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硕博就业出国  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-29 09:00


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Postdoctoral Position

·      Applied Mathematics

·      Location: New YorkUniversity - New York, NY

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

$47,000 - $63,000 a year (Indeed estimate)


New York University: NYU - Domestic: Courant Institute of MathematicalSciences: Mathematics - NYU Courant Institute

Seeking Postdoctoral Candidates for the Project: "NonlinearConditional Gaussian Systems for Complex Multiscale Nonlinear StochasticSystems: Prediction, State Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification".

This project involves stochastic and dynamical modeling, machine learningand control theory. More specific topics include parameter estimation, dataassimilation and prediction for complex dynamical systems. The postdoc isexpected to develop new mathematical theories and numerical algorithms based onthe conditional Gaussian framework to solve high-dimensional complex problems,working with Professor Andrew J. Majda (New York University) and Professor NanChen (University of Wisconsin-Madison).




·      Location: Brigham& Women's Hospital(BWH) - Boston, MA

·      Job Number: Ref,18ST3005

·      ApplicationDeadline: August 31, 2019

$39,000 - $53,000 a year (Indeed estimate)


A Postdoctoral Position in Computational Neurology is available at theNeurogenomics Laboratory (www.scherzerlaboratory.org) of Brigham & Women’sHospital and Harvard Medical School (Principal Investigator: Dr. ClemensScherzer) with additional affiliations in the Precision Neurology Program andthe Advanced Center for Parkinson's Disease Research (www.bwhparkinsoncenter.org).This fully funded position is available for an initial two-year appointmentwith the possibility of extension. The Neurogenomics Lab is interdisciplinary -located at the intersection of genomics, computing, and neurology.

You will join our computationalneuroscience team comprising bioinformatics engineers, Fellows, students, and astatistician, and benefit from our integrated wet lab and translationalresearch in our program.

Your tasks: We are looking forenthusiastic, highly motivated, science-driven and experienced postdoctoralfellows to join our team to unravel how the genome functions in the human brainand in patients with Parkinson’s using next generation genetics,transcriptomics, epigenetics, network analysis, and data science. Moreover, youwill participate in exome and whole genome sequencing studies designed toidentify gene variants that predict prognosis in patients with Parkinson’s.


Your qualifications: Applicants are expected to have (1) A previouspublication as first author is desirable, (2) Ph. D. or equivalent doctoraldegree with (3) proven research experience in bioinformatics and analyses ofgenome-wide data (for example, single cell RNA sequencing, GWAS, eQTL, AImethods, ATAC seq, whole genome sequencing, RNA-seq, epigenetics, eQTL). (4)Strong quantitative skills preferably in computer science, bioinformatics, orstatistics are necessary. Programming background is desirable. Excellentwritten English is advantageous. Candidates working towards an academic careerin computational neuroscience and PD are preferred.

How to apply: Please submit your application, including a statement ofresearch interests, a biosketch, and one letter of reference to ClemensScherzer at [email protected].




·      Synthetic BiologyTranslation to Plants

·      Location: Universityof Tennessee - Knoxville, TN

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled


The Department of Food Science is seeking two (2) post-doctoral researchassociates to work in the new Center for Agricultural Synthetic Biology(agsynbiocenter.org) in the laboratories of Dr. Scott C. Lenaghan and Dr. C.Neal Stewart, Jr. at the University of Tennessee.


Applicants must have a PhD in molecular biology, cell biology,biotechnology, biomedical engineering or a related-field. Candidates who are inprocess of obtaining the degree may be considered but degree must be conferredby August 2019 with official transcript provided as verification.

Post-doctoral applicants must have demonstratedexperience (publications) in molecular biology, cell biology, biotechnology,biomedical engineering or a related-field to be considered for this position.Preference will be given to applicants with strong publication records,considerable drive and motivation, and excellent problem-solving skills.

Please submit a cover letter and resume to: https://hr.utk.edu/

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