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Reaching for the Sun, Step 2: Respiration (1)

壹德eReader  · 公众号  ·  · 2016-11-30 20:20


The relationship between photosynthesis and respiration is as such↑

(1) Photorespiration:

A process that provides no energy, but causes some of the carbon dioxide destined for photosynthesis to be released again before forming sugar.

*How did it come into being? Why do plants have it?

(2) Respiration for plants

-Use carbohydrates as the main source for respiration.

-Fats/oil are used to generate energy especially in some seeds

(On a weight-to-weight basis, fats provide more energy than carbohydrates)

*Is that because fat has more C-H bonds than carbohydrates?

(3) Goals of respiration

-Trap as much as possible of the energy given off in a form of greatest value to the organism in a controlled "conflagration".

(4)Types of respiration

-Aerobic respiration

-glucose partially broken down (no oxygen required)

-breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water (require oxygen)

-Anaerobic respiration

- glucose partially broken down

-breakdown of glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide

(5)ATP (Adenosine triphosphate): The universal energy carrier

-Background: two types of phosphate bonds:

-Low energy (-P):

Linkages between phosphate & other molecules are strong

-High energy (~P):
