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选“无需餐具”,但餐厅仍送来怎么办?What If Restaurants Fall Short in Challenge?

绿色倡议  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-17 12:00



Earlier this week, Ele.me announced the results of “Cut the Cutlery" challenge:

“从 10 月 10 日到 11 月 10 日,平台累计节约一次性餐具总数已超过 680 万份,参与活动人数也达到 120 万。按照原定每 1000 次= 1 棵树的计划,饿了么将种植 6800 棵树木,相当于减少了 34000 克二氧化碳的排放。”

"Between 10 October to 10 November, about 1.2 million people participated in the ‘Cut the Cutlery’ Challenge leading to about 6.8 million cutlery sets being saved from being thrown away. With every 1000 sets counted as one tree, Ele.me would be planting a total of 6,800 trees, which would reduce approximately 34,000 grams (34 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions."


According to Ele.me, Shanghai, Beijing, and Hangzhou were the top three cities leading the “Cut the Cutlery” challenge in terms of the number of orders that opted out of single-use cutleries. Qingdao, Beijing and Xi'an had the highest percentages of orders that chose ‘no cutlery’. Earlier, Ele’me also visited a factory and published a piece about how disposable cutleries are recycled ( the article is in Chinese).

credit: Ele.me


We are glad to see the challenge exceeded far beyond the initial target. However, it would also be important to look at some of the feedback the campaign received.

The most common feedback from our followers was: “I chose the ‘no cutlery’ option but the restaurants still sent them anyway.”

也就是说,节约下来的“680 万份”一次性餐具实际上还要打个大折扣。虽然饿了么通过产品端调整(使“无需餐具”放大显示在商户接单小票的第一行)、商户系统弹窗提醒等方式提醒商家注意。多年积累的习惯确实不容易改变,更何况,其中还牵涉到餐厅的人力资源和利润问题。

To push this campaign, Ele.me has tried out different methods to adjust their products, such as highlighting “no cutlery” requirement on top of the order, and adding in pop-up notification to remind restaurant employees. So while the actual amount of disposable cutleries saved may be lower than 6.8 million, it is important to recognize that old habits die hard and that there may also be concerns from restaurants with respect to human resources, convenience, and profit margin.


Although this is the last week of our challenge, we still have a long way to go.


在绿色倡议 x 饿了么的“无需餐具”挑战最后一周,我们希望你能叫上朋友,花五秒钟的时间参加我们的线上倡议。在你的微信群和朋友圈里分享这个活动!

We have to admit that the "no cutlery" challenge is by far the most difficult one for Green Initiatives. The support from consumers and the takeout platform is still far from enough. Continous long-term education is necessary, and we need to create incentives for people to change behaviors.

In the final week of the Green Initiatives x Ele.me "Cut the Cutlery" Challenge, remember to take just a few seconds to invite your friends, share the campaign with your groups & moment, and sign our pledge!

下一次用 饿 了么点餐 “无需餐具”

C’mon, take the pledge to ask for‘no cutlery’ with your next ‘waimai’ order!


Looking for the most eco food delivery/ restaurant in Shanghai

自从西方的“干净饮食”(clean eating)在上海风行起来后,许多主营健康蔬食的餐厅都采用了可降解的纸浆碗饭盒:D’lish、Nosh、Saucepan、DeLightful、豆苗工坊、悦衡食集、Better Bentos、wakewake、Raw Plus、瓜牛等等。出售烤鸡的小店 Dodu 也是其中的一员。

As Shanghai has caught up with the “clean eating” trend, restaurants specialized in healthy food have also adopted a more eco-friendly way to package their food, using degradable pulp bowls for most of their mains. Among a few are D'lish, Nosh, Saucepan, DeLightful, Sproutworks, Hunter-Gatherer, Better Bentos, wakewake, Raw Plus and Guaniu (瓜牛). Dodu, a French rotisserie, is also one of them.


Eco-friendly lunch boxes have been more easily implemented in these restaurants. And it’s clear that most of these earlier adopters are western restaurants. However, they are still unable to avoid disposable products completely, especially for cutlery, soup, and seasonings.

图片来源:Shanghai Family


Using "biodegradable" corn plastic (CPLA) is not a perfect solution either - usually, it requires specialized industrial recycling and composting techniques to fully degrade. And in the natural environment, it could take several months for the complete degradation.

几个月前,Pure & Whole响应素食社群的建议,开始摒弃默认的塑料吸管,鼓励客人用自己的容器来装外带食物;大沽路和富民路均有分店的 WHEAT 在这方面做得更棒:不仅在外卖采用了可降解包装,还有重复利用外卖产品的选项。在店内,菜单由回收纸做成,供应不锈钢吸管,饮料外带时也可以选择购买玻璃杯。富民路店还设置了专门的塑料瓶集中点,WHEAT 会交给废宝(www.feibaowaste.com)来回收。

A few months ago, Pure & Whole responded to the suggestions from the vegetarian community and started to not serve plastic straws as a default option for their drinks. Customers could also take their own containers to get food at Pure & Whole’s kiosks.

