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Join Ele.me’s “Cut the Cutlery” Challenge! 绿色倡议助力饿了么推动“无需餐具”大挑战!

绿色倡议  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-02 18:23


Starting this week, Green initiative will join forces with Ele.me (饿了么) to push the “Cut the Cutlery” challenge together.


Why take on this challenge? 为什么要加入“无需餐具”挑战?

The environmental impacts of takeout have been causing a stir on the domestic internet during the past few months. Takeout disposable cutlery, in particular, provoked a heated discussion. Plastics products are made from fossil fuel -- one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. After being manufactured, non-biodegradable plastic is either buried, incinerated or due to improper disposal, end up in the ocean.


塑料袋与一次性餐具是对海洋动物最致命的垃圾 (来源:Ocean Conservancy)

Plastics are not only harmful to soil and air quality, it also poses a serious threat to wildlife. The resulting consequences are almost irreversible. Keep in mind: any damage to the earth will eventually affect us in one way or another. Reducing and reusing plastic should be our main goal. Recycling is the last solution.


The same problem lies in the production and recycling of disposable chopsticks. They are wasteful products and often made in unsanitary conditions. Used chopsticks have very low recycle value and let’s not forget the plastic wraps that usually come with them.


However, it’s not easy to change some of the habits that have long been developed -- although some might say it only takes about 21 days to form a new habit. Whether it's true or not, we should start with small changes.

然而,要让大家改变一些长久养成的习惯并不容易——尽管网络上盛传形成一个新习惯只要重复坚持 21 天。不管真假,我们还是倡议大家从一些小小的改变开始做起。

What will be the impact? 这场挑战的影响会是什么?

Let restaurants and vendors know that the consumer behaviors are changing towards a more sustainable direction. Single-use cutlery is obsolete. We can help shape the development of circular economy among F&B industry.

让商户知道,消费者的行为模式正在往好的方向改变。 快餐餐具是也不是高附加值的产品。这对餐饮行业的可持续发展能起到潜移默化的作用。

Help China to speed up the pace of phasing out single-use plastic. Last year, France announced the plan to ban disposable plastic cutlery by 2020 and became the first country in the world to implement this policy. This action was soon followed by Delhi, the capital of India, and Hobart in Australia. South Korea will completely stop importing and manufacturing products containing plastic particles by 2018. In Japan, a country known for its strict and systematic garbage disposal system, residents are required to separate plastic and food waste. Taipei's government had also implemented a one-off ban on cutlery last year, a move that has been extended to night markets and shopping districts.

让中国加快“限塑”的脚步。 去年,法国决定在 2020 年全面禁止一次性塑料餐具,成为世界上第一个实施这一政策的国家。印度首都德里也宣告禁止任何一次性的塑料制品,拥有相同计划的还有澳大利亚的霍巴特市;韩国在 2018 年将完全停止输入和制造含塑料微粒的制品;在日本,垃圾分类十分普遍而且严格,居民还需要向政府缴纳回收费;在宝岛台湾,台北市政府机构和机关学校已在 2016 年全面实施了一次性餐具的禁令,现在这一举措已经推广到了夜市和商圈。

What can you do? 你能做什么?

As the leading takeout platform in China, Ele.me introduced a new feature in their app for users to opt out single-use cutlery. All you need to do is simply click on the small leaf button that says “无需餐具” when placing an order.


It won’t take you more than a second, and it will give you 1 gold coin/ 10 points as a reward. You can exchange these points for eco-friendly gifts at Ele.me’s EcoZone (环保专区). More importantly, your contribution is added to the cumulative number of times Ele.me users have opted for no cutlery (target: 5 million pledges), this also allows you to get involved in their final tree planting project -- 1000 pledges for 1 tree.

这一个连 1 秒都不需要的小举动,不仅可以让你得到更多积分,在饿了么环保专区换取实质的奖励。还能被算入本次挑战的累计次数(目标是 500 万次),让你参与到最终的植树项目中。次数可以累计,每次能得到额外的 1 金币/ 10积分。挑战结束后,1000 次“无需餐具”会转化为 1 棵树苗。

Being eco-frie ndly doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice convenience. According to Ele.me, more people order takeouts on weekends than on weekdays. So there’s really no point in using disposable cutleries -- they are so hard to use anyway! If there’s no reusable cutlery in your school or office, there’s plenty of light and eco-friendly alternatives online. It’s time to invest in some foldable chopsticks, silicone water bottles, and stainless steel straws.

环保不代表就要牺牲便利。 根据饿了么的数据,相比工作日,会在周末点餐的人更多。当你在家叫外卖时,完全可以选择“无需餐具”。更何况外卖的餐具根本不好用!如果公司或学校没有餐具,市面上也有非常多便携式的产品,像折叠筷子,硅胶袋子和水壶,轻巧而且环保。

Be a part of the solution, not the problem. If you have any tips or good ideas to reduce the takeout waste, please send them to us. Selected readers will receive some special gifts from us.

成为解决问题的一员,而不是产生问题的根源。 如果你有任何关于点外卖时可以做到的环保、节约窍门,或者解决方案,也请发送我们。我们会将你的贴士分享给大家,并为你准备了意外的惊喜。

A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.



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