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投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-28 20:31


第十八章 你一定要控制风险,限制亏损

You Must Control and Limit Your Losses

Futures traders would do well to reflect on a statement made by Chicago-based Richard Dennis, acknowledged as the most successful of today’s big operators. The majority of his profits come from just 5 percent of his trades. And, don’t forget, we are talking about telephone number-size profits.


Most speculators depend on an array of mechanical and computerized gadgets to help them in their trend identification and trade timing. They spend a lot of time squinting at price screens and price charts that run the gamut from simple line or point and figure, to multidimensional moving-average combinations and exotic concoctions like RSI, DM, square of R, etc. There are even those quick-action, on-line tick charts the operator can preset for anywhere from 30- or 60-minute bar intervals right down to 5- or even 3-minute intervals.


But perhaps I can coax you away, if only briefly, from those paper and electronic aids and suggest that you focus on the significance of Mr. Dennis’s intriguing statement - that the majority of his profits come from just 5 percent of his trades.


Exactly how Mr. Dennis develops his trend identification and trade timing are not necessarily germane to this discussion-besides, his methods are proprietary and understandably kept secret. But what is not secret is that he obviously views sound money management and trading strategy to be every bit as important as his charting or computer technique. This is something that most of us can stand to take some lessons on.


Before the proliferation of the microcomputer and the availability of powerful software, traders had to rely on their experience and recall and on their ability to study and interpret price charts or fundamental data. Often the decision-making process depended on things like instinct, intuition, or plain gut feeling. The successful operators managed to synthesize a “chemistry” combining these subjective skills with a technical expertise. And their bottom-line results over any period of time depended on the sum of the above factors combined with each one’s particular approach to money management and investment strategy.


Each of the players developed his own style and approach. These were as varied as the number of serious practitioners. Strategies ranged from, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” (diversify with a balanced array of six, eight, or even more markets) to Baruch’s oft-quoted dictum to “Put all your eggs in one basket but watch the basket carefully.” In fact, before my 1975 “retirement,” I characteristically put all or most of my eggs into one basket, whether the basket contained copper, wheat, or sugar. On occasion, this approach paid off very handsomely.


Without question, a key to Mr. Dennis’s success, as well as to the success of all the leading operators, is their ability to curb losses - to keep them within acceptable limits. OK, you might ask, what is an acceptable limit in which to hold my losses? My first response would be for you to keep all paper losses within your personal sleeping level. Obviously, once any loss on an open position reaches the point where it affects your sleep, your job performance, or your personal life, it has reached the “excessive” level and should be reduced or liquidated. That’s not all there is to say on that subject, however. I have seen countless individuals who spend hours at automobile dealerships trying to save a few hundred on a new car sit with paper losses in the thousands without flinching. Obviously, we must arrive at some objective, pragmatic understanding of when to pull the plug on an adverse position. At the outset, I will say that the least intelligent way of deciding when to quit a losing position is how the trader feels about its viability. It makes little difference if he thinks it has profit potential or is hopeless and should be abandoned or even closed out and reversed. Hardly any trader, professional or otherwise, is even remotely qualified to make this determination because that would presuppose the ability to predict next week’s or next month’s prices. And no one can do that. Let's make the decision entirely objective! One way to do this would be to equate allowable risk on any position with the respective exchange margin. For instance, you could limit your loss to, say, 50 or 100 percent of the margin. Furthermore, once the position shows a good profit of, say, 50 percent of the margin, you start advancing the stop by some preset formula. There is a compelling rationale to this approach. The amount of margin, as established by each exchange for its commodities, is generally related to the price level and the trading volatility of each market; hence, indirectly to its profit potential.


For example, you would risk twice as much on a wheat position as on a corn position-the exchange margin is $750 versus $400. And I would project the price volatility of wheat to be double that of corn.


