Creative writing
I am a rabbit.I live in the temperate deciduous forest.I was born in here.I lived with my mother for 3months.I am growing now.When I was young,my mum found food for me everyday.I was very happy live with her!Now,I must learn how to live in this biome.First,I need to fid my food.I smile them and then eat them.The next thing I must learn is will have some dangerous my "lunch time".So,I must listen carefully and eat my food near my home.The weather here is also changeable.It's warm,but when it is winter,it's also cold.So,my hair and sunlight will keep ma warm.The water here is very clear,I always drink it.There also has a lot of other types of animal.Some of them are very meek,but some are very evil.My hair is white,so it can protect me in winter!
作品用一个废旧的皮鞋盒子做成。内部是生物群共生共存的和谐画面。在Creative writing中,学生以一个兔子为主角来展开描述落叶林的特点、以及所生存的生物、气候,以及生物的生活习性。你可以看到水中的乌龟,树枝头上的猛禽、陆地上的各类动物等,而盒子内侧也同样标出了该类森林的地理位置、温度、降雨量和生物群种类。