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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-27 06:01




Grading education


A fintech startup tries to shake up American student loans


shake up


Taking the risk-return ratio of education seriously


Jan 28th 2017 | NEW YORK


IN AN old factory building in lower Manhattan a fintech startup is seeking answers to a question that has tormented teachers and students for decades: what is the value of a given course, teacher or institution? Climb Credit, with just two dozen employees, provides student loans. The programmes it finances bring returns far higher than can be expected from even highly rated universities.

在下曼哈顿区的一幢老旧厂房里,一家金融科技新秀正试图解答一个困扰着教师和学生们数十载的问题:一门课程、一名教师或是一间学府,它/他们的价值是什么?Climb Credit 依靠着仅仅二十四名员工,开展学生贷款业务。(他们提供的)财政项目回报远高于那些高评级大学期待(带来的回报)。

  • torment :vt. 折磨,使痛苦;纠缠,作弄

    n. 痛苦,苦恼;痛苦的根源

Climb does not claim to nurture billionaires, nor to care much about any of the intangible benefits of education. Rather, it focuses on sharp, quantifiable increases in earnings. The average size of its loans is $10,000 and it normally finances programmes of less than a year. The subjects range from coding to web design, from underwater welding to programming robots for carmakers (which has the highest rate of return). Some students have scant formal education; others advanced degrees. The rate of return they get is calculated as the uplift in earnings after the course of study, minus its cost (which includes that of servicing the loan, and takes account of the absence of earnings during the course).


  • Scant:adj.     不足的; 缺乏的; 将近的; 吝啬的;

    vt. 限制; 节省; 吝惜;

Climb’s results so far are hardly conclusive. It has released only the number of loan applications: just 10,000 since its founding in 2014. Many institutions it works with do not offer the four-year and two-year courses eligible for federal funding, which account for 19m students. Instead, its market for now is among the 5m studying in more focused programmes.

目前为止,Climb Credit 的成果尚未有定论。它仅仅发布了贷款申请数:自2014年成立起,才收到一万份。与之合作的许多院校不提供符合联邦基金条件的四年制与两年制课程,而这些课程涵盖一千九百万名学生。相反,Climb Credit 的市场到目前只处于接受更为专门化培养教育的五百万学生中。

  • Eligible:adj. 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的

          n. 合格者;适任者;有资格者

Past efforts to rank education providers based on the financial return they offer have struggled. The data are often drawn from patchy surveys. It is hard to compare different courses over different time spans. Climb tracks every loan it makes, along with data such as subject area, teacher, institution, job offers and salaries. Its interest rates average 9% a year, roughly double the government rate, and can be as high as 15%. It shuns some fields, such as acting or modelling, altogether, if there is no evidence that a course delivers a return. So far, the firm’s approach has worked: its default rates are in the low single digits.

过去那些基于财富回报而为教育提供者排名的努力还在挣扎。数据往往来自东拼西凑的调查。很难在不同的时间跨度上比较不同的课程。Climb 跟踪调查了他们发放的每一笔贷款,连同调查了诸如学科领域、教师院校、就职机会与薪酬的数据。贷款年收益率平均为9%,约为政府利率的两倍,最高可达15%。如果在某些领域中,没有证据表明是培训课程带来的回报,公司也完全会回避这些专业领域,比如表演与模特。迄今为止,公司的运作模式已经奏效:违约率在不高的个位数。

  • Patchy 有补丁的

  • Shun 避免

  • Altogether:总而言之

  • default rate 违约率

Climb’s credit offering covers 70 institutions; another 150 are being vetted. As many as 3,000 may eventually qualify. Climb’s attraction is obvious: an expanded student base. But many will balk at the tough provisions Climb imposes. Students must be given a drop-out period, when they can leave without any loan obligation. (A review of data on conventional student loans suggested that those most likely to default had begun classes, taken on debt and then quit the course before they had acquired any new skills.) If a student does default, the school is usually responsible for more than 20% of the unpaid debt. That gives it an incentive to pick students carefully and train them well.

Climb Credit 提供的信贷业务已经覆盖七十家教育机构;另有一百五十家正在审查中。最终可能有多达三千家机构获得审批。Climb Credit的魅力显而易见:扩张后的学生基数很大。但是许多人将畏于接受Climb Credit 强加的强硬条款。学生们必须获得一段退学期,期间他们可以退出而不必有任何债务负担。(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)如果有学生确实存在违约行为,学校通常会承担未偿债务的20%以上。这样学校就有动力去认真挑选学员,提高教学质量。

  • Vet 审查

  • Balk at 回避

  • drop-out 退学

In conventional student loans, interest and principal accumulate silently. On graduation, the monthly repayment bill comes as a shock. Climb students start making tiny payments as soon as they take out a loan (refunded if they drop out fast). Climb hopes to make its success-rate data public, to help both students and lenders. It already makes good use of its network of education providers: it has hired three former students from institutions within it.

在传统的学生贷款中,利息与本金是悄悄积累的。在学生毕业时,月度支付账单会吓人一跳。Climb Credit放贷的学生一获得贷款就开始小额地偿还债务(如果他们不久就退学,会退回这笔钱)。Climb Credit 希望可以公开它的成功率数据,这样既有助于学生们,也有助于放贷人。公司已经充分利用了它的教育提供方网络:Credit Credit 现已从中雇佣了之前在教育机构的三名学员。

翻译 ▍E-J-1

审核 ▍竞风之翼

编辑 ▍苏叶

Try to translate 

A review of data on conventional student loans suggested that those most likely to default had begun classes, taken on debt and then quit the course before they had acquired any new skills.

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