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CSCO 2024 | 极往知来——生物标志物检测如何助力肺癌精准诊疗

ioncology  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-01 18:25


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编者按: 由中国临床肿瘤学会和北京市希思科临床肿瘤学研究基金会共同主办的第27届全国临床肿瘤学大会暨2024年CSCO学术年会于2024年9月25日至29日在厦门举行。本次大会中,多个肺癌专题论坛汇总了国内外肺癌领域的前沿研究与进展。大会期间,《肿瘤瞭望》特邀 香港中文大学医学部莫树锦教授 接受采访,分享生物标志物检测在肺癌领域临床实践现状及未来展望。



莫树锦教授: 这是一个重要的问题。在过去的二十年中,肺癌治疗的发展是革命性的,这是因为生物标志物可以指导我们为患者选择正确的药物。从肺癌驱动基因EGFR突变体的发现开始,后续临床实践中对肺腺癌患者均需进行EGFR突变检测,由此改变了肺癌的治疗格局。此外,自2014年ALK抑制剂问世,临床对ALK基因检测提出了更多需求。目前,肺癌领域用于基因检测的基因数量正在不断增加,共有约10种不同的遗传学异常的基因表型。多数基于驱动基因开发的治疗药物已纳入一线治疗,即使针对于罕见突变,亦在相关一线治疗临床研究数据中显示出临床优势,如RET选择性抑制剂、用于治疗 EGFR 外显子 20 插入突变晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)治疗的 EGFR-MET 双特异性抗体埃万妥单抗(Amivantamab)等。综上,我认为在患者接受治疗前,对其进行全基因检测,可明确患者病情,为患者临床策略制定提供指导。


Dr Tony Mok: This is an important question. The development of lung cancer therapy over the last twenty years is revolutionary, and it is because of biomarkers making it assessable for us to select the right drug for the patient. We start off with the story of the EGFR mutation that we all know and that we all test for now in patients with adenocarcinoma. That changed the paradigm. In addition to that, with the availability of an ALK inhibitor since 2014, we now also test for ALK. The number of genes we are testing for upfront is increasing. Apart from those, we now have a total of around ten different genetic abnormalities that we test for. Most of this already have some first-line information, even for uncommon mutations, like RET. We now have first-line data demonstrating improvement. We also have EGFR exon 20, an uncommon mutation, but then first-line chemotherapy and amivantamab is actually very useful. I think it has become standard practice that we do a whole panel including the ten or eleven genes so we can identify the patient from the beginning.


莫树锦教授: 这实际上是一个非常重要的研究方向。EGFR突变的发现开启了肺癌靶向治疗时代,随后免疫治疗的出现为肺癌患者长期生存带来新希望。紧随其后的抗体药物偶联药物(ADC)的开发已经开展了大量工作,涉及多个靶点,如HER2、HER3、TROP-2、MET等。但现有研究数据并不像预期那样令人鼓舞,尽管一些数据表现积极,如针对TROP-2靶点的ADC使患者无进展生存期(PFS)略有改善,但远远不够。因此,不禁发问:未来该如何发现有临床价值的生物标志物?
在今年的世界肺癌大会(WCLC)上,Marina Chiara Garassino 教授团队发表了一项定量连续评分计算的TROP2标准化膜比率预测TROPION-Lung 01的临床结果的相关研究,证实了TROP2标准化膜比率的阳性是预测非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者通过datopotamab deruxtecan(dato-DXd)治疗获得更佳总体缓解率(ORR)和无进展生存(PFS)的预测性标志物。dato-DXd是一款靶向Trop2的抗体偶联药物。通过定量连续评分确定的TROP2膜标准化比率(QCS-NMR)测量的是肿瘤细胞膜中TROP2表达与细胞质的比率。QCS-NMR阳性(+)要求样本中必须至少有75%的肿瘤细胞具有≤0.5585的TROP2膜标准化比率。QCS-NMR阳性(+)则代表使用dato-DXd可最终获得较高的ORR和PFS。我认为这是未来生物标志物探索的方向之一,即使用人工智能数字化技术开发生物标志物。 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gnvqraif8M00lV8dj7hpTw)


Dr Tony Mok: That is actually a very important research direction. After EGFR, after targeted therapy, we now actually have immunotherapy. After immunotherapy, we now have antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). A lot of work has been dedicated to the development of antibody-drug conjugates. We have multiple targets - HER2, HER3,TROP-2, MET - that we have ADCs for. But the current data are not as encouraging as we would like them to be. We have some positive responses where we get a better response rate, and slight improvements in progression-free survival with the TROP-2 ADC. However, the significance of the improvement is not high enough. We have to ask the question, how else can we develop biomarkers? At the WCLC this year, they actually reported on the use of new method called the quantitative continuous score, which is a digitalized method of looking at the protein expression of the cell membrane versus the cytoplasm expression. It is a ratio of >75% of the cell that makes this positive. If they are positive, it is quantified that using an ADC with TROP-2 will end up with a high progression-free survival. I think this is one direction - using AI digital technology to look at this protein expression. Other research that we are doing in our center at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is looking at 3D ixl expression. With new technology, we can quantify protein expression not on a two-dimensional slide, but as a tumor block expression in three-dimensions. A lot of work still needs to be done. The quantification in three-dimensions is one important direction.


