- 对冲基金大佬 David Tepper 昨晚被采访的时候说买入中国的一切(Buys ‘Everything’ China-Related);早上就成了彭博的头版;
- 高盛交易台的 Scott Rubner 直言,过去48小时,打过的关于中国的电话,超过了2024整年。
1. 这是整个美股市场 今年最牛气的一个早晨 (中国ADR、AI、原油等都在狂飙)。不过这并不意味着S&P将从此持续上涨,因为市场敞口仍然很高。
Investors are calling this the most “bullish morning of the year”(China, AI, Crude, etc). This is not an S&P trade higher from here asexposure remains elevated.
2. 我真的认为这次对于中国股市是不同的时刻。
(Scott 把 现在的中国交易称作 TCT - The China Trade)
I really think this time is different for Chinese equities.
1. 低配中国股票曾经是全球所有股票中最大的共识性交易(180K:在最近 bofa 的每周 flow show 里面,short CN一直都是排在第二拥挤的交易)。上证综指在3天内上涨10% - 这是自2020年7月以来最大涨幅。
Underweight Chinese equities is the largest consensus trade in allglobal equities. SHCOMP rallied 10% in 3 days - the largest rallysince July 2020.
2. 中国资产的周度涨幅给投资者带来痛苦,因为当前持有偏空头头寸,全球基金在季末也存在基准跟踪(benchmark tracking) 问题。
The weekly rally in Chinese assets has been a pain trade for investors given current short, low positioning and benchmark tracking issues for global funds into quarter-end.
3. 重新关注新兴市场已经快速成为投资者11月和12月期间的热门交易 (180K:可以参考我之前分享的Scott另一篇)。
Re-Emerging Markets have quickly become a favored post-USelection trade for November and December
4. 今天我们开始在中国本地市场看到"FOMO"(恐慌性购买)的现象,因为现在市场的大背景是,"除了中国的其他一切都创下历史新高"。
We are starting to see “FOMO” today locally in China with“everything else at ATHs”
1. 中国股票需求创新高 - 9月24日,中国股票在Prime book上的单日净买入额为2021年3月以来最大(过去10年第二大,Z分数=+5.6),几乎全部来自于做多买入。
Record demand for Chinese equities - Sep 24th, Chinese equities onthe Prime book collectively saw the largest 1-day $ net buying sinceMar ’21 (second largest in the past 10 years, Z score = +5.6) - drivenalmost entirely by long buying
2. 从资金流动的角度来看,9月25日我们继续看到对中国股票的强劲需求(即做多买入)。
From a flow perspective, yesterday, Sep 25th, we saw continueddemand for Chinese equities (ie long buying).
3. 中国股票连续8个交易日受到高盛Prime book(宏观基金、量化交易商和多头基金 - 主要是短期交易者) 的买入,而非传统的多空或主动长仓投资者(这个群体可能被迫增加头寸)。(180K:这里建议参考下面的英文,翻译在这些术语面前,有些别别扭扭的)
Chinese equities have been bought for 8 straight days at GS PB(macro managers, quant, and multi-managers - shorter termtraders) - not traditional equity long/short or LO. That cohort may beforced in higher.
4. 截至8月底,全球共同基金在中国股票的配置比例为5.1%,这是过去10年来的第1个百分位。
Mutual funds globally in aggregate have 5.1% allocation inChinese equities as of end-August, which represents 1st percentileover the past decade.
5. 按资产加权的方式计算,主动共同基金的中国股票配置比仍低于基准指数310个基点。
On asset-weighted basis, active mutual fund mandates remainunderweight Chinese equities by 310bps vs. benchmark.
6. 在高盛Prime book中,中国头寸的Gross和Net配置水平仍然较低,分别处于过去5年的第7和第14个百分位。
At GS Prime, China Gross and Net allocations are still low and nowin the 7th and 14th percentiles on a 5-year lookback, respectively.
7. 对冲基金在最近的反弹之前,在中国股票的配置不到7%,这是近5年的低位 (180K:所有都几乎在历史低位)。
Hedge funds allocated less than 7% in Chinese equities before therecently rally which is around 5-year low.
中国和新兴市场资产每天并不能像美国市场那样从被动流入中获益。(180K: 划重点)
This is the most important line from my note today on marketstructure:Chinese and EM assets do not benefit from passive inflows every daylike the US market.
8. 新兴市场资产无法从被动配置中获益。在2024年美国上市的交易所交易基金(ETF)吸引了6,950亿美元的资金流入,其中只有49.3亿美元流入新兴市场ETF。(被动资产的71个基点流入了新兴市场)(180K:潜力)。
EM assets do not benefit from passive allocations. Out of the $695billion of inflows for U.S.-listed exchange-traded funds in 2024: only$4.93 billion has gone into Emerging Markets ETFs. (71bps of passiveassets have gone into EM).
9. 这种情况正在发生变化:中国A股ETF - ASHR自2022年6月9日以来出现了持续的净申购(约1.75亿美元,折合710万股)。
This is changing: ASHR (China domestic A shares) saw the creationsince June 9th, 2022 ($175M ~ 7.1m shares).
In cumulative notional terms since the start of 2023, however,Chinese stocks remain meaningfully net sold by hedge funds
Mutual funds globally in aggregate have 5.1% allocation in Chineseequities as of end-August, which represents 1st percentile over thepast decade
On asset-weighted basis, active mutual fund mandates remainunderweight Chinese equities by 310bps vs. benchmark
中国股票现在占我们Prime book整体Gross和Net头寸的4.5%和6.2%,这两个数字都创下了过去5年的新低。
Chinese equities now make up 4.5% and 6.2% of our Overall Primebook’s Gross and Net Exposures, respectively, which are both at fresh5-year lows.
They allocate only 5.1% in Chinese equities by the end of August,ranking at 1%ile level in the past 10y history. They underweightChinese equities by 310bps, relative to the benchmark index weight
在最近的反弹之前,对冲基金在中国股票的配置不到7%,这是接近5年来的低位。在9月24日,我们的Prime Book交易台观察到,自2021年3月以来对冲基金单日最大买入规模,他们在中国的净头寸上升至7.3%。
Hedge funds allocated less than 7% in Chinese equities before therecently rally, which is around 5-year low. On Sep 24, our PB desk sawthe largest single day hedge fund buying since Mar 2021 and thehedge funds’ net allocation in China rose to 7.3%.