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新东方托福  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2016-12-17 13:54





Children should just play or study and they should not be required to do house chores.


T1: If your friends’ family member were sick, what would you do to comfort him?

T2: Do you agree or disagree that senior students should take a gap year before entering college?


Task 1参考答案:

Well, I think I would do the following things to comfort him: first, have a long conversation with him; coz companion is the best therapy for a distressed person; and listening to his worries and anxiety patiently surely helps alleviate his bad energy. Second, I will encourage him to ask for a leave and go back to see his family. If that is inconvenient, I would then suggest him attend some special activities, like joining parties or taking a short trip abroad, coz those activities will help to divert his attention and boost up spirit.

Task 2参考答案:

Well, I agree that senior students take a gap year before entering college. First, the good thing about a gap year is that you can slow down, and think over what you want to achieve in your 4-year college. In China, students are usually burned out especially after the fiercely competing national college entrance exam; so one gap year will definitely help them to unwind and adjust to the upcoming college life in a better way; second, during the one year, they can travel abroad, take some internship or part time, any of those experiences can help them to have a much clearer goal about future and ensure a better performance in college.


