专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-12 09:13


伊朗钢铁生产商协会 (ISPA) 在其网站 Chilan 上发布的报告显示,在截至 2 19 日的 11 个月内,伊朗粗钢产量同比增长 10% ,达到 2,500 万吨。

Iranian crude steel production rose 10%on-year in the 11 months through 19 February to 25 million tonnes, according toan Iranian Steel Producers’ Association (ISPA) report published on itsonline Chilan portal.

方坯产量为 1,530 万吨,板坯产量为 960 万吨。

Billet output accounted for 15.3mt and slabproduction was 9.6mt.

在此期间,成品钢材产量增长 5% 1,835 万吨。长材产量增长 6% 920 万吨,其中螺纹钢占 750 万吨。板材产量增长 5% 900 多万吨。热轧板材产量增长 3% 750 万吨,冷轧卷产量增长 2% 240 万吨,涂层薄板产量增长 24% 157 万吨。

Finished steel output in the period rose 5%to 18.35mt. Long products output grew 6% to 9.2mt, of which rebar accounted for7.5mt. Flat products output increased 5% to over 9mt. Hot rolled flats productionincreased 3% to 7.5mt, while cold rolled coil production rose 2% to 2.4mt andcoated sheet output grew 24% to 1.57mt.

ISPA 特别指出,今年粗钢和直接还原铁产量增幅相当,这“……令人瞩目”,导致近几个月直接还原铁出现短缺。

ISPA singled out as “…remarkable” the equalgrowth rate between crude steel and direct reduced iron production this year,which has led to a DRI shortage in recent months.

根据 ISPA 的最新出口数据,截至 1 20 日的 10 个月内,伊朗半成品材出口量同比增长 47% 582 万吨,成品钢材出口量增长 25% 298 万吨(见 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)往期报道)。尽管出现短缺,直接还原铁出口量增长 76% 88.6 万吨。球团矿出口量增长 19% 242 万吨。

Accordingto the latest ISPA export data for the ten months through 20 January, Iraniansemi-finished products exports surged 47% on-year to 5.82mt and finished steelshipments rose 25% to 2.98mt ( see Kallanish passim ). Despite the shortage, DRI exports rose 76% to 886,000t. Iron orepellet exports grew 19% to 2.42mt.



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