After seeing their cloud bills soar as they move larger parts of their computing on to the platforms
run by companies such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google
, he added,
many customers
are getting
smarter at working out how to squeeze costs out of their cloud spending.
Every morning at 1:30, Mr. Oonami, 73, wakes up and drives an hour to a fresh produce market on an
in Tokyo Bay. While loading mushrooms,
root, sweet potatoes, radishes and other vegetables into his car, he frequently lifts boxes that weigh more than 15 pounds, straining his back. He then drives across Japan’s capital city, making restaurant deliveries up to 10 times a day.
With populations across East Asia declining and fewer young people entering the work force, increasingly workers like Mr. Oonami are toiling well into their 70s and beyond. Companies desperately need them, and the older employees desperately need the work. Early retirement ages have
the pension rolls, making it difficult for governments in Asia to pay retirees enough money each month to live on.
Demographers have warned about a looming demographic time bomb in wealthy nations for years. But Japan and its neighbors have already started to feel the effects, with governments, companies — and most of all, older residents —
grappling with
the far-reaching consequences of an aging society. The changes have been most pronounced in the workplace.
For some older people, the demand for workers has given them new opportunities and leverage with employers, especially if they felt pushed out by early retirement ages in favor of younger workers.
Now, the question these aging nations are grappling with is how to adapt to the new reality — and potential benefits — of an older work force, while ensuring that people can retire after a lifetime of work without falling into poverty.
In East Asia, where populations are graying faster than anywhere else in the world, there is an urgent need for more flexibility. Japan, South Korea and China have all been forced to experiment with policy changes — such as corporate subsidies and retirement adjustments — to accommodate population shifts. Now, with the rest of the world not far behind, many nations will likely look to Asia for lessons in how to respond to similar crises.
本文节选自:The New York Times(纽约时报)
原文标题:As Asian Societies Age, ‘Retirement’ Just Means More Work
n. 生姜; 姜黄色; 长着姜黄色头发的人; 精神,活力
v. 用姜给……调味; 激励,使有生气