Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai is right around the corner, ready to get your most innovative outfit?
Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 即将登陆,如何“由内而外”成为动物?
Fear not, we are giving you some ideas that will not fail in being a showstopper!
Animal Ears/动物耳朵
Whether you wanna be a bunny, a monkey, or a cheetah, animal ears are always simple and effective. Accessorize the rest of your outfit by drawing some cheetah spots onto your face and a nose to get the full cheetah effect.
Pokemon Apparel/口袋妖怪系列
In light of all the insane hype around Pokemon Go, it would be relevant AF if you chose to get all decked out in Pokemon gear. And who knows? Maybe you'll be able to catch some Pokemon at the Zoo, and not just another Ratata or Pidgey.
今年口袋妖怪游戏被炒得热火朝天的,抓了一整天的收获就是一堆小拉达或者波波,也许你会在 Electric Zoo 的现场抓到点不一样的。
Prepare to reach comfort level 100. Animal onesies are definitely the move if you're the type of person where comfort is the number one priority. You can't buy happiness like this folks:
I'm gonna be totally honest here; every time I've seen the person in front of me at a fest wearing a furry hood, I can't resist but to cop a feel. It's just SO fuzzy and fluffy.
Body Paint/人体彩绘
This is your guaranteed way to steal the show and really showcase your creativity, so looks like it's time to whip out the body paint and go for some glow-in-the-dark paint.
Alright, there you have it! Now it's your turn to get out there and start brainstorming on some ideas, take inspiration from your everyday life and maybe even watch some Animal Planet?
开始头脑风暴吧,或者看一集动物世界!小动物们,11月12日,世博公园,Electric Zoo Countdown Shanghai 现场见!
Be Animal, Be Wild!
Electric Zoo Countdown ShanghaiEarly Bird 早鸟票 299(Sold Out 售罄)Pre-sale 预售 399
At Door 现场 499
Limited Animal Edition 限量动物票 499
exclusive survival kit 动物道具包Scan the QR code or click "Read More" to get your tickets.
Click "Read More" to get your tickets.
点击 “阅读原文” 进入购票页面