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腐蚀电化学原理概述及其在海洋腐蚀研究中的应用 | 本周物理学术讲座

中国物理学会期刊网  · 公众号  · 物理  · 2018-01-09 10:05


1 腐蚀电化学原理概述及其在海洋腐蚀研究中的应用






2 扫描电镜/聚焦离子束原理及应用简介




地点:物理楼 中211


3 太极计划数据分析系列报告之六:Inferring the population properties of binary neutron stars with gravitational-wave measurements of spin

报告人:Xingjiang Zhu,Monash University ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery



地点:ITP New Building 6420

The recent LIGO-Virgo detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger event GW170817 and discoveries of its accompanying electromagnetic signals marked a new era for multi-messenger astronomy. In the coming years, advanced gravitational-wave detectors are likely to detect tens to hundreds of similar events. Neutron stars in binaries can possess significant spin, which is imprinted on the gravitational waveform via the effective spin parameter. We develop a fiducial model, informed by radio observations, in order to predict the effective spin of merging binaries like GW170817. We explore the astrophysical inferences made possible by gravitational-wave measurements of spin.

4 Heat-Driven Spin Torques In Magnetic Metals, Insulators And Antiferromagnets

报告人:Jean-Philippe Ansermet,洛桑联邦理工学院




Heat-driven spin torques in spin valves were characterized by quasi-static transport measurements and electrically-detected magnetic resonance. They can be understood with an extension of the two-current model that includes an entropy current. Heat-driven spin torques in insulators were observed by magnetic resonance (Phys.Rev.B 2017). They can be accounted for by a modified Landau-Lufshitz equation derived from a variational principle. We predict heat-driven spin torque in antiferromagnets and a narrowing of the antiferromagnetic resonance in selected materials. This opens up the possibility of THz spin torque oscillators

5 All-Order Volume Conjecture for Closed 3-Manifolds from Complex Chern-Simons Theory

报告人:Mauricio Jorquera,IAS, Princeton




I'll review some general aspects of complex Chern-Simons theory on hyperbolic 3-manifolds, focusing on the case of gauge group G=SL(2,C). After a brief introduction to the Volume Conjecture (VC), for knot complements and, a very recent mathematical proposal, for closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds, I'll show how complex Chern-Simons theory is related with them and how this connection leads to a novel generalization of the most recently proposed VC for closed 3-manifolds.

6 Controlling nucleation in amorphous-to-crystal transition to break the speed limit of phase-change memory

报告人:E. Ma,Johns Hopkins University




This talk describes an example of advancing materials performance from the nanoscale, the theme of research at CAMP-Nano. We report a success story (F. Rao et al., Science 2017) that take advantage of metastable alloys for nanoelectronics, setting an unprecedented operation speed for memory and switch applications. Specifically, we have designed a new phase-change alloy with drastically reduced crystal nucleation stochasticity to accomplish sub-nanosecond switching for cache-type phase-change random-access memory (PCRAM) technology.

7 Composite pulses for robust control of spin qubits

报告人:Xin (Sunny) Wang,City University of Hong Kong




Spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots are promising candidates for quantum information processing due to their demonstrated long coherence time, reasonably high control fidelity, and prospects for scalability. Despite these successes, there remain great challenges to overcome, with the major one being decoherence, the process through which the qubit loses the information it carries while interacting with its environment. Various techniques are proposed to combat decoherence, including the dynamically corrected gates using composite pulse sequences that are able to cancel both nuclear and charge noises simultaneously while performing a quantum gate operation. In this talk, I will present recent developments on these noise-compensating composite pulses for spin qubits, including gate sequences which are simultaneously resilient to nuclear and charge noises at both single- and two-qubit level. I will also present our attempt to improve the control fidelity of capacitively coupled spin qubits by making simple modifications to control sequences that are already used in the laboratory. With time permitting, I will discuss the possibility to achieve the same level of robustness using analytically designed smooth pulse instead of the square pulse traditionally used. These results mark an important step forward in using semiconductor spin qubits as the platform for scalable, fault-tolerant quantum computation.

