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【国际MVNO快讯】墨西哥America Movil应虚商要求 争夺固定通信

众视DVBCN  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-05-09 19:27


一、墨西哥 America Movil 应虚商要求 争夺固定通信

墨西哥监管局 IFT America Movil 施压,要求 其分出部分 运营商固定基础设施 路线 ,并修改其移动运营 部分

墨西哥监管局 IFT 2014 全国实施改革回顾后 实行此举 起到了削减 America Movil 市场垄断地位 激发 市场竞 活力 的作用

America Movil 声明墨西哥监管局 IFT 下达 固定线路 “功能分离”的命令,这需要 America Movil 创造一个新的单独 Telmex 运营实体。

该运营商将 “专门提供批发服务”,并将基础设施的访问权限提供给竞争对手。

针对 移动业务,监管机构 表示 America Movil 必须 让步给 国内虚商。

America Movil 已经 决定 要挑战裁决,认为 非对称监管 随着移动用户数量的增加和相互竞争愈演愈烈而 显得 愈加 多余。

“America Movil 认为 墨西哥监管局 IFT 并没有根据对竞争的 整体评价 而提出相对的解决方案 ,也 没有 考虑墨西哥电信业 非对称监管征收 有效竞争 的加强而在三年内产生的 深刻变化, 这种有效竞争存在于移动和固定业务 。电信服务消费 (主要为数据消费)的 大幅增长清楚显示 了这些变化。

得一提的是 ,美国运营商 AT&T IFT 的第一轮全面改革 时期 进入墨西哥市场。 再加上 竞争的增加和较低的价格 America Movi l 的利润 将进一步缩水

然而根据最新的监管数据, America Movi l 仍持有国家 移动和固定业务的超过 65% 的市场份额。

America Movil fights fixed-line unit, MVNO commands

Mexican regulator IFT ramped up the pressure on America Movil, demanding the operator separate part of its fixed-line infrastructure and make modifications to its mobile operation.

The move comes after a review of reforms implemented in the country in 2014, which were designed to reduce the dominance of America Movil and increase competition in the market.

America Movil said in a statement IFT had now ordered a “functional separation” of its fixed-line unit, which would require the operator to create a new separate entity from its Telmex operation.

This entity would “exclusively provide wholesale services” and offer competitors access to infrastructure.

On mobile services, the regulator said America Movil must ease the path for MVNOs operating in the country.

The operator already vowed to challenge the rulings, arguing the “asymmetric regulations” are becoming redundant as there are now more mobile users in the country, and indeed more competition.

“America Movil believes that IFT resolution is not based on an integral evaluation in terms of competition, nor does it consider the profound changes in the Mexican telecoms sector within three years from the imposition of the asymmetric regulations and the effective competition that exists in mobile and fixed services, which is clearly shown, among others, by the significant growth in the consumption of telecommunication services, mainly data.”

Notably, US operator AT&T entered the Mexican market as a result of IFT’s first round of sweeping reforms. Increased competition and lower prices have also squeezed America Movil’s profit margins.

However, the operator still holds more than a 65 per cent market share in both the fixed and mobile sectors of the country, according to recent regulatory statistics.

二、 Yota 推出特销手机应用

移动运营商 Megafon 公司的子公司俄罗斯 LTE 虚商 Yota Android iOS 智能手机 用户 推出了 款名为 Yota VR 的移动应用程序 。该应用程序可 Google Play App Store 中下载

“Yota VR” 已定位为运营商虚拟零售店。 用户 可以 Yota 选择 费用,以及使用应用程序从运营商获得
