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Studio Milani丨新旧交融

设计诗designer  · 公众号  · 家居 设计  · 2024-12-17 08:08


文章介绍了Studio Milani Andrea Milani建筑公司的历史背景以及其在Palazzo Batignani重新设计和再生项目中的工作。文章中提到了HDsurface作为项目的共同主线,并详细描述了其如何将历史元素和当代美学融合在一起。此外,文章还强调了私人住宅项目中不同房间的视觉连续性以及材料混合使用的特点。最后,文章提到了该建筑公司在锡耶纳乡村的住宅项目中的工作,并强调了其独特的设计风格和材料选择。


关键观点1: Studio Milani Andrea Milani建筑公司的历史及在Palazzo Batignani项目的工作


关键观点2: Palazzo Batignani项目的特色


关键观点3: 私人住宅项目的特点


关键观点4: 公司工作的独特环境



Studio Milani

Andrea Milani建筑公司创办于1999年的锡耶纳,目前有10名建筑师。

Lo studio di Architettura Andrea Milani nasce a Siena nel 1999 e ad oggi è stabilmente composto da dieci architetti.

HDsurface是贯穿Palazzo Batignani重新设计和再生项目的共同主线,该项目由米兰工作室策划,位于托斯卡纳蒙特普尔恰诺的中心。这是一个大约400平方米的空间,最初在16世纪到17世纪之间进行了翻新,旨在将拱顶和地板等历史元素与马赛克、饰面和具有当代美学的材料和谐地结合起来。
HDsurface surfaces are the common thread running through the restyling and regeneration project of Palazzo Batignani, curated by Studio Milani in the heart of Montepulciano in Tuscany.  A roughly 400-square-meter space, originally renovated between the 16th and 17th centuries, designed to bring historical elements, such as vaults and floors, to life in harmony with mosaics, finishes and materials with a contemporary aesthetic.

The private residence features PerfectCombination as the binder of the project, providing visual continuity between the different rooms.   A historic setting immersed in the Sienese countryside is thus reinterpreted into a refined contemporary residence in which a mix of materials, symmetrical plays, important heights typical of a residence of bygone times and historical stratifications are the distinctive elements.

Used for floors in a warm, soft beige colour, PerfectCombination embodies that visual and tactile element that gives personality and a sense of materiality to spaces.    A synergetic blend of cement and resin, this material is emblematic of HDsurface's unique ability to expand the potential of continuous surfaces by making them a constantly evolving field in both aesthetic and technical terms.

A decorative system that combines the naturalness and spontaneity of cement with the durability, elasticity and waterproof properties of resin, offering maximun design versatility.     A surface with a cloudy effect that enhances the craftsmanship, characterised by shifting chiaroscuro patterns that evoke the material intensity of cement yet with a minimalist style, perfect for interior projects with a sophisticated and contemporary language.

La residenza privata vede PerfectCombination come legante del progetto, ciò che dona continuità visiva tra i diversi ambienti. Un contesto storico immerso nella campagna senese viene così reinterpretato in una raffinata residenza contemporanea in cui mix di materiali, giochi di simmetrie, importanti altezze tipiche di una dimora d’altri tempi e stratificazioni storiche sono gli elementi caratterizzanti.
