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【卫报】华尔街的无畏女孩| 第75期(补)

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-28 06:04




Fearless Girl? She looks like she's auditioning for a TV talent show | Emma Brockes

无所畏惧的女孩?她看起来正在为电视才艺表演进行试演|Emma BrockesThe new bronze statue facing down the Charging Bull on Wall Street is meant to be a symbol of defiant femininity. What a pity it makes no sense


Emma Brockes | 795 words

I had a meeting near Wall Street this week, half a block from the Charging Bull statue. I haven't been down there for years; the last time I went was half a decade ago, to see a lawyer about suing my landlord. The site was mobbed, and I couldn't see what I was looking for. Then the tourists parted and there she was, the Fearless Girl, now the subject of a complaint to the city. 


On first skimming the news story about the objection by the artist Arturo Di Modica, I assumed he had created the girl and was protesting about using her to promote Wall Street.Since being placed opposite the bull, on the eve of International Women's Day, the Fearless Girl - hands on hips, ponytail swinging - has been the subject of a million concerned pieces about the misuse of art, the infantilisation of female ambition, and the kind of fraudulent feminism that promises little girls, if they work hard, they can grow up to be bankers(读者试译句)当第一眼扫到关于艺术家阿图罗·迪·莫迪卡的抗议的新闻故事时,我猜想是他创造了这个女孩并反对用她装点华尔街.期待您的翻译,将您的理解留言在文章下方留言处吧,并关注我们每日一句的长难句解析。

  • Fraudulent  adj. 欺骗性的;不正的

Anyway, that's not what it was about. Di Modica made the bull, not the little girl, and was lobbying the city to recognise that, by adding the second figure, the meaning of his own artwork had been fatally distorted, and in this he wasn't wrong.

然而,以上内容并不是事情的真相。Di modica创造的是铜牛,而不是小女孩,并通过增加第二个雕塑来试图使城市承认他自己艺术作品的意义已经被致命扭曲,就这一点而言他并无过错。


The Charging Bull, which was installed in 1987 to represent the indomitable American spirit after the stock market crash, now represents nothing of the sort. Instead, as it plays chicken with Little Miss Muffet over there, the bull is transformed into an ugly, snorting symbol of bigotry, which is trying to eliminate a child, no less. No wonder Di Modica is annoyed.

在1987年,代表着股市崩盘后不屈不挠的美国精神的华尔街铜牛被塑造,而现在的铜牛早已没有了那样的意义。相反地,当它在那里同Little Miss Muffet(译者注:Little Miss Muffet是指美国的一首童谣,这里的意思是指小女孩)较劲的时候,铜牛的形象赫然变成了丑陋,轻蔑的偏执的象征,他看起来像是在试图消灭一个小女孩。难怪Di Modica会感到愤怒。

  • Indomitable  adj. 不屈不挠的;不服输的;不气馁的

  • Snorting  vi. 轻蔑或愤怒地发出哼声;喷出蒸汽声

  • Bigotry  n. 偏执;顽固;盲从

My own objection to the Fearless Girl is less for political reasons than grounds of cuteness and the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever. Why is the dearth of women on Wall Street being symbolised with a child? What does she have to do with the economy? There's also a visual laziness about the figure: she looks like Eloise, or Orphan Annie, or a 10-year-old auditioning for a talent show who is about to do the splits. The whole piece has about it the cliched air of a flower in the barrel of a gun. The bull, meanwhile, suddenly makes total sense.

我个人对无所畏惧的女孩的反对与其说是政治原因,不如说是没发现它可爱的理由和事实上无论如何它都没有任何意义。为什么一个孩子会用来象征华尔街缺乏女性的问题?她和经济有什么关系?这里同样有这一人物的一个视觉惰性:她看起来像Eloise(注:一本故事书的女主角),或者Orphan Annie(注:一个美国漫画里的主角),还像一名10岁的小女孩在参加一档电视选秀节目的试镜,正准备要表演劈叉。整个作品都洋溢着一种“插在枪筒里的野花”这样老套的氛围。(注:Flower in the gun barrel是一部电影,经典一幕为一个男人将野菊花插进了对着他的枪筒里。)相比之下,铜牛的存在好像突然说得通了。

  • Whatsoever  pron. 无论什么

  • Dearth  n. 缺乏;饥馑;粮食不足

Success doesn't suit the loser


I watched Louis CK's new show on Netflix this week, which has garnered muted reviews. It's true; it's slightly off. It doesn't quite flow. The opening gag about abortion half-works, and the other half feels like something he came up with after writing "Abortion" at the top of a page and underlining it twice.

本周我在Netflix上观看了Louis CK的新节目,该节目反响平平。情况属实,略微有点让人失望。感觉并不是很流畅。开场的关于堕胎的笑话占了一半内容,


  • Netflix  网飞公司,美国最大的在线视频PGC提供商,曾推出如House Of Cards《纸牌屋》,Daredevil《夜魔侠》等优秀剧目。

  • Garnered  vt. 获得;储存;把…储入谷仓

  • Gag  n. 塞口物;讨论终结;箝制言论

Mainly, it doesn't work because Louis CK can't make the kinds of jokes he used to make before he was successful. As he observed in his much better opening monologue on Saturday Night Live last week: "I've been doing stand-up comedy for 32 years, and it's been going great for four years." It's a little unfair, but this puts the vast majority of his material out of his reach. He can't do his losers-like-me schtick any more since he is no longer a loser, unless the way he's being loserish is by abusing hotel staff. (A good joke in the SNL set). He can make fun of being uncomfortable with success. He can't make fun of a guy passing him on the motorway in a rubbish car, and thinking: "Why don't you just kill yourself?"

这样说吧,节目并不是很成功是因为Louis CK不能再开他成功前开过的各式各样的玩笑。正如他在上周的《周六夜现场》更受欢迎的开场白中所提到的:“我已经做单人喜剧表演32年了,最近4年情况越来越好。”这里略微有些不公平,这种现状使得他再也不能使用到他自己的大部分素材。他再也不能做他的“像我一样的失败者”的滑稽表演,因为他不再是一个失败者,除非他通过辱骂酒店员工的方式以变得失败。(一个《周六夜现场》笑话)。当他对成功感到不安的时候他能开玩笑。但他不能取笑那个在高速公路上超过他的垃圾车上的那个人,他不能有这样的想法“你为什么不自杀呢?” 

  • Monologue  n. 独白

  • Stand-up  adj. 站立的;直立的;说单口相声的

  • Schtick  n. 滑稽动作,小噱头,拿手好戏

Riding for a fall


Summer-like weather in New York meant all the kids were suddenly on bikes. The safety paraphernalia was amazing. Helmets, knee pads, elbow pads - even a mouthguard. It made me nostalgic for being six and getting put in the wicker basket at the front of my dad's lumbering butcher's bike - no helmet, no steering as far as anyone could tell - and shambling around town at a terrifying 30 degree angle.


  • Paraphernalia  n. 随身用具;全部有关的事物;设备

  • Wicker  n. 柳条;枝条;柳条制品

  • Shambling  adj. 拖沓的;呆滞的

In other ways, nothing changes and in spite of the precautions, the park was alive with the sound of a million small dramas. "Dylan, brake. Brake. Brake. BRAAAAAAAAKE!"





Try to translate it

Since being placed opposite the bull, on the eve of International Women's Day, the Fearless Girl - hands on hips, ponytail swinging - has been the subject of a million concerned pieces about the misuse of art, the infantilisation of female ambition, and the kind of fraudulent feminism that promises little girls, if they work hard, they can grow up to be bankers


