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直播课预告 | 循环建造,设计应对气候,康奈尔大学助理教授Felix Heisel主讲

全球知识雷锋  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-12 17:14











>>>走进南京大学 建筑与城市规划学院课堂



揭开康奈尔大学循环建筑实验室,德国的2hs建筑师和工程师的建筑原型真面目?什么是循环经济下的循环建筑?它们为当今产业变革带来什么深刻影响?——4月14日晚9点,来全球知识雷小锋B站直播间,听康奈尔大学助理教授Felix Heisel谈“循环建造”。

本期主题 / Topic


Circular Construction: Addressing Climate Emergency and Resource Inequity through Design

时间地点 / Time&Place

4月14日周三 晚上9点-10点

UTC+8 21:00-20:00 , April 14

Bilibili直播间 全球知识雷小锋

Bilibili Broadcast Room 全球知识雷小锋



主讲人 / Speaker

Felix Heisel


Circular Construction Lab主任

Assistant Professor in Architecture, Cornell University

Director of the Circular Construction Lab


Main research: Committed to the systematic redesign of the built environment.

Felix Heisel是一名建筑师和教育者,毕业后曾在Berlage学院(埃塞俄比亚建筑、建造和城市发展研究所)、苏黎世联邦理工学院与哈佛大学的设计研究生院任教。他的工作涉及建成环境的系统性再设计,使之成为无尽使用与重构的材料库。他是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)建筑学助理教授兼循环建造实验室(Circular Construction Lab)主任,康奈尔大学阿特金森可持续发展中心(Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability)的教员,也是“系统工程”(Systems Engineering)项目的现场成员。Heisel还是德国2hs建筑师和工程师事务所的合伙人。他的工作受到国际范围内的认可,出版的著作包括《Urban Mining und kreislaufgerechtes Bauen》(2021)、《Cultivated Building Materials》(2017)和《Building from Waste》(2014)。

Felix Heisel’s work as an architect and educator pertains to the systematic redesign of the built environment as a material depot of endless use and reconfiguration. At Cornell University, he is Assistant Professor in Architecture as well as the Director of the Circular Construction Lab. He is a faculty fellow at the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, and a field member of the Systems Engineering program. Heisel is also a partner at 2hs architects and engineers in Germany, an office specialized in the development of circular proto-typologies. His work is internationally recognized, with publications on the topic including Urban Mining und kreislaufgerechtes Bauen, 2021; and Cultivated Building Materials, 2017, and Building from Waste, 2014. Heisel graduated has taught at the Berlage Institute; the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction, and City Development; ETH Zürich; and at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University.

主持人 / Moderator

Cary Siress



Senior Design Researcher at Future Cities Laboratory Singapore and at ETH Zurich

Guest Professor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University

讲座介绍 / Abstract


Globally, building construction and operation accounts for 39% of carbon emissions, as well as over 50% of raw material extraction and solid waste production, thereby making the construction industry the biggest consumer of energy and resources, as well as the biggest producer of emissions and waste. As a means for overcoming the social, economic, and environmental problems of the underlying linear economic system, the concept of the circular economy is increasingly gaining attention, defined as an approach that is “restorative and regenerative by design and aims to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times.”


A circular economy requires paradigmatic shifts in how we design, construct, and operate buildings, and in the way resources are managed within the built environment. This lecture will highlight both ongoing research projects of the Circular Construction Lab at Cornell University and built proto-typologies of 2hs architects and engineers from Germany in an attempt to trigger an informed discussion on the necessary and systemic changes to today’s industry toward circular construction within a circular economy.

本期课堂为 “建构共生与未来环境建造:国际之声” 系列讲座的第七期。该系列讲座由6场独立演讲和两个圆桌论坛组成,从2021年3月3日持续至4月21日,周三晚9点准时开讲,由“全球知识雷小锋”进行直播。

This class is the first in a series of lectures on "Constructing Coexistence and Futures of Environment-making: International Voices".This lecture series consists of six separate lectures and two round-table forums, delivered every Monday from 21:00 to 22:00(China GMT +8) on Wednesdays for 8 weeks. The lecture will be broadcast live at Bilibili Global Knowledge LeiFeng from March 3rd to April 21st 2021.

系列主题 / Series theme

建构共生与未来环境建造:国际之声 Constructing Coexistence and Futures of Environment-making: International Voices


Although the world is becoming ever more synchronized and connected, we still lack a common narrative about how to put design know-how to work as a dispersed, co-creative agency among  designers, policy-makers, and users to the benefit of all terrestrial stakeholders. Moreover, it seems all but impossible to alter our abusive habits of inhabiting the planet, given the overpowering incentives to prolong status-quo forms of building and development. But if the way of framing our world condition is not inevitable, then neither is the outcome of our actions. We need not resign ourselves to the laissez-faire privileging of market forces in constructing the built environment any more than we have to consent to a singular way forward in moderating our environmental footprint. Alternative ways of thinking and making are still possible! The operational imperative of considering new ways of constructing coexistence and postulating different futures of environment-making calls for a novel consciousness, novel habits of the heart, and a novel willingness to cooperate in solidarity with others and with the natural systems of which we are a part in order to survive and thrive as a civilization.

The 2021 Frontiers of Architecture Lecture Series takes up the urgent cause of devising future-viable pathways for design practices in a world long overdue for change. Speakers from around the globe are invited to share their unique perspectives on how design agencies might be re-channeled to better means and ends. For if the preferential ways of thinking about our world habitat have left us unable to respond effectively to blatant problems, then it is time for fresh insight.

讲座安排 / Schedule

Cary Siress

简介: ETH和新加坡未来城市实验室(FCL)高级研究员,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院客座教授。

主要研究: 不同地区的城市化地区如何被重新格式化,以更容易接受世界一体化资本主义的经济需求。



Stephen Cairns

简介: 新加坡未来城市实验室(FCL)主任, 苏黎世联邦理工大学建筑学院教授。

主要研究: 建筑、城市和社会以及设计作为一种学科和实践、如何促进它们之间的创新和可持续的关系。

Felipe Hernandez

简介: 剑桥大学建筑系高级讲师,剑桥大学拉美研究中心主任。

主要研究: 拉丁美洲当代建筑与非正式城市。



Roundtable Discussion I

Charlotte Malterre-Barthes

简介: 哈佛大学GSD城市设计助理教授,OMNIBUS联合创始人。

主要研究: 兴趣与挣扎中的社区如何获得更多的资源、主流经济、更好的治理和生态/社会正义有关。


