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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-06-12 06:02





Snow belt to sun belt


Migration southward and westward is picking up again


Why Chicagoans are leaving in droves


Apr 22nd 2017 | CHICAGO

LIKE birds, people tend to move from place to place along established routes. Since the second world war, among the most travelled of these routes in America has been from the “snow belt” in the Midwest and north-east to the “sun belt” in the south and west. The recession that began in 2007 knocked Americans off course for a while, and led to confident predictions that old cities would recover some of their population losses. But people have begun to head southward and westward again.

人们会像鸟一样根据已有的路线迁徙。自第二次世界大战以来,从美国中西部,东北部的多雪带到西边和南边的阳光带都是人们经常走的路线 2007年开始的经济萧条曾在短时间内打倒了美国人,也让他们真切地相信一些老城能够让原本人口锐减的美国复苏。但人们已经开始再次向南部和西部进发。

According to recently released estimates by the census bureau , Maricopa county in Arizona , which includes Phoenix and its suburbs, grew by 222 people a day on average in the year to July 2016. It overtook Harris county in Texas, home to Houston, as the county with the highest annual population growth. Cook county, which includes Chicago, saw the largest population fall in the same period, with a net loss of more than 21,000 people. Seven of America’s eight fastest-growing states are in the west. (In addition to Arizona, they are Colorado, Idaho , Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington; the eighth state is Florida.) Illinois, which contains Chicago, has lost more people than any other state for three years in a row.


  • Bureau 局

  • Maricopa 马里科帕(美国一地名)

  • Arizona 亚利桑那州(美国西南部的州)

  • Harris 哈里斯(英国苏格兰西北部一地区)

  • Idaho 爱达荷州(美国州名)

People tend to move for work, says William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution, a think-tank . In that respect the west scores highly: Arizona and Nevada are expected to have exceptionally high job growth this year. Mortgages have become easier to obtain in general, and the recovering housing market has enabled retirees to sell up and move to warmer places. Simple fashion plays a part, too: trendy cities like Austin, Denver and San Francisco are drawing many people between the ages of 25 and 35.


  • Demographer 人口统计学家

  • Think-tank 智囊团

  • Mortgages 抵押贷款

Another context is race. Blacks seem especially keen to leave Chicago, and the Midwest in general, for the southern states that many of their ancestors fled about a century ago. Mr Frey calls this “the great migration of blacks in reverse”.(读者试译句) In 1970 the Chicago area had the second-largest black population in the country, with some 1.3m residents, more than double the black population of metropolitan Atlanta. Today more blacks live in and around Atlanta than Chicago. And the southern metropolis is much more racially mixed. According to the Urban Institute, a think-tank, Atlanta was the 41st most segregated of 100 large American metropolises in 2010 (down from 21st most segregated in 1990). Chicago ranked tenth.

另一个影响迁徙的因素是种族。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~) 1970年,芝加哥地区的黑人人口位列美国第二,约有130万居民,比亚特兰大的黑人人口多一倍以上。现今居住在亚特兰大的黑人远远多于在芝加哥居住的人数,而南方大都市的种族也越来越多。根据城市研究所智库的统计,亚特兰大于2010年是100个美国大都市中第41个独立的(从1990年的第21位降至第41位)。芝加哥名列第十。

  • Metropolitan 大城市的


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