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#新冠疫情期间善举# 何塞·安德烈主厨:通过食物的力量改变世界

美国驻华大使馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-17 16:46




何塞·安德烈是全美首批为应对冠状病毒而将他所有的餐饮店关闭的人。此后,他与他的救灾机构 "世界中央厨房"一起,把其中的六家餐饮店改造为“社区厨房”。


Across the country, Americans are demonstrating #CovidKindness.  Restaurateur and founder of ThinkFoodGroup and World Central Kitchen, Chef  José Andrés has made it his mission to ensure that even though people are apart, they are not alone in getting through the pandemic, and that everyone has access to safe, healthy, low or no-cost meals. José Andrés was among the first in the country to close all of his restaurants in response to coronavirus. Since then, he has repurposed six of his restaurants into “community kitchens” in conjunction with his disaster relief organization, World Central Kitchen. Meals are packaged and provided at reduced prices, and are free for those who can’t pay. He has also promised that once restaurants are able to re-open, every doctor and nurse will eat for free for the rest of the year.