technical questions
commercial awareness
的话,四大在interview时则更喜欢测评大家的competences:communication skills, team work, leadership, decision making, etc.,
你需要在公司的careers sites里找到你想申请的具体岗位,然后列出岗位职责里要求的所有competences,确保你是以这些competences来思考和总结你的过往经历的;
在interview回答问题时,可以用 ‘STAR’(Situation/Task/Action/Result) 法则来叙述你的过往经历,即:什么时候/什么情况下,任务/目标是什么,你是怎么做的,结果如何;
1. 【PWC】
1.1 Why PWC?
1.2 Why audit?
1.3 Tell me about a time you had to correct mistakes of someone?
1.4 Tell me about a time you had to improve a piece of work after criticism?
1.5 What have you read about us from news?
1.6 Give an example of a time when you have worked in a team to deliver a piece of work? What was your role in the team? What did you do for team?
1.7 Can you tell me about a piece of news you have read lately? Why did you find it interesting?
1.8 Tell me about a time when you failed to accomplish something.
1.9 Give an example of a time you built a relationship.
1.10 Give an example of a time you overcame conflict.
1.11 Give an example of a time you worked with someone with a different style, how did this differ to your own?
1.12 What do you know about ACA/ACCA exams?
1.13 Tell me about a time when you had to solve a complex problem.
1.14 Tell me about a time when you had to finish multiple projects to a short deadline.
1.15 What is the most difficult thing about working with you?
1.16 Give an example of a time when you were not given enough guidance.
1.17 Tell me about a time when you dealt with a team member who did not pull her weight.
2. 【Deloitte】
2.1 Why Deloitte?
2.2 Why audit?
2.3 Describe your role in a piece of work you are proud of.
2.4 Describe a time you collaborated with others to achieve a task.
2.5 Describe yourself in three words.
2.6 How would your friends describe you in three words?
2.7 Describe a long term project you have been involved in?
2.8 What is good about you?
2.9 How would you sell yourself?
2.10 Did you apply to other companies? What are they?
2.11 How do you try to be the best you can be?
2.12 Describe a time you led a team?
2.13 What can you bring to us?
2.14 How do you handle stress at work?
2.15 Why you?
2.16 What is your leadership style?
2.17 What are you reading right now?
2.18 How many pens can I fit in this room?
3.1 What are you good at?
3.2 What do you most enjoy studying?
3.3 Do you think you are a starter or a finisher?
3.4 Are you into big picture or detail?
3.5 Describe a successful day you had recently.
3.6 What do you like to do when you are free?
3.7 When are you happiest? Why?
3.8 Do you think there are enough hours in the day?
3.9 Tell me about your best friend.
3.10 Which three words would your friends use to describe you?
3.11 Which three words would you use to describe yourself?
3.12 Tell me about your biggest weakness.
3.13 Are you well organized?
3.14 Do you enjoy hard work? Why?
3.15 Tell me about your top 3 strengths.
3.16 Which books are you reading now?
3.17 Tell me about yourself.
4.1 Why us? What makes KPMG different from the rest of the Big Four?
4.2 The difference between an internal auditor and an external auditor?
4.3 What do you think this position will involve exactly?
4.4 Talk about a time you had to manage multiple tasks to finish a project.
4.5 Talk about a time you worked in a team where they had communication problems. How did you resolve them?
4.6 Are you learning something?
4.7 What is good about you?
4.8 Can you tell me something interesting you have read about KPMG in the news?
4.9 Tell me about a time when circumstances changed? How did you adapt?
4.10 Can you tell me about a time when you had problems? How did you deal with them?
4.11 Can you talk about a company that is doing well? Which three factors do you think key to their success?
4.12 Can you talk about a company that is doing badly? Which problems do they face?
4.13 What are you most proud of?
4.14 Which opportunities can you see now for KPMG to develop new business?
4.15 How do you manage your time?
4.16 Tell me about two biggest accomplishments in your life.
4.17 Can you tell me about a time when you felt bored at work? How would you make it more interesting?
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