There is another good reason for setting stops this way. You want to keep them away from the accumulation of stops at the so-called logical chart points used by the majority of commission house speculators. These popular stop points frequently serve as targets for trade firms and big locals to shoot at. The May 1987 coffee future serves as an example. Coffee had been in a major bear market since topping out at the 2.60 level in late 1985. From June through September 1986, the downtrend took a pause and traded generally sideways, between 1.65 and 2.00. By late August, a large concentration of buy stops had accumulated just above 2.00 on a closing basis. This fact did not escape the attention of the large professional operators. Accordingly, during the week of September 22, the market experienced a “sudden” surge of heavy professional buying, putting values up to 2.07. Oops-there went all the speculative buy stops. Following this cleaning out of the stops and the reversal to long of many trading systems and speculative positions, the buying “suddenly” abated. Next, heavy professional selling “suddenly” hit the floor. Not unexpectedly, the market resumed its major downtrend, with values plummeting down to the 1.00 level. This was the classic bear trap (see Figure 18-1).


图18-1 1987年5月咖啡豆  (典型的“空头陷阱”)

【Here was the classic bear trap. During a three-month sideways (1.65-2.00) respite in an ongoing major bear market, the trade noted a large concentration of speculative short positions in the market with buy stops just above 2.00. Not surprisingly, during the week of September 22, the market experienced a “sudden” surge of heavy professional buying, taking out all the buy stops and reversing the trending systems and the speculative positions to long. After the buy stops had been cleaned out, the buying “suddenly” abated, and heavy professional selling “suddenly” hit the market. Values plummeted clear down to the 1.00 level.


Another Chicago professional is Robert Moss, who has been associated with C and D Commodities on the floor of the Board of Trade. Here is what Moss says about his operating strategy.


Let profits run and don’t worry about taking them. Worry about minimizing losses.


On any given trade, I would not want to lose more than 4 percent of the capital invested.


Of my trades, 5 to 8 percent are profitable, 10 percent are breakeven, and the rest are losers.


I tend to make money two days out of five, break even another two days, and have losses one day.

5天里面,通常我2天赚钱, 2天打平, 1天亏损。

There are other compelling reasons why the operator must control his losses as well as his overall trading activity, and they relate to the cost of doing business. First of all, you pay a commission whether you win or lose. Let’s say your commission cost is $50 per round turn. A profit of $500 nets out at $450, while a loss of $500 nets down to $550. In fact, I’ve seen many active traders whose annual commission bills have run to nearly 100 percent of their starting equity. They would have to make a 100 percent trading profit in every year just to break even. Food for thought isn’t it? Secondly, it is far more difficult to make up losses than it is to lose in the first place. Take a trader who starts with $30,000 and who loses $10,000, equal to 33 percent of his capital. He is now down to $20,000, and, in order to get back to his $30,000 beginning equity, he must increase his account by $10,000-for a 50 percent appreciation. He loses 33 percent but must make back 50 percent to come out whole. And it’s even worse because of the commission costs, which are charged on both profitable and losing trades. You might try working out some other percentage combinations of losing versus winning-it doesn’t make for entertaining reading.


A number of years ago, while formulating certain trading strategies, I did a survey of my clients’ trading over the years. The results were generally unimpressive, which should not have been surprising. Then I restructured just one aspect of their trading, calculating what the results would have been if losses had been limited by some objective formula to, say, 45 percent of the respective margins. Without exception, the results were substantially improved: I took into consideration those positions that were closed on this “45 percent rule” but that subsequently reversed and would have resulted in profits had they not been liquidated on such a close stop. Judge for yourself:


1. A New England metals fabricator invested $105,000 in a trading account, and after nine months had lost its original capital plus an additional $30,000. A recap of its activity revealed a total of 35 trades, of which 12 were profitable and 23 were not. That was not the problem-its Waterloo was that the average size profit was $1,799 per contract while the average loss was $6,844. Terrible, wasn’t it? If this firm had limited its losses to 45 percent of margin for each position, it would have suffered an over-all loss of just $9,232 instead of the $135,000 it actually lost. Its average size loss would have been $1,340 per contract instead of $6,844. Some difference!

1. 新英格兰地区一家金属制造商放了105000元在一个交易账户里,9个月后不但老本全部亏掉,还多损失了30000元。分析这家公司的交易情况,发现总共有35笔交易,其中12笔赚钱,23笔不赚钱。问题还是出在这里——它的惨败在于平均每份利润只有1799元,平均亏损却有6844元。这很可怕,不是吗?如果这家公司每做一个仓位就把损失限制在保证金的45%之内。全部的损失便会只有9232元,而不是实际发生的135000元。如果真的像我们所说的那样做,它的平均每份亏损金额会是1340元,而不是6844元。这不是有天壤之别吗?

