专栏名称: 取经号JTW
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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-25 21:18


5月19日,美国著名演员Meghan Markle和英国王子Harry完婚。在无数人的羡慕与掌声下,Markle未来的生活可能没有大多数人想象的那么美好。这点从Diana王妃的人生经历中我们便可略知一二。



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Can Meghan Markle modernise the monarchy?


Meghan Markle’s marriage to Prince Harry will make her an A-list star. But her most important role, say Emma Duncan and Valentine Low, will be to bolster the royal family

与英国Harry王子的婚礼,会使美国女演员Meghan Markle一跃成为一线明星。但是,在Emma Duncan和Valentine Low看来,她最重要的职责则在于振兴英国皇室。

During the first television interview that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry gave to the press in November 2017, they snuggled together on a sofa with wide smiles, like any loved-up couple. The American actor and British prince disclosed a few quotidian intimacies: they met on a blind date; he proposed to her while they were cooking a chicken; she immediately charmed his grandmother’s corgis, which bark relentlessly at him.


How they behaved in the interview revealed more than what they said. Markle clasped Harry’s left hand proprietorially between hers. She appeared natural in front of the camera and spoke fluidly and buoyantly. He, justifiably chary of the press, mumbled and stuttered a bit. As she looked at the interviewer, he gazed at her. While she talked, he stroked her forefinger with his thumb. The balance of their relationship became apparent during the course of the conversation, and has been confirmed subsequently in their increasingly frequent public appearances around Britain. He watches her constantly, both in adoration and in search of approbation. Harry is the lover and she the loved.


On May 19th, the pair will wed at Windsor Castle. In doing so, Markle will not just cement her position as one of the most famous women in the world. She will also join an institution that holds an enduring global appeal and has survived against the odds into the democratic age – and which, as the 92-year-old Queen ages, is undergoing a destabilising transition.


As Harry and Markle have toured Britain hand in hand, they have done a good job thus far of looking like ordinary people preparing to tie the knot . Their TV interview certainly presented a sharp contrast with Harry’s parents’ painfully awkward first presentation to the press, at which Diana looked intermittently flirtatious and miserable, and Charles made a terrible, revealing gaffe when asked whether they were in love: she said “of course”; he said “whatever ‘in love’ means”.

当Harry和Markel手牵着手在英国四处亮相时,他们出色地完成了一项作为皇室成员的工作:他们的一举一动看起来就像是一对普通的情侣在准备 结婚 一样。他们的第一次电视采访和Harry父母当年那场无比尴尬的采访形成了鲜明的对比。当年,Diana王妃时而表现得有些 轻浮 ,时而又表现得有些许抑郁。而Charles王子则表现的非常糟糕,当被问及他们是否相爱时,他的回答甚至有些失态。Diana回答说:“我们当然相爱。”Charles则说:“随你怎么定义相爱。”

tie the knot 结婚

flirtatious /flɜ:ˈteɪʃəs; NAmE flɜ:rˈt- / (also informal flirty) adj.behaving in a way that shows a sexual attraction to sb that is not serious 卖弄风情的;打情骂俏的

Yet there is nothing very ordinary about Harry and Markle. Both have unusual – though quite different – backgrounds. Both have had the extraordinary experience of living life under the spotlight of fame: he as a prince, she as a now-famous actor. And both have struggled against society’s expectations of the roles they should play.


If Harry needs a strong, supportive wife, then Markle may be just the woman for him. But wedding a Windsor is a little more complicated than that. She isn’t just marrying a man, she’s marrying an institution with a tumultuous past and an uncertain future. Part of her job will be to help sustain it.


In business since Egbert of Wessex became King of England in 827, the British monarchy has – aside from a brief hiatus in the mid-17th century – proved itself remarkably durable. But in the past 100 years, it has been rocked twice, both times by a marriage. The first was the abdication crisis of 1936 when Edward VIII renounced the throne to wed Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. The second was caused by the death of Diana in 1997.



After the princess’s fatal car crash, popular anger turned on her adulterous husband, Charles, who had never stopped loving his old flame Camilla Parker Bowles, and on the Queen, whose remoteness towards Diana in her lifetime seemed to be confirmed by her decision to stay cocooned at Balmoral, her Scottish castle. The Queen’s failure to grieve publicly contrasted with the mountains of flowers deposited by tearful strangers outside Kensington Palace and the million-or-so people who lined the streets to pay their respects to Diana’s funeral cortège. As the country’s
