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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-04-12 15:21





According to a circular issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, China's cabinet, the establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a historically strategic choice of the CPC Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping as the core.


雄安新区是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区,是千年大计(a strategy crucial for a millennium to come)、国家大事(be of national significance)。

雄安新区位于北京市西南100公里处(about 100 kilometers southwest of downtown Beijing),规划范围涉及河北省雄县、容城、安新3县及周边部分区域,地处北京、天津、保定腹地,区位优势明显(incomparable geographical advantages)、交通便捷通畅(convenient transportation)、生态环境优良(ecologically healthy)、资源环境承载能力较强(has a relatively strong environmental capacity),现有开发程度较低,发展空间充裕(much room for development),具备高起点、高标准开发建设的基本条件。


设立雄安新区,对于集中疏解北京非首都功能(phase out non-capital functions from Beijing),探索人口经济密集地区优化开发新模式(explore a new model of optimized development in densely populated areas),调整优化京津冀城市布局和空间结构(restructure the urban layout in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region),培育创新驱动发展新引擎,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。



❶ 建设绿色智慧新城,建成国际一流、绿色、现代、智慧城市。

Building a world-class, green, modern, smart city.


Becoming a city with scenic ecological environment, with blue skies, fresh air and clean water.

❸ 发展高端高新产业,积极吸纳和集聚创新要素资源,培育新动能。

Developing innovative, high-end industries as new growth engines.


Having quality public services and infrastructure, as well as a new urban management model.


Establishing a fast and effective region with a green transport network.


Pushing for structural and institutional reforms to stimulate market vitality.


Opening to the wider outside world, becoming a new platform for foreign cooperation.


国家发展改革委主任何立峰接受新华社采访时表示,规划建设雄安新区可有效缓解北京大城市病,与北京城市副中心(subcenter)形成北京新的“两翼”(Xiongan and Tongzhou will form 'two wings' for Beijing)

规划建设河北雄安新区要坚持世界眼光(world vision)、国际标准(international standards)、中国特色(Chinese characteristics)、高点定位,集聚全国优秀人才,吸纳国际人才(pooling talent from home and abroad)。

在规划上,要达到国际一流城市的水平(reach the standards of a first-class international city),同时在建筑上要充分体现中华文化的元素(fully embody elements of Chinese culture)。



增长极 growth pole

城市病 urban ills

严控房价 strictly control housing prices

哄抬房价 driving up housing prices

房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的 houses are for living in, not for speculating with

开发商 real estate developers

房产中介 real estate agency

蜂拥而至 to swarm into

违建 illegal construction

二手房交易 the trading of second-hand houses

新区筹委会 the preparatory committee of the new area

小渔村 fishing village

国际大都市 cosmopolitan city

湿地 wetland

生态保护 ecological conservation

半小时的通勤圈 within a half-hour's commute 

迁都 relocate to the capital

世界级城市群 world-class city cluster


说到雄安新区,不得不提旅游胜地白洋淀(Baiyangdian wetland)。


雄安新区拥有华北平原最大的淡水湖白洋淀(freshwater wetland)。白洋淀总面积366平方公里,大小淀泊达143个(lakes),被称为“华北之肾”(known as the 'kidney' of the North China Plain),是国家5A级旅游景区(ranked as a 5A scenic spot-the country’s top rating for tourist destinations)。


白洋淀形成于新生代时期(Cenozoic era, 65.5 million years),生物物种种类十分丰富,拥有近12万亩芦苇(reeds),记录有鸟类共200种,其中国家一级重点保护鸟类有丹顶鹤(red-crowned cranes)、白鹤(white cranes)、大鸨(great bustards)、东方白鹳(Oriental White Storks or Ciconia boyciana )4种,白洋淀有鱼类41种,以鲤鱼(carp)、黑鱼(snakehead fish)、黄颡(甲甲)为主。




白洋淀处于革命老区(an old revolutionary base area),文化底蕴深厚,人们熟知的抗战影视(wartime movies and TV series)人物小兵张嘎(Little Soldier Zhang Ga)的故事就源自这里。


如果去白洋淀,一定要尝尝那里的咸鸭蛋(salted duck egg)。据介绍,白洋淀鸭蛋营养价值丰富,其所含蛋白质(protein)、脂肪(fat)、钙(calcium)等8项营养成分含量高于非白洋淀鸭蛋。


雄安新区所在地为保定。一提到保定,肯定想到那里的驴肉火烧(donkey meat burger/sandwich)。这道美食虽然出自保定的漕河,但到了新区,也少不了点个火烧尝尝。



综合来源:中国日报网 新华社