Good day students!
This is teacher Nelli, one of the superstar teachers here at 51 Talk.
This week we will learn some expressions about pastimes and hobbies. The first thing that we will learn is about sports.This dialogue has two characters: Phil and Jack. They are at home and they are talking about their favorite sports.
PHIL: What time is that soccer game on? I thought it started at noon.
菲尔: 那场球几点开始?我以为是中午开始呢。
JACK: We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well … soccer’s not my favorite sport anyway. I much prefer basketball.
杰克: 咱们一定是搞错时间了。不过还好,足球我也不咋喜欢。相比之下还是篮球更好。
PHIL: Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was tennis! I’m a big fan of basketball, too.
菲尔: 嗯?真的吗?我以为你最喜欢网球呢!我也非常喜欢篮球。
JACK: How about a game sometime?
杰克: 有空一起玩?
PHIL: Sure thing! Why don’t we go shoot some hoops now since the soccer game isn’t on?
菲尔: 必须可以!咱们出去投投篮儿咋样?反正足球比赛也没播。
JACK: Excellent idea. Let’s go.
杰克: 好主意。走起。
What time is that soccer game on?
means“When does the soccer game start?” “What time” plus something plus “on” is acommon expression used to ask about the start time of a TV show or a movie.
What time is that soccer game on? 意思是球赛几点开始。What time + on 是一种问电视节目开始时间的常用表达。
I much prefer basketball here
means “I like basketball a lot more than soccer.” Notice how “much” is stressed to show that the speaker really likes basketball.
I much prefer basketball
意思是我喜欢篮球远远超过…… 留意Much在这里做了重读以表现说话者对于篮球的强烈喜好。
Oh, really?
Notice the rising intonation on“really.” This shows that the speaker is surprised. He thought that Jack liked tennis the best.
Oh, really?
I’m a big fan of basketball
is a way of saying “I like basketball verymuch” (“to be a fan of” is a casual expression used to describe something you really like).
I’m a big fan of basketball 是一种表达我非常喜欢篮球的方式。(to be a fan of 是一种随意的表达,意思是你喜欢某人或某事。)
How about a game here
means “Let’s play a basketball game.”
Sure thing!
This is a casual expression used to mean “OK.”
Sure thing! 是一种比较随意的表达,意思跟OK近似。
Shoot some hoops
means to play an informal game of basketball. This is acasual expression used between friends.
Shoot some hoops 说的是非正式的玩篮球,投投篮儿之类的。通常在朋友间使用