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格隆汇  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-04-17 20:09


JP Morgan 2016Annual Report



I haven't postedmuch about JPM recently as it's still basically the same story. Great CEObuilding an awesome company performing really well etc.  After even acouple of posts, they are basically the same.


But since I haven't been too active here recently, I figured why not?Let's take a look at this. There is a lot to learn here, not just about bankingand the economy, but about markets and investing too.


So first of all,let's look at how well JPM has done in recent years. And it's not just becauseof the huge bull market since 2008. If you look at the performance figuresbelow, they go back to 2004, and the performance chart in the proxy is from2007, which is the benchmark I use to get 'through-the-cycle' returns.


Check out thetotal return of JPM stock over various time periods:


This is reallycrazy given what has happened since 2000 and particularly after 2007. Back in2000, I don't think anyone would have guessed JPM stock would outperform theS&P 500 index over the next 16 years. People were bearish the financialsafter the collapse of the 1999/2000 internet bubble, especially JPM which had alarge investment bank attached to it with trillions in notional derivativesoutstanding. For years, JPM has been considered the first domino in the comingfinancial collapse.



And yet, look atthat! Yes, bears will argue that JPM got bailed out during the crisis etc. I'vetalked about that a lot here so won't go into it too much, but I disagree. Iagree that the government bailed out the whole system, which is what it shoulddo (that's what the Fed is for, and that's what the government has the power todo in extraordinary situations).  But I don't think JPM was in any dangerunless the whole system itself collapsed, in which case nothing would matteranyway. 



So let's look atthe performance of the company itself:



This is just totally insane. TBPS has increased even more than the stock (totalreturn).


Here's a chart from the proxy that is indexed to 2007:


That's a 10.5%/year returnsince 2007.  That's crazy. Let's say you knew that theworst financial crisis would come and almost destroy the country. People wouldhave called you an idiot if you said, "Fine. I don't care. My stock willreturn 10.5%/year over the next 9 years!".  In fact, I did own JPMand didn't sell in front of it, even when cracks appeared. I didn't sell anyduring or immediately after either. 






And here's sort of the lesson on investing. It was widely known that Dimon wasa super-competent manager when he took over Bank One. I think he was alreadyconsidered at the time one of the best managers in finance. When he leftCitigroup, many thought C would collapse because Dimon was the detail guy thatmade sure everything was OK.  Sandy was a big picture guy while Dimonchased after the details. No Dimon == noone looking at the details =>eventual blowup. (I heard this from someone that was there at the time andwatched how they worked up close too.)


But a lot of people didn't invest in JPM because it was a large money-centerbank and banking cycles tended to be severe. Everyone remembers the bankingcrisis of the 1970's and the late 80's/early 90's.


So the thought was 'thanks, but no thanks'.  I confess I was one of those.I've owned Bank One since forever and JPM too, but never allowed it to become ahuge position because of that. (On the other hand, I would not mind being 100%in Berkshire Hathaway, even though BRK has gone down 50% on a number of occasions).


In 2007, bank stocks were expensive and we were at the tail end of a very longcredit cycle. Contrary to the claims of some best-selling books, the leveragebuilt upon shrinking credit spreads was pretty well-known within the industry.It would have been wise to not be too exposed to financials at this point.


But, when you own a great business run by great people, it is often better offto ride out the cycles. And that's another lesson here with JPM stock. This isnot really hindsight trading either, as I would have told you back in 2007 thatJPM and GS would be the survivors in any crisis, and they would come out theother end bigger and stronger (as Charlie Munger says about how great companiesgrow; they grow in bad times).


The argument back in 2007 really focused a lot on the notional derivativesoutstanding at JPM. This was one of the major red flags that kept someinvestors away. I have managed derivatives before so I understood that notionalamounts outstanding is not a measure of risk. When you are abig banker and dealer, you end up with huge amounts of notionals outstandingbecause, for example, if you issue bonds for an issuer, you sometimes dointerest rate swaps to accommodate the client's cash flow needs. Same with FX.As a major FX dealer, you often use swaps as a tool to help risk-manageclients' risk exposure.  Those 'straight' swaps often have very littlerisk.


Cyclical or Secular? 


The other lesson is that markets have cycles. After the financial crisis andafter JPM has shown its resilience and management competence, it traded cheaplyfor a long time. Even the most prominent bank analysts would say things like,"Yes, it's cheap, but there is no reason to own it as regulations make ithard for them to make money...". I've heard that argument over and overagain post-crisis.