2. And, lest you think that big losses only happen to public traders, here is the trading record of an otherwise highly sophisticated private European bank whose trader used to TELEX me orders for execution in Chicago and New York. Starting capital was $100,000. After 13 months it had been depleted to $54,500, at which time the bank discharged its local trader and quit speculative operations. During those 13 months only 3 of their 14 trades were profitable. Their average size profit was a dismal $255 per contract, while their average size loss was $4,156. Isn’t that incredible? Had the bank limited its losses to 45 percent of margins and permitted its profits to run until taken out by the stops, its overall loss would have been a mere $6,719 ($634 per contract), and it could have continued trading till it caught some good trends and moved into profitability.

2. 为免除你误以为大亏损只会发生在公共交易者身上,不妨来看看另一个例子。这个例子中的当事人是欧洲一家极为老练精明的私人银行,银行指定的交易者总是拍电报给我,在芝加哥和纽约下单子。刚开始的资金是100000元,13个月后,钱只剩下54500元,于是银行解聘了交易者,放弃投机性交易。这13个月内,该行的14笔交易里,只有3笔是赚钱的,平均每份合约获利少得可怜,只有255元,平均亏损却高达4156元。这是不是很不可思议?要是该行把亏损限制在45%内,整个损失会只有6719元(每份合约634元),如果后来能够逮到好趋势并获利的话,也许还能继续交易下去。

3. It is enlightening to compare these two traders’ results with that of a small trading fund that started with just $18,000. After 18 months of operations, its capital had appreciated to $130,000. Of its total 230 trades, 150 were profitable. Of greater significance, the average size profit was $1,020 per contract, while the average loss was kept to $515.

3. 拿这两位交易者的成绩和一笔小额基金的成果来比较,可以给我们很重要的启示。这笔基金开始的时候只有18000元,18个月后,资本增值到130000元。它总共交易了230笔,其中150笔赚。更重要的事,平均利润是每份合约1020元,平均损失则只有515元。

These recaps tell the story, and the conclusions are inescapable. Traders 1 and 2 traded against the major trends and made no serious attempt to limit losses on adverse positions. On the contrary, profitable positions were quickly closed out, while losses were allowed to develop into even bigger losses. The trading fund, on the other hand, exercised the considerable discipline of trading with the prevailing major trends, following a strict policy of minimizing losses and allowing profits to run. They played by the rules, and their bottom line reflects it.


































In terms of controlling and limiting losses, many experienced operators have likened trading strategy to particular aspects of chess strategy. For instance, the chess player has to be prepared to lose certain pieces in order to gain some tactical advantage or to capture some other piece of even greater value. What chess player wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice a bishop or rook in order to capture his opponent’s queen? The speculative corollary is that you must be prepared to sacrifice your antitrend losing positions in favor of your with-the-trend winning positions. There is no valid logic in holding onto and defending these losing positions when, with the same funds, you can defend or add to your with-the-trend profitable positions. Another chess strategy that is applicable to speculative operations is that white plays to win while black plays for a draw. What does this mean? In a game between two equally ranked masters, white moves first and is assumed to have the advantage. He therefore pursues an aggressive stance aimed at victory. Black, on the other hand, is assumed to be starting at a disadvantage and normally takes a defensive posture at the outset. Unless white carelessly commits some tactical faux pas that would pass the advantage to black, black maintains this defensive stance. He is content to play to a draw, looking forward to taking an aggressive and win-oriented strategy in a subsequent game where he plays white and has the first move.


How does this analogy relate to trading strategy? On your with-the-trend holdings - analogous to the first move in chess - you have the dominant position and play an aggressive game for a big win. Here you hold for the major move, rather than close out quickly for a small profit. However, when you are sitting with an against-the-trend position - the second move in chess - you assume a defensive posture and content yourself with a draw or a breakeven closeout if you can get one. Here it makes little sense to try to sit it out, hoping that the trend will flip to favor your adverse position and offer you a big score on the trade. If you can finesse a breakeven trade, take it. You have a far greater chance of making your money on with-the-trend positions than on those adverse, wishful-thinking situations.


