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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-07 10:05


国际螺纹钢出口商和生产商协会 (Irepas) 表示,第二季度将是“……体量生存期”。该协会指出,只要能够避免社会动荡,经济活动应该会在冠状病毒疫情高峰之后反弹,这可能出现在第三季度。

The second quarter will be one of “… volume survival,”says the International Rebar Exporters and Producers Association (Irepas).Economic activity should rebound after the coronavirus peaks, which could be inQ3, as long as social unrest is avoided, it adds.


There will be massive capacity reductions in Q2, ontop of the Easter and Ramadan periods, with pricing and volumes at a low point.


The regionalisation of markets is now beingreinforced by the pandemic. Some regions may see shortages and some otherssurpluses, and it will take time for this to balance out. Significant pricedifferences may be seen between regions, as was experienced decades ago.


Some rebuilding and stimulus going on in China haspropped up pricing and demand, but the rest of the world is in the early ormiddle stage of the pandemic. Production stoppages have occurred due to brokensupply chains. Most businesses are running at significantly lower rates, if atall.

“现役钢铁产能的停产并没有得到真正的协调,” Irepas 在发送给 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)的一份报告中表示。“在某些地区,太多的产能将同时消失。这些产能极有可能以同样迅速和不协调的方式重返市场。

“The stoppages of active steel productioncapacities are not really being coordinated,” Irepas says in a note sent to Kallanish .“Far too much capacity will disappear at the same time in certain regions. Itis highly likely that these production capacities will come back to the marketin just as quick and uncoordinated a manner.”

随着全球需求暴跌,石油价格大幅下降,原材料价格也随之下跌。进口原材料供应正在迅速放缓。“在某些情况下,需求依然良好,但原材料需求无法得到满足,” Irepas 表示。“这种情况非常不寻常。随着西方世界的工业和贸易陷入停滞,废钢供应明显减少。

Oil prices have tumbled as global demand hasplummeted, with raw material prices following su it. Incoming r aw material supply is slowing fast. “In some cases, demand is stillgood but raw material needs cannot be filled,” Irepas observes. “This is a veryunusual situation. Ferrous scrap availability is significantly lower asindustry and trade has been grinding to a halt through the Western world.”


The Chinese pick-up in activity after thecoronavirus crisis at least gives some sort of hope to the rest of the worldcurrently in lockdown, the association comments.



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