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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  CRUGROUP

CRU研讨会 - 矿业与金属研讨会最新议程 | 5月6日 | 香港

CRUGROUP  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-11 15:02


CRU is holding an exclusive Mining & Metals Briefing on Monday 6th May, during LME Week Asia in Hong Kong and would be delighted if you and your colleagues can join us. This briefing is free to attend and will takeplace at 14.00-17.00 at The Regal Hongkong Hotel - 88 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.  It willbe conducted in the form of a panel discussion in the English language.

Theme of the briefing: Policy prospects in an uncertain world: understanding the impact on global metals markets

Government policy decisions, notably but not only from China, are having an increasingly important influence on global metals markets. Whether economic stimulus measures, trade actions, investment permissions, environmental and safety actions or any other new public policy – the impact of these decisions on the economic fundamentals for non-ferrous, ferrous and bulk commodity markets has been very significant in recent years.  In this CRU Briefing, senior experts from CRU's offices in Beijing and London will discuss how these developments will continue to influence global metals and mining markets. Come to hear CRU’s expert panel discussing these important issues and giving our outlook for metals prices.

The timetable for the briefing is:

14.00-14.30 - Registration and networking

14.30-16.00 – Panel discussion followed by Q & A

  • Non-Ferrous Metals – Vanessa Davidson, Director Copper Research and Strategy

  • Steel & Raw Materials – John Johnson, CEO CRU China & Managing Consultant

  • Aluminium – Wan Ling, Principal Consultant

  • Lead/Zinc – Helen O’Cleary, Senior Analyst

  • Copper – Chris Wu, Senior Analyst
