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机器学习初学者  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-23 17:00



使用PyTorch 从头开始实现 ViT模型代码,在 CIFAR-10 数据集上训练ViT模型 以完成图像分类。


ViT 的架构受到 BERT 的启发,BERT 是一种仅编码器的 transformer 模型,通常用于文本分类或命名实体识别等 NLP 监督学习任务。ViT 背后的主要思想是,图像可以看作是一系列的补丁,在 NLP 任务中可以被视为令牌

输入图像被分割成小块,然后被展平为向量序列。然后,这些向量由 transformer 编码器处理,它允许模型通过自注意力机制学习补丁之间的交互。然后,transformer 编码器的输出被馈送到一个分类层,该分类层输出输入图像的预测类别


下面是模型各个部分组件的 PyTorch代码实现。



为了将输入图像馈送到 Transformer 模型,我们需要将图像转换为一系列向量。这是通过将图像分割成一个不重叠的补丁网格来完成的,然后线性投影这些补丁以获得每个补丁的固定大小的嵌入向量。为此,我们可以使用 PyTorch 的层:nn.Conv2d
class PatchEmbeddings(nn.Module):
Convert the image into patches and then project them into a vector space.

def __init__(self, config):
self.image_size = config["image_size"]
self.patch_size = config["patch_size"]
self.num_channels = config["num_channels"]
self.hidden_size = config["hidden_size"]
# Calculate the number of patches from the image size and patch size
self.num_patches = (self.image_size // self.patch_size) ** 2
# Create a projection layer to convert the image into patches
# The layer projects each patch into a vector of size hidden_size
self.projection = nn.Conv2d(self.num_channels, self.hidden_size, kernel_size=self.patch_size, stride=self.patch_size)

def forward(self, x):
# (batch_size, num_channels, image_size, image_size) -> (batch_size, num_patches, hidden_size)
x = self.projection(x)
x = x.flatten(2).transpose(1, 2)
return x
kernel_size=self.patch_size并确保图层的滤镜应用于非重叠的面片。stride=self.patch_size 在补丁转换为嵌入序列后,[CLS] 标记被添加到序列的开头,稍后将在分类层中用于对图像进行分类。[CLS] 令牌的嵌入是在训练期间学习的。

由于来自不同位置的补丁对最终预测的贡献可能不同,我们还需要一种方法将补丁位置编码到序列中。我们将使用可学习的位置嵌入向量将位置信息添加到嵌入向量中。这类似于在 Transformer 模型中为 NLP 任务使用位置嵌入的方式。
class Embeddings(nn.Module):        
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.patch_embeddings = PatchEmbeddings(config)
# Create a learnable [CLS] token
# Similar to BERT, the [CLS] token is added to the beginning of the input sequence
# and is used to classify the entire sequence
self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, config["hidden_size"]))
# Create position embeddings for the [CLS] token and the patch embeddings
# Add 1 to the sequence length for the [CLS] token
self.position_embeddings = \
nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, self.patch_embeddings.num_patches + 1, config["hidden_size"]))
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config["hidden_dropout_prob"])

def forward (self, x):
x = self.patch_embeddings(x)
batch_size, _, _ = x.size()
# Expand the [CLS] token to the batch size
# (1, 1, hidden_size) -> (batch_size, 1, hidden_size)
cls_tokens = self.cls_token.expand(batch_size, -1, -1)
# Concatenate the [CLS] token to the beginning of the input sequence
# This results in a sequence length of (num_patches + 1)
x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, x), dim=1)
x = x + self.position_embeddings
x = self.dropout(x)
return x
在此步骤中,输入图像被转换为带有位置信息的嵌入序列,并准备馈送到 transformer 层。



在介绍 transformer 编码器之前,我们首先探索 multi-head attention module,这是它的核心组件。多头注意力用于计算输入图像中不同色块之间的交互。多头注意力由多个注意力头组成,每个注意力头都是一个注意力层。

让我们实现多头注意力模块的 head。该模块将一系列嵌入向量作为输入,并计算每个嵌入向量的查询向量、键向量和值向量。然后,使用查询和关键向量来计算每个标记的注意力权重。然后,使用注意力权重通过值向量的加权和来计算新的嵌入。我们可以将此机制视为数据库查询的软版本,其中查询向量在数据库中查找最相关的键向量,并检索值向量以计算查询输出。
class AttentionHead(nn.Module):
A single attention head.
This module is used in the MultiHeadAttention module.
def __init__(self, hidden_size, attention_head_size, dropout, bias=True):
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.attention_head_size = attention_head_size
# Create the query, key, and value projection layers
self.query = nn.Linear(hidden_size, attention_head_size, bias=bias)
self.key = nn.Linear(hidden_size, attention_head_size, bias=bias)
self.value = nn.Linear(hidden_size, attention_head_size, bias=bias)

self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

def forward(self, x):
# Project the input into query, key, and value
# The same input is used to generate the query, key, and value,
# so it's usually called self-attention.
# (batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size) -> (batch_size, sequence_length, attention_head_size)
query = self.query(x)
key = self.key(x)
value = self.value(x)
# Calculate the attention scores
# softmax(Q*K.T/sqrt(head_size))*V
attention_scores = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(-1, -2))
attention_scores = attention_scores / math.sqrt(self.attention_head_size)
attention_probs = nn.functional.softmax(attention_scores, dim=-1)
attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs)
# Calculate the attention output
attention_output = torch.matmul(attention_probs, value)
return (attention_output, attention_probs)

