专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-25 13:23


黑海方坯价格坚挺,但其上涨速度不如其他产品。贸易商预计,由于供应仅限于独联体和土耳其,本轮销售中, 1 /2 月装船的方坯将达到 500 美元 / 吨左右。

Black Seabillet prices are strong, but their rise has not been as fast as for otherproducts. Traders expect billet to reach around $500/tonne in this round ofsales, for January/February-loading material, as supply is limited to only theCIS and Turkey.

贸易商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),土耳其本身就在购买方坯,传统进口地区的需求也在持续复苏。

Turkey isitself in the market for billet, and demand is continuing to reawaken intraditional importing regions, traders tell Kallanish .

消息人士称, 1 月装船材料已基本售罄,而 2 月装船材料尚未报价。土耳其 125mm 方坯进口价格在 490 美元 / cfr ,一些交易与国内价格一致。

January-loadingmaterial is practically sold out, but February loading is not quite offeredyet, sources say. Turkish import prices for 125mm cross section billet are at$490/t cfr, with some deals having taken place in line with domestic prices.

周一,土耳其达成两宗方坯交易(一大一小),价格分别为 482 美元 / 吨和 480 美元 / 吨,出厂价。目前报价为 490 美元 / 吨,出厂价 /fob ,与进口价格一致。独联体方坯报价从 465 美元 / fob 500 美元 / fob 不等,因供应商、订购量和目的地而异。

Two lots –one small and one large – of billet were sold in Turkey at $482/t and $480/tex-works on Monday, with offers now at $490/t ex-works/fob, in line with importprices. Offers range from $465/t fob to $500/t fob for CIS billet, depending onthe supplier, tonnage and destination.

土耳其的需求因方坯相对短缺而被激发,原因是有自营方坯供应的非传统方坯买家转而生产板坯。理论上,这是由于土耳其板材市场蓬勃发展,而板坯进口价格目前在 550-560 美元 / cfr ,因为独联体供应商仍未积极提供板坯。

Turkey’sappetite is stoked by a relative shortage of billet, as non-traditional billetbuyers who have captive billet supply are instead switching to producing slabon their universal casters. This is due to the flat products market booming inTurkey and slab import prices now being at $550-560/t cfr, in theory, asCIS suppliers are not actively offering slab still.


The lack ofEuropean and Brazilian billet, which would be in the market traditionally atthis time of year, is adding to shortage and price pressure, while strong scrapis further supporting this, traders note.

同时,埃及的需求预计也将增加,一些贸易商估计,埃及国内螺纹钢价格在周末已上涨 35 美元 / 吨左右。他们表示,考虑到目前缺乏额外的供应,这肯定会继续推高黑海方坯价格。

Meanwhile,demand is also expected from Egypt, where domestic rebar prices have gainedaround $35/t over the weekend, another couple of traders reckon. Consideringthe lack of additional supply at the moment, this is sure to continue pushingBlack Sea billet prices up, they say.