WHEAT, another healthy-eating restaurant that has two locations in Dagu Lu and Fumin Lu, is even better at “going green”. Not only are their takeout packed in biodegradable packaging, there’s also an option for reusing takeout containers. Their menu is made of recycled paper, they offer stainless steel straws for the drinks, and glass cups can also be purchased for takeaway beverages. The Fumin Lu store has a recycling room where customers can drop off their plastic bottles and recycle through Feibao (www.feibaowaste.com).


Where can I find more environmentally friendly cutlery?

对于个人,我们已经在上周的 微信 里介绍了几个为一次性餐具赋予第二次生命的小主意。而对于餐厅和店家,有哪些相对简单易行的产品能更好地缓解资源浪费和环境污染问题呢?

We've provided a few tips on how to upgrade disposable cutlery on last week’s WeChat . But for restaurants and vendors, what are some relatively simple products to help ease the waste of resources and environmental pollution problems?

上海的 Sineo Packaging(sineopackaging.com)是一家生产定制餐具的公司。他们有一系列可以完全生物降解的包装方案。这些餐具和包装的基础材料有甘蔗纸浆、甘蔗渣、竹纤维、木头、回收牛皮纸、 木纸浆、PLA(玉米粉塑料)等等。另外, Sineo Packaging 使用自然、无化学成分的水基大豆油墨印刷,咖啡杯内部的涂层使用的是 PLA,而三明治纸或蜡纸则是以大豆蜡为主。

Sineo Packaging (sineopackaging.com) is a Shanghai-based company that produces custom cutleries and containers. They have a range of packaging solutions that are completely biodegradable. The base material of their cutlery and packaging materials are sugarcane pulp, bagasse, bamboo fiber, wood, recycled kraft paper, wood pulp, PLA (corn starch-based resin) and the like. Sineo Packaging uses natural and chemical-free water-based soy ink for printing, and plant-based coating for coffee cups and sandwich wax papers.

上海曾在 2010 年世博会伦敦馆开设过“零碳餐厅”,餐厅里从筷子到餐盘都可食用。营业结束后剩余的有机饼干,也会通过处理制作成第二天的餐具。没有被吃掉的餐具和厨余会被投入生物能炉,转换为能源用于发电、发热。近年,印度“可以吃的餐具”品牌 Bakeys’ 也曾在 Kickstarter 和海外媒体上获得不小关注。这些例子足以说明,我们已经有了较为成熟的技术将可持续的理念渗透到餐厅的各个方面。商家们没有理由止步不前。

A "zero-carbon restaurant" was once opened in the London Pavilion at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, where everything from chopsticks to dinner plates was edible. Organic cookies leftovers were processed into the next day's cutleries, and food waste was transferred into biomass for electricity and heat supply.

Recently, an "edible cutlery" brand from India, Bakeys’, has also received a lot of attention from Kickstarter and media. It seems that we already have the technology to implement sustainability in all aspects of the restaurant and that there should be little excuse for restaurant owners to not take action towards eco-friendly business decisions.


Bakeys' edible cutlery, includes flavors such as black pepper, garlic ginger, cumin.


The future of the food industry relies on sustainable cutleries and containers


Food industry practitioners need to be aware that the transition to a greener business model is an urgent task. Further, it will help their business to distinguish themselves from competitors. “Going green” is beneficial for public relations, can be cost-efficient, and positively impacts the physical and mental health of the employees and customers. It will do more than just establishing the brand's reputation. But honesty is important.


In a society where more customers are well-read and aware of environmental issues, companies need to keep up with the ‘new’ trend. As pollution and greenhouse emissions get out of hand, the food industry has the responsibility to develop long-term plans for a sustainable future, rather than focus on short-term gains.

最后,绿色倡议想再次呼吁大家参加我们 11 月 20 日截止的线上活动(可点击“ 阅读原文 ”到达)。并且留言告诉我们你和一次性餐具的故事。

别忘了我们 11 月30 日 《塑料王国》 纪录片放映,你能通过这部影片了解到塑料垃圾带来的真实影响。


Green Initiatives would like to thank all who have participated in our challenge (Ends 20 November. Click " Read More " to pledge). And join us for our ‘ Plastic China’ film screening on 30 November to understand the real impact of our plastic waste.

If you are aware of any eco-friendly restaurants that we didn’t mention above, please share with us!

我们将会选取 8 位留言者,送出 To -Go Ware 的随身环保餐具

Lastly, please also leave a comment below to let us know your story with disposable cutleries. 8 chosen comments will be awarded a set of To-Go Ware portable reusable cutlery sets.


餐具套:采用 RPET(回收塑料瓶)制成

市场价:120 元

Cutleries: made from bamboo

Utensil holders: made out of RPET (recycled plastic bottles)

Value: ¥120

A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


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