏制住公众对泄密事件不断扩大的愤怒,在过去的一周,朴槿惠解雇了包括参谋长在内的十多位部下,重组了内阁,并且任命金秉准为新总理。金秉准曾是前自由党领导人卢武铉的部下,他理论上也是朴槿惠的反对派政客。因此,金秉准的上台拉开了反对政党登场的序幕。11月3日,金秉准宣称他将会充分地利用总理的权利,提议设立一个只能更为广泛的职位—主要用于形式上,即使国民大会是否会通过对他的任命仍未知。首尔国民大学的Cho Kuk指出,总统朴槿惠所在的党派近期失去了大多数的国会席位,但是她还有剩下15个月的任期。所以说,她并不是一位快要下台的过气总统,而是一位已经死路一条的总统。