8 The initial value problem of general relativity and applications in astrophysics

报告人:Antonios Tsokaros



地点:KIAA-PKU Auditorium

Classical general relativity is usually referred as one of the most beautiful physical theories and one reason for this claim is that it admits an elegant geometrically inspired initial value formulation, with deep connections to physical reality. After tracing the main ideas that led to the current view of understanding, I will present the main formulations that lead to astrophysically important solutions both in vacuum as well as in the presence of matter. The numerical implementation of these methods will be presented in the context of the Compact Object CALculator (COCAL) code whose purpose is to solve for any general-relativistic system in equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium. This includes rotating stars, binary neutron stars, binary black holes, black hole-toroids and many others. Future prospects will be discussed.

9 Ising superconductivity, Majorana fermions and spin valley Hall effect in transition metal dichalcogenides

报告人:LAW, Kam Tuen,  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology




Ising superconductors with in-plane upper critical fields several times higher than the Pauli limits have been discovered in transition metal dichacogenides such as MoS2 and NbSe2 thin films. These Ising superconductors have very strong Ising spin-orbit couplings (SOC), in the order of 10 to 100meV, which pin electron spins to the out-of-plane directions. This is in contrast to Rashba SOC which pins electron spins to in-plane directions. Here, we explain how Ising SOC can enhance the in-plane upper critical field of Ising superconductors  and be used to create Majorana fermions [4]. We will also discuss a spin-triplet nodal superconducting phase in gated MoS2. At the end of the talk, I will discuss a new mechanism of valley Hall effect induced by Ising and Rashba SOC. We call this effect spin valley Hall effect.

10 Stripe phase in 2D Hubbard model

报告人:Mingpu Qin, College of William & Mary




Recent experiments show spin and charge order and their fluctuation might be the key to understand high- temperature superconductivity. In this talk, I will show our recent work on the stripe phase in the 2D Hubbard model at 1/8 doping with numerical methods. I will first give a brief introduction of the auxiliary field Quantum Monte Carlo (AFQMC) method and the minus sign problem. Then I will discuss the constrained path Monte Carlo (CPMC) method which was designed to attack the minus sign problem. I will present our recent development, i.e., the self-consistent CPMC method. With this method we establish the existence of stripe phase in the ground state of 1/8 doped Hubbard model. I will conclude by addressing the remaining problems in the study of doped 2D Hubbard model.

11 氦/氖离子束纳米加工方法:原理、仪器及应用





最近几年,以气相场离子源(GFIS)为基础的高亮度(>109 A/cm2.sr),小束斑(<0.5nm)的氦/氖离子束技术得到了长足的发展,并在微纳加工领域得到重要应用,特别是在亚10纳米尺度上的表征及加工能力上表现出其它离子束技术无法相比的优越性,使其在纳米材料及纳米器件的加工及表征领域引起广泛重视。


12 Realizing High Power Factor and High Figure-of-Merit in Half-Heusler Compounds

报告人:Ran He,IFW Dresden




Heat can be converted into electricity through the thermoelectric (TE) effect. For an ideal TE device, the conversion efficiency is governed by the figure-of-merit (ZT); meanwhile the output power density is related to the power factor (PF) of the TE materials. In the application for waste-heat recovery, high PF is considered equally important as high ZT. However, most of the reported high ZTs were realized in TE materials with extremely low thermal conductivity, yet a combination of high ZT and high PF are much less reported. In this talk, I will present the enhancement of ZT in the half-Heusler based compounds through boosting the PF. The mechanisms of the enhancement such as improving the band degeneracy, tuning the carrier scattering mechanism, and nanostructuring, etc. are discussed in detail. Based on the optimized compositions, a high heat-to-power conversion efficiency of ~9%, as well as a record-high output power density of 22 W cm-2 were realized. These work mark the half-Heusler based compounds promising candidate for thermoelectric applications.

13 Spin physics in complex oxide heterostructures





The exotic properties in strongly correlated electronic materials such as high-TC superconductivity in cuprates, colossal magnetoresistance in manganites, magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics are intimately related to the coexistence and competition of nearly degenerate states — charge, lattice, orbital, and spin. This provides a strong motivation to explore materials or structures in which the spin degree of freedom can be manipulated using new strategies, e.g. an electrical knob, apart from traditional magnetic field. In this talk, after a short introduction of my oxide group in Beijing Normal University, I shall share some of our recent insights about spin physics in complex oxide thin films and heterostructures, covering 3d, 4d and 5d transition metal perovskite oxides. Majorly using scanning probe techniques (where local magnetism can be characterized with a spatial resolution), I would like to introduce how to design emerging correlated behaviors using epitaxial growth with an atomic precision and then control magnetism under external stimuli, which may provide a wide platform for potential next-generation spintronic devices.



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