China and North Korea
Fed up with Pyongyang's missile tests and murders, China blocks coal imports
FEW television dramas boast a plot as far-fetched as the one that has unfolded in North-East Asian geopolitics over the past two weeks. Days after North Korea tested a ballistic missile on February 12th, two women assassinated the half-brother of Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, by throwing chemicals in his face at a Malaysian airport. The alleged killers said they were duped into taking part, believing the attack was a prank for a TV comedy. Malaysian police suspect that a North Korean diplomat in Malaysia may have been among the organisers, several of whom are thought to have fled to Pyongyang.
Shock and ore
这个题目很有意思,要弄明白它,我们先要知道 "shock and awe",shock and awe 是军事术语,意思是“军事震慑”,和《孙子兵法》中“上兵伐谋”、“不战而屈人之兵”所蕴含的战略思想一样。Ore 与 awe 读音相同,读 [ɔ:],题目巧借谐音,变 "shock and awe" 为 “shock and ore”,从而一语三关:
一,"shock" 指“持外交护照的朝鲜籍男子”被刺杀一事,对中国乃至世界来说无疑是一个 "shock";
二,"ore" 原意指 “矿石,煤炭”,此处指朝鲜不断挑战中国的耐心,商务部对朝下达的“煤炭禁令”;
三,"shock and ore" 借助同音,表达 "shock and awe"的意思,中国对朝这一动作,是一种震慑,利用谋略,通过经济手段,对朝制裁,照射出社会主义之光,即“上兵伐谋”。
Fed up with Pyongyang's missile tests and murders, China blocks coal imports
这里面有一个常见词组:be fed up with. 它的英文解释是:bored, annoyed or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long. 因为经历了太久,感到厌倦。
但如果 “fed up” 不够表达内心的程度,那就说 “fed up to the back teeth”,它比 "fed up" 的感情更加强烈,厌烦极了。
He must be fed up to the back teeth of/with my playing with his ears.
FEW television dramas boast a plot as far-fetched as the one that has unfolded in North-East Asian geopolitics over the past two weeks. Days after North Korea tested a ballistic missile on February 12th, two women assassinated the half-brother of Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, by throwing chemicals in his face at a Malaysian airport.
FEW television dramas boast a plot as far-fetched as the one that has unfolded in North-East Asian geopolitics over the past two weeks.
Boast 在文中是 "have" 的意思,只不过是“有(令人值得骄傲的东西)”。一个 "boast" 又能看出经济学人语言的特色:辛辣讥讽。写作的功力往往体现在一个字或一个词当中,比如,“僧敲月下门”中的“敲”字。
本期《经济学人》的 "Business" 版块有一篇名字叫 "The semiconductor industry: Silicon crumble" 的文章,讲的是科技的迅速发展对硅谷传统的处理器带来的冲击,并以英伟达为例进行论证,原句如下:
Nvidia’s latest processors boast 3,584 cores; Intel’s server CPUs have a maximum of 28.
Far-fetched 的意思是 very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe. 相当于 "incredible/unbelievable". Far-fetched 一词也比较常见,在上一期的经济学人中,也有一篇关于刺杀一事的报道,里面有这么一句话:
Even if rumours that China had hoped to install Jong Nam if Jong Un fell from power are far-fetched, China would nonetheless have seen Jong Nam as useful leverage.
有传言称,假如鑫胖同学落马,China 会任命Jong Nam为DPRK的supreme leader,即使这一传言牵强附会,但 China 依然将其视为一个有用的筹码。
再有,本期经济学人封面文章题目为 "Renewable energy: Clean energy’s dirty secret", 作者认为,可再生能源革命正破坏全球电力市场,并列举了一些措施应对这种disruption,文章中也有一句话也用到了 far-fetched:
It is no longer far-fetched to think that the world is entering an era of clean, unlimited and cheap power.
Unfold 一词,我们都知道 "fold" 有“折叠”的意思,那 "unfold" 就是“展开”,如果是 story or situation unfolds,就是 故事或形势的发展。
单词看完了,我们再来分析这句话的结构:FEW television dramas boast a plot 是主干,没有电视剧有如此情节。
什么情节呢?as far-fetched as the one,和这个一样难以置信的。
后面的定语从句解释了 "the one":that has unfolded in North-East Asian geopolitics over the past two weeks. 过去两周东北亚所发生的事件。
Days after North Korea tested a ballistic missile on February 12th, two women assassinated the half-brother of Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, by throwing chemicals in his face at a Malaysian airport.
Test a ballistic missile 的意思是:进行弹道导弹试验,test 作动词,如果用名词形式,可以说,carry out a test on ballistic missile.
The alleged killers said they were duped into taking part, believing the attack was a prank for a TV comedy. Malaysian police suspect that a North Korean diplomat in Malaysia may have been among the organisers, several of whom are thought to have fled to Pyongyang.
The alleged killers said they were duped into taking part, believing the attack was a prank for a TV comedy.
Dupe 的意思是 to deceive someone, 文中涉及一个词组:dupe sb into doing sth. 诱骗某人做某事。
A prank for a TV comedy,prank 指“恶作剧”,TV comedy 指“情景/综艺喜剧”,就像爸爸去哪儿,妈妈回来了,爷爷不见了等等。
Malaysian police suspect that a North Korean diplomat in Malaysia may have been among the organisers, several of whom are thought to have fled to Pyongyang.
这一句不难,我们着重讲一个介词:among. 都知道它的意思,表示“在...中间”,但是,很多人不知道怎么灵活运用。
第一,among=one of,比如文中的栗子:
今后在写作中,我们可以用 among 表示 one of 的意思,使表达更加多样、地道。
第二,among=besides,本期经济学人的 Politics this week 中有一段讲述了特朗普有关移民政策的行政命令,其中有这么一句话:
Among other things, the new rules make it much easier to deport people who cannot prove they have been living in the United States for two years.
今天第二栏有一个招聘启事,不是广告,而是义务宣传,这家公司很好,接待过很多高级外宾,总经理也超 nice,希望能给大家搭一座桥,有需要的同学可以看看。