另外一个经验就是:市场是周期性的。金融危机之后,JP摩根展示出了自己的复原力以及管理能力,在很长一段时间内它的交易价格都很便宜。不过,就算是业内最优秀的银行业研究员说出来的话都是:“是的,它(JP摩根)很便宜,但是在危机后出台的法规下, JP摩根想盈利实在是太难了… ”。金融危机之后,我不止一次听到过这番言论。

But these folks held a linear, static model in their heads. They didn'trealize, or underestimated how the industry would adjust to new regulations andrequirements. If the regulatory capital burden got too heavy in a line ofbusiness, they would drop it. They can cut expenses. They can reprice productsas new regulations apply across the industry.  


Maybe this was due to the short-term nature of Wall Street; with regulatoryheadwinds and low interest rates, bank stocks were simply not recommendable.


Either way, long term value investors look to invest in great businesses atreasonable (or cheap if available) prices.


And interestingly, now, hedge funds and others seem to bepiling into banks.  Nobody wanted JPM at $20 or even $40, and now they arepiling in at over $80!  And people say the market is efficient, pickedover etc.


I think all of this sort of just illustrates the cyclical nature of markets.The key in successful investing is being able to see the difference betweencyclical and secular. It's true that this is very hard a lot of the time. But Inever thought banking itself was in secular decline. Every year, Dimon hasshown how much business needed to be done over the long term in banking.


Regulations tend to be cyclical too as the pendulum can swing wildly from oneextreme to the other. We are now seeing the pendulum start to swing back theother way. As Dimon says, a lot of this can be done (simplify regulations)without congressional action.


I do believe that this max exodus out of hedge funds too is cyclical, as is themove towards machines (vs. people) / indexing. I do believe that most hedgefunds probably don't deserve to exist, and machines will more and more takeover money management, but I think it will still be very cyclical.  Wehave seen this before in the past; move to quantitative money management,indexing vs. active, hedge funds vs. index etc...


Buffett and WFC 


And this sort of thing explains why Buffett has been buying WFC for all theseyears, even right before the crisis. I always heard comments like, "doesn'tBuffett see this big trouble brewing? This huge storm?  Doesn't heunderstand that the era of big banks is over?". He has been buying before,during and after the crisis at 'high' prices. 

这部分我主要想说说巴菲特为何在金融危机当前依然买入了富国银行并一直持有。我经常听到这样的评论,“巴菲特难道没有看到一场金融危机正在酝酿中吗?他难道没有预见暴风雨即将到来?他难道没看到银行的时代已经结束了么?” 其实巴菲特在危机前、中、后期都“高价”买入过富国银行。

malized basis over time, so hedoesn't care about the short term outlook. He doesn't care about what otherpeople say. He doesn't worry about downturns as strong institutions should bemanaged to survive and grow in such situations. Trading in and out to avoidsuch dips is a loser's game.



2x Tangible Book


Dimon says it was a no-brainer to buy back stock at 1x tangible book, but saysthis year that it still makes sense to buy back stock at 2x TBPS. That would beover $100/share! 



That soundsinsane. Who would have even guessed JPM would be closing in on $100 just acouple of year ago? 



Assuming a 50%payout ratio on $6.00 or so in EPS, that would be $3.00/share individends.  Using a $100/share price, that's a 3% dividendyield.  Assuming JPM grows along with the economy (4% nominal), that's anexpected total return of 7%/year against what I would assume anormalized long term rate of 4% (actual is 2.3%).  As a sanity check, EPSgrew around 4%/year from 2007 to 2016. 

假设EPS6美金的派息率是50%,那么股息是3美金一股。假设 JP摩根的增长跟整体经济增长水平保持一致(通常是4%),那么每年的总体回报率是7%,我给出的长期平均回报率是4%(实际上是2.3%)。再核对一下,EPS从2007年到2016年每年增长4%。


OK, studentswill immediately jump on me and argue that earnings growth should be 6.5%/year fora 9.5%/year return (50% retention at 13%). Well, JPM is a bigbank so it may not be able to grow that much more than GDP over time, so let'sjust say earnings grow at nominal GDP.  That would just mean that payoutswould be higher as capital can't be invested at a 6.5% growth rate.  



In that case,payouts may be 70%.  On a $6/share EPS, a 70% payout is a $4.20/share dividendfor a yield of 4.2% (again, at a $100 stock price).  4.2%dividend yield plus 4% growth is 8.2% expected return. 



Of course, as wewait for things to normalize, bad debt may normalize too; JPM is sort ofover-earning in the sense that credit trends are really good now. This hasprobably bottomed out and should head higher. I don't think there are any timebombs at JPM, but it will sort of be a race on the economy picking up steam andinterest rates normalizing versus credit trends bottoming out. 


Cheap Labor


The great thing about JPM is that we get all of this for so cheap. We paidDimon 0.1% of profits. Compare that to other financials! Let'snot get into hedge fund fees here.





Stella | 格隆汇·专栏作者






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