I experienced this strategy first hand in the Swiss franc market in late 1986. Swiss had been in a strong downtrend until March (see Figure 18-2) when it got down to the 51.00 level (basis December future). It then turned north. And what a bull deal it was, with values advancing all the way to 62.00 by early October. I had been long on two occasions, having dumped the most recent position just above 61.00 on what appeared to be a grossly overbought technical situation. It was still a strong up-trend and a bull market, I reasoned, so I just sat on the sidelines awhile, waiting to reenter the long side on a sharp reaction.


图18-2 1986年12月瑞士法郎

【During the week of November 3, the market smashed through support at the 59.00 double-bottom level, breaking the uptrend line and flipping the technical systems to short. The reaction found support at the 58.00 level, and, on the ensuing rally, I dumped my long position around 59.50. I was now out of the market.

Following this market break, values reversed back to north, and the technical indicators signaled the new uptrend on December 19. It was a timely call; following expiration of the December future, there was still another 800 points on the upside.



But where to place the buy orders? I projected good buying support around 59.00 (basis December) at the double-bottom support level and waited for what I hoped would be the inevitable technical reaction. I didn’t have long to wait. On October 27, the market dropped into my buying zone, and I loaded up. My euphoria lasted a whole two days with a 100-point rally, but I hadn’t reckoned with “them,” who must have just discovered that I had been buying and who were waiting to clobber me. Just six days later, I was sitting with a 100-point loss ($1,250 per contract on a large position) and in a market that had taken out all logical support and now appeared poised to commence a fullbore retreat. What a shock! I realized that I was suddenly afflicted with the futures trader’s recurring malady - egg on the face.


Over the next couple of days, the “what’s going on?” phone calls from a number of anxious clients served to remind me that I had better find a viable means of dealing with this situation. I reverted to my one reliable mainstay - my “drawing board” of short- and long-term charts and the trend-following computer system that I had been using for nearly four years. No doubt about it, the trend had clearly turned down. The overriding sentiment was decidedly bearish. The market was down to the 58.00 level, which coincided with a 40 percent downward retracement of the previous up-leg, and I projected some sort of a technical bounce from this support area. My strategy was to sit through this down-leg, to assume we would get some sort of a rally off the 58.00 level, and, if possible, to dump the entire position into resistance around 59.50.


This would mean a breakeven trade. What kind of a strategy, one might ask, has as its objective the closeout of a big position at a breakeven point? Why wouldn’t I prefer to make a profit on it? Of course I would prefer to make a profit-but it didn’t seem to be in the cards, and here’s why. Although I try to play my positions only in the direction of the ongoing major trend, it’s not always possible due to the dynamic nature of these volatile markets. Besides, you may enter a position with the trend, only to see it reverse after you are aboard. Under those circumstances, it is best to get out of the position as quickly as possible to minimize your loss. If you are able to walk away with a breakeven, so much the better. There is always the chance that, shortly after you liquidate, the market will reverse back to its original direction and you will have closed out unnecessarily. But that’s one of the risks of the game, and you learn to live with it. Besides, if you see that you have exited prematurely, you can try to reenter with a clear head and at a more favorable opportunity. The odds favor profits on your with-the-trend positions, and that's where you should focus your attention and your funds.


My Swiss franc position was now against the trend, and the market had penetrated both the uptrend line and the 59.00 support level - hence the decision to dump. And since I projected likely rally back into the 59.50 resistance level, it would serve as my sell point. That notwithstanding, I had a below-the-market stop, around 57.40, as my bailout point in case the rally fizzled. On November 10 and 11, Swiss rallied up into my sell zone, and I did just that. Chalk up one breakeven trade. Was I concerned that the market would again flip to up and advance to new highs? Not in the least. I played it just the way I should have considering the circumstances. As a boy, I recall reading a quote by Satchel Paige, one of baseball’s great early pitchers. “Don’t look back-someone might be gaining on you.” In fact, following this November break-even liquidation, the market did flip back to a strong bull trend. Attentive technical traders had the opportunity to get back aboard the long side, as many of the trading systems signaled a buy on December 19.


There is an old Scottish saying, “You mind your pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.” Perhaps the speculative corollary is, “You mind your losses and the profits will take care of themselves.



























投资圈女混混 版权声明