class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):    """    Multi-head attention module.    This module is used in the TransformerEncoder module.    """
def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.hidden_size = config["hidden_size"] self.num_attention_heads = config["num_attention_heads"] # The attention head size is the hidden size divided by the number of attention heads self.attention_head_size = self.hidden_size // self.num_attention_heads self.all_head_size = self.num_attention_heads * self.attention_head_size # Whether or not to use bias in the query, key, and value projection layers self.qkv_bias = config["qkv_bias"] # Create a list of attention heads self.heads = nn.ModuleList([]) for _ in range(self.num_attention_heads): head = AttentionHead( self.hidden_size, self.attention_head_size, config["attention_probs_dropout_prob"], self.qkv_bias ) self.heads.append(head) # Create a linear layer to project the attention output back to the hidden size # In most cases, all_head_size and hidden_size are the same self.output_projection = nn.Linear(self.all_head_size, self.hidden_size) self.output_dropout = nn.Dropout(config["hidden_dropout_prob" ])

def forward(self, x, output_attentions=False): # Calculate the attention output for each attention head attention_outputs = [head(x) for head in self.heads] # Concatenate the attention outputs from each attention head attention_output = torch.cat([attention_output for attention_output, _ in attention_outputs], dim=-1) # Project the concatenated attention output back to the hidden size attention_output = self.output_projection(attention_output) attention_output = self.output_dropout(attention_output) # Return the attention output and the attention probabilities (optional) if not output_attentions: return (attention_output, None) else: attention_probs = torch.stack([attention_probs for _, attention_probs in attention_outputs], dim=1) return (attention_output, attention_probs)



编码器由一堆MHA + MLP组成。每个 transformer 层主要由我们刚刚实现的多头注意力模块和前馈网络组成。为了更好地扩展模型并稳定训练,向 transformer 层添加了两个 Layer 归一化层和跳过连接。

让我们实现一个 transformer 层(在代码中称为 ,因为它是 transformer 编码器的构建块)。我们将从前馈网络开始,这是一个简单的两层 MLP,中间有 GELU 激活。Block

class MLP(nn.Module):    """    A multi-layer perceptron module.    """    def __init__(self, config):        super().__init__()        self.dense_1 = nn.Linear(config["hidden_size"], config["intermediate_size"])        self.activation = NewGELUActivation()        self.dense_2 = nn.Linear(config["intermediate_size"], config["hidden_size"])        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config["hidden_dropout_prob"])
def forward(self, x): x = self.dense_1(x) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dense_2(x) x = self.dropout(x)        return x
我们已经实现了多头注意力和 MLP,我们可以将它们组合起来创建变压器层。跳过连接和层标准化将应用于每个层的输入
class Block(nn.Module):    """    A single transformer block.    """
def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.attention = MultiHeadAttention(config) self.layernorm_1 = nn.LayerNorm(config["hidden_size"]) self.mlp = MLP(config)        self.layernorm_2 = nn.LayerNorm(config["hidden_size"])
def forward(self, x, output_attentions=False): # Self-attention attention_output, attention_probs = \ self.attention(self.layernorm_1(x), output_attentions=output_attentions) # Skip connection x = x + attention_output # Feed-forward network mlp_output = self.mlp(self.layernorm_2(x)) # Skip connection x = x + mlp_output # Return the transformer block's output and the attention probabilities (optional) if not output_attentions: return (x, None) else: return (x, attention_probs)

transformer 编码器按顺序堆叠多个 transformer 层:

class Encoder(nn.Module):    """    The transformer encoder module.    """
def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() # Create a list of transformer blocks self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([]) for _ in range(config["num_hidden_layers"]): block = Block(config)            self.blocks.append(block)
def forward(self, x, output_attentions=False): # Calculate the transformer block's output for each block all_attentions = [] for block in self.blocks: x, attention_probs = block(x, output_attentions=output_attentions) if output_attentions: all_attentions.append(attention_probs) # Return the encoder's output and the attention probabilities (optional) if not output_attentions: return (x, None) else: return (x, all_attentions)



将图像输入到 embedding 层和 transformer 编码器后,我们获得图像补丁和 [CLS] 标记的新嵌入。此时,嵌入在经过 transformer 编码器处理后应该有一些有用的信号用于分类。与 BERT 类似,我们将仅使用 [CLS] 标记的嵌入传递到分类层。

分类层是一个完全连接的层,它将 [CLS] 嵌入作为输入并输出每个图像的 logit。以下代码实现了用于图像分类的 ViT 模型:
class ViTForClassfication(nn.Module):    """    The ViT model for classification.    """
def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.image_size = config["image_size"] self.hidden_size = config["hidden_size"] self.num_classes = config["num_classes"] # Create the embedding module self.embedding = Embeddings(config) # Create the transformer encoder module self.encoder = Encoder(config) # Create a linear layer to project the encoder's output to the number of classes self.classifier = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.num_classes) # Initialize the weights self.apply(self._init_weights)
def forward(self, x, output_attentions=False): # Calculate the embedding output embedding_output = self.embedding(x) # Calculate the encoder's output encoder_output, all_attentions = self.encoder(embedding_output, output_attentions=output_attentions) # Calculate the logits, take the [CLS] token's output as features for classification logits = self.classifier(encoder_output[:, 0]) # Return the logits and the attention probabilities (optional) if not output_attentions: return (logits, None) else: return (logits, all_attentions)

