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Jupiter计划第一季度分拆Central Yilgarn并进行首次公开募股

Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-30 09:44


JupiterMines 董事会已经批准其 Central Yilgarn 铁矿项目的分拆上市计划。 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,这将成立一家澳交所上市公司,开发 Mount Mason 直运矿( DSO )赤铁矿项目。

JupiterMines’ board has approved the demerger and subsequent initial public offeringof its Central Yilgarn Iron Ore Project. The move will create an ASX-listedcompany that will develop the Mount Mason direct shipping ore(DSO) hematite project, Kallanish notes.

Jupiter 表示,将通过向 Jupiter 股东按其现有的 Jupiter 持股比例分配新公司的股份来实现分拆。 Jupiter 的股东还将有机会获得高于其换股比例的更多股份。 Jupiter 将保留新公司的少数股权。

Jupiter saysthe demerger will be achieved via a distribution of the new company’s sharesin-specie to Jupiter shareholders, in proportion to their existing shareholdingin Jupiter. Shareholders of Jupiter will also be offered the chance to acquirefurther shares above their in-specie allocation. Jupiter will retain a minoritystake in the new firm.

如果获得批准,预计将在 2021 年第一季度完成分拆和首次公开募股( IPO )。

Subject toapprovals, the demerger and IPO are expected to be completed in the firstquarter of 2021.

Jupiter 已任命 Greg Durack 为首席执行官,领导新公司的首次公开募股和战略实施,新公司的总部将设在珀斯。

Jupiter hasappointed Greg Durack as the chief executive to lead the IPO and implement thestragegy of the new company, which will be headquartered in Perth.

分拆后, Jupiter 表示将成为一家“专注的”锰业公司,目标是继续保持其强劲的资产负债表和高派息率。

Followingthe merger, Jupiter says it will become a “pure-play” manganese company, withthe aim to continue to maintain its strong balance sheet and high payout ratio.

在截至 8 月的六个月内, Jupiter 位于南非的 Tshipi Borwa 合资锰矿销量同比下降 29% 122 万吨。

Jupiter’sTshipi Borwa joint venture manganese ore mine in South Africa saw sales in thesix months through August fall -29% on-year to 1.22 million tonnes.

Jupiter 去年表示,计划重启包括 Mount Ida Mount Mason 在内的 Central Yilgarn 铁矿项目。可行性调查已完成,但由于环境和财务问题而暂停。

Jupiter saidlast year it plans to restart the Central Yilgarn Iron Ore Project, whichincludes Mount Ida and Mount Mason. This completed a feasibilitybut was suspended due to environmental and financial problems.

该公司已为 Central Yilgarn 制定三管齐下的策略。这包括快速开发 Mount Mason 项目,打造一个整合平台,发展现有直运矿资源基础。最后,其将探索创造性的选择,在中期推进 Mount Ida 项目,利用现有的铁路和港口基础设施以及 Yilgarn 地区日益减少的直运矿资源。

The firm hasa three-pronged strategy for Central Yilgarn. This involves the developmentof Mount Mason on a fast track basis, and a consolidation platformfor growing the existing DSO resource base. Lastly, it will explore creativeoptions to advance Mount Ida in the mid-term, leveraging upon theexisting rail and port infrastructure and the dwindling DSO resources in theYilgarn.


