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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-07 05:21




Trans-Pacific frenemies


America and China’s long embrace


The two big countries share a sense of exceptionalism. They are both attracted to and wary of the other


Dec 3rd 2016


Wang and Paulson: who’s teaching whom?


The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China, 1776 to the Present. By John Pomfret. Henry Holt; 693 pages; $40.


IN 1943 Fei Xiaotong, China’s most famous anthropologist, visited America and proclaimed it “paradise”, arguing that his own country needed to embrace the American spirit. Americans created things, he said. They didn’t dwell in the past. They had Superman. America was a land “without ghosts”. Fei was typical of many Chinese before and since: an intellectual who loved the bottom-up, can-do character of America and wanted some of it for his own country, with its top-down traditions.


China has long tried to work out how much of America it really wants. In 1881, the New York Times predicted that “China cannot borrow our learning, our science, and our material forms of industry without importing with them the virus of political rebellion.” Chinese leaders know the same is true today.


The two huge nations, each with their own distinct sense of their exceptionalism, have long been locked in a love-hate embrace. Americans, mesmerised by China, have held the upper hand, obsessively trying to reshape China in their own image and draw it out into the world. They first came to China in the 18th century to trade. The tea that was thrown into Boston harbour in 1773 had come from Xiamen. Profits from the China trade bankrolled the American Industrial Revolution. Labour from China built the American West. Missionaries and businessmen poured the other way across the Pacific Ocean.



The Chinese, for their part, once saw America as different from the European powers. “The Americans are pure-minded and honest,” said Prince Gong, a 19th-century leader. But China’s aim was always utilitarian. “The problem is how to control them to make them exploitable by us,” he added.


This ebb and flow is the subject of John Pomfret’s absorbing new book, “The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom”. The question woven throughout is what will happen now that China has adopted some American ways and is challenging America’s strength. It has received an injection of urgency from the election of Donald Trump, who, if he follows through on his anti-China rhetoric, threatens to throw relations into one of their periodic troughs.



Mr Pomfret is a veteran China correspondent. Having first gone there as a student in 1980, he was expelled for his reporting during Tiananmen in 1989, before returning later for the Washington Post. He weaves a lively tale, peppered with a cast of adventurers, spies, preachers, communists and McCarthyites who have boosted and sabotaged the relationship in turn over the years.


After Mao died, the dream of opening up China returned, and America poured in resources almost recklessly. “To do business [American companies] have been forced to hand their technology to the Chinese and essentially train Chinese companies to become their competitors,” writes Mr Pomfret. American officials believed that it was worth it because, in time, Chinese interests would align with America’s.


That has not yet happened, says Mr Pomfret, and many experts fear it never will. Personal friendships have continued but America now understands Prince Gong’s words: that China may not be interested in the kind of partnership that America wants. Richard Nixon saw China’s potential in 1971 (“Put 800m Chinese to work under a decent system—and they will be the leaders of the world”). But, before he died in 1994, he came to fear that “we may have created a Frankenstein.”


America has helped China change. But the change, so far, is superficial. Underneath, Mr Pomfret makes clear, Chinese leaders have not laid new foundations on which to build a modern country. Despite the efforts of its new strongman, Xi Jinping, China cannot develop fully without greater freedoms. The would-be “Beijing consensus”, the idea that economic reform can continue without political reform, is illusory. Yet China’s leaders persist, and with broadening ambitions, too. In 2014, Mr Xi said it was time for the people of Asia to run Asia, presaging a push to dominate the South China Sea.


The financial crisis has shown up the incumbent superpower’s flaws. Mr Pomfret quotes Wang Qishan, a senior leader, talking to Hank Paulson, America’s treasury secretary, after the crash: “You were my teacher, but…we aren’t sure we should be learning from you any more.” Suddenly, it is China that is exorcising its ghosts, while America finds it has a few of its own, after all.


Mr Pomfret is not a classic optimist. He has spent years as a war reporter and seen too much of China’s dark underbelly for that. He describes all the ways in which American engagement is failing: China refusing to shoulder more global responsibility; widespread Chinese cyber-espionage; a continued crackdown on intellectual freedoms at home. He quotes one senior academic saying that America’s fears are “nearer to outweighing our hopes” than at any time since 1979.


Yet, in spite of all this, he does not foresee a confrontation, believing that a mixture of American engagement and containment will maintain stability. The relationship is not as dysfunctional as it seems, he says. And China is not as dangerous as it sometimes looks. The world must hope Mr Pomfret is right.


编辑 ▍璃儿

Try to translate 

He describes all the ways in which American engagement is failing: China refusing to shoulder more global responsibility; widespread Chinese cyber-espionage; a continued crackdown on intellectual freedoms at home.

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