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Polina Ditsman | 侘寂的宁静与隐逸

室内设计联盟网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-25 14:00



The Designer

来自俄罗斯的Polina Ditsman是一位颇具才华的女性设计师,每个项目的主要愿望是创造一种高质量的产品,往往能为客户创造超乎想象的室内,她的设计有很强的个人属性,让她拥有了全世界许多的追随者。

Fusion Apartment


这是位于圣彼得堡具有悠久历史的的公寓,由 Polina Ditsman 设计。设计师将空间尽可能打开,并用简练的设计语言重新建构空间,将轻侘寂风与原有建筑的历史感完美融合,营造质朴宁静的氛围。

This is a historic apartment in St. Petersburg designed by Polina Ditsman. The designer opened up the space as much as possible and reconstructed the space with concise design language, perfectly integrating the light wabi-sabi style with the historical sense of the original building to create a simple and tranquil atmosphere.

Polina Ditsman将客户家原有的实木家具与新购置的家具搭配,形成反差与对比。不仅打破了空间单调的属性,还与空间格调形成很好的呼应。

Polina Ditsman matched the client original solid wood furniture with the newly purchased furniture to create contrast and contrast. It not only breaks the monotonous nature of the space, but also echoes well with the style of the space.

主卧像是一处静谧的庇护所, Polina Ditsman 为空间定制了橡木护墙板、木家具与床头板,并采用复古的壁灯与精心挑选软装陈设来为空间赋予艺术气息,同时Dedar的Pazl面料软饰能够使人完全地放松身心。

The master bedroom is like a quiet sanctuary. Polina Ditsman customized oak wainscoting, wooden furniture and headboards for the space, and used retro wall lamps and carefully selected soft furnishings to give the space an artistic flavor. At the same time, Dedar Upholstery in Pazl fabrics allows for complete relaxation.
