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6.30-7.21《Touch Me》瑞典摄影师Johannes在凹凸空间的首展

elvita威的生活便签  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-06-30 12:15



《Touch Me》捕捉Dansband场景中的爱与痴缠。

Touch Me captures the overflowing love and desire in the Dansband moments.

开幕 | Opening:2017年6月30日下午6点

展期 | Duration:6月30日至7月21日

地点:凹凸空间 | āotū studio(北京市北新桥头条67号)

Photo by Johannes Frandsen 

Photo by Johannes Frandsen

|| Touch Me ||


照片中的故事发生在瑞典的舞厅、游乐园和游轮。人们带着同一个目的来到这些地方——随着dansbandsmusik(dance band music)跳舞。Dansband如今已演变成一种文化,深植于瑞典人的身份认同。每年,上百万的瑞典人为此走进全国987个舞厅,而瑞典的总人口数仅为一千万。瑞典人因此成为欧洲跳舞时间最长的民族。



Photo by Johannes Frandsen

The scene of the pictures are dance-halls, amusement parks and cruiseships in Sweden. What these places have in common is that people come here to dance to what in Sweden is known as dansbandsmusik (dance band music). 


Today Dansband is a culture, with deep roots in the Swedish identity. With a population of ten million, over one million Swedes go to the 987 dancehalls each year, which makes Swedes the people who dance most in Europe. 


There is a great contrast between the atmosphere next to and on the dance floor. The former reflects something very Swedish, a distance to people both physical and social. While on the dance floor the private sphere is set aside and the dancers enters into a kind of rhythmical physiological harmony with the others. A kind of collective unification where the attention is drawn to each other's movements and state of mind, Touch Me.

|| Johannes Frandsen ||

摄影师Johannes Frandsen来自斯德歌尔摩,在过去的十二年中游历世界进行创作,作品参与个展和群展,并发表于瑞典的重要杂志与期刊。同时涉足新闻摄影和私人纪录的经历使得“偶遇”成为其作品艺术表达的中心。


Photographer from Stockholm has for the past 12 years travelling around the world producing work for both solo and group exhibitions. His pictures have been published in the major newspapers and magazines in Sweden. With one foot in photojournalism and the other in personal documentary, the encounter with people is central in his artistic expression.


 Photo by Ray

 ”Touch Me“是凹凸空间被迫美化后,重新开门的第一场展览。展览原本从4月初开始筹划,直至突遇开墙打洞,便无限期搁置。近3个月后,展览终于可以落地空间,与大家见面。Johannes Frandsen将在7月搬回瑞典,这次展览,有些分别之礼的意思。


Touch Me is first exhibition of āotū studio after a forced beautification. Having managed to pull itself together, āotū is finally able to reopen its door to the public. Preparation of the exhibition actually started in early April, until the Hutong demolition annouced its claiming of more than half of the space. After three months, Touch me can finally touch the ground. Since Johannes Frandsen is moving back to Sweden in July, āotū is happy to present this exhibition as a way of saying goodbye.


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