Past efforts to rank education providers based on the financial return they offer have struggled. The data are often drawn from patchy surveys. It is hard to compare different courses over different time spans. Climb tracks every loan it makes, along with data such as subject area, teacher, institution, job offers and salaries. Its interest rates average 9% a year, roughly double the government rate, and can be as high as 15%. It shuns some fields, such as acting or modelling, altogether, if there is no evidence that a course delivers a return. So far, the firm’s approach has worked: its default rates are in the low single digits.
过去那些基于财富回报而为教育提供者排名的努力还在挣扎。数据往往来自东拼西凑的调查。很难在不同的时间跨度上比较不同的课程。Climb 跟踪调查了他们发放的每一笔贷款,连同调查了诸如学科领域、教师院校、就职机会与薪酬的数据。贷款年收益率平均为9%,约为政府利率的两倍,最高可达15%。如果在某些领域中,没有证据表明是培训课程带来的回报,公司也完全会回避这些专业领域,比如表演与模特。迄今为止,公司的运作模式已经奏效:违约率在不高的个位数。