专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-12 09:20


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,印度商务部数据显示, 10 月印度海关编码 7204 项下的废钢进口量连续第二个月下降,同比减少 21% 423,877 吨。在此之前,进口量连续数月增长。海关编码 720449 项下的进口旧废钢平均价格为 327 美元 / 吨, 2018 10 月为 366 美元 / 吨。

Indian imports of ferrous scrap under HScode 7204 declined for a second consecutive month in October, by -21% on-yearto 423,877 tonnes, Kallanish learns from Indian commerce ministry data. The declining trend follows multiple months of increases.The average value of imported obsolete scrap under HS code 720449 was$327/tonne versus $366/t in October 2018.

美国再次逆势而上, 10 月对印度出口量增长 18% 50,332 吨。但是,来自阿联酋和新加坡的供应量分别下降 34% 14% 83,448 吨和 35,152 吨,来自英国和南非的供应量分别下降 43% 67% 30,773 吨和 15,202 吨。

The US bucked the trend again, increasing overall scrap supply to India by 18% in October to 50,332t. However, importsfrom United Arab Emirates and Singapore fell -34% and -14% respectively to83,448t and 35,152t. Intake from the UK and South Africa dropped -43% and -67%respectively to 30,773t and 15,202t.

来自科威特和德国的供应量也大幅下降,但来自巴西的供应量从去年同期的 1,000 多吨猛增至近 13,000 吨。

Intake from Kuwait and Germany also dropped significantly, but supply from Brazil surged to almost 13,000t from just over1,000t a year earlier.

世界钢铁协会数据显示,随着废钢进口量下降, 10 月印度粗钢产量同比下降 3.4% 910 万吨。

As scrap imports dropped in October, Indiancrude steel output fell -3.4% on-year to 9.1 million tonnes, according to worldsteel data.

1-10 月印度废钢进口量仍同比增长 19% 608 万吨,来自阿联酋、英国和美国的供应量分别为 986,392 吨、 772,965 吨和 661,522 吨。

In January-October Indian scrap imports still increased 19% on-year to 6.08mt, with the UAE, UK and US providing986,392t, 772,965t and 661,522t respectively.

相比之下,全世界最大的废钢进口国——土耳其 1-10 月的废钢进口量下降 13% 1,518 万吨(见 Kallanish 往期报道)。

By comparison, the world’s largest scrap importer, Turkey, registered a -13% drop in ten-month scrap imports to 15.18mt( see Kallanish passim ).



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