专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-04-01 09:51


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,自 3 月初以来一直在下降的土耳其螺纹钢出口价格本周再次大幅下跌。

Turkish rebar export prices, which havebeen decreasing since the beginning of March, have recorded another sharp dropthis week, Kallanish notes.

据悉,一位土耳其贸易商以 400 美元 / cfr 向牙买加出售了 1 万吨螺纹钢。一些市场人士表示,该价格相当于 380-385 美元 / fob 土耳其实重,而其他人则表示这低于 380 美元 / fob 实重。

A Turkish trader is heard to have sold10,000 tonnes or rebar to Jamaica at $400/tonne cfr. Some market players saythe fob equivalent of this deal corresponds to $380-385/t fob Turkey actualweight, while others say it is below $380/t fob actual weight.

土耳其生产商正努力在亚洲市场销售螺纹钢。随着中国螺纹钢出口报价日益下降,亚洲市场的竞争日趋激烈。一周前土耳其螺纹钢报价为 430 美元 / cfr ,目前为 405-410 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重。然而,买家的理想价格不高于 390 美元 / cfr 新加坡理重。考虑到出口国家可能采取封锁措施而导致宣布不可抗力的风险,买家也对从土耳其采购感到担忧。

Turkish producers are struggling to sellrebar in the Asian market. With Chinese rebar export offers decreasing eachday, competition is becoming tougher in the Asian market. Turkish rebar offers,which stood at $430/t cfr a week ago, currently stand at $405-410/t cfrSingapore theoretical weight. However, buyers’ price idea is not above $390/tcfr Singapore theoretical weight. Buyers are also seen to be concerned aboutsourcing from Turkey due to the risk of force majeure being declared in apossible lockdown in exporting countries.

上周四土耳其钢厂的螺纹钢出口报价为 395-410 美元 / fob 土耳其实重,现已降至 385-395 美元 / fob 实重。然而,市场上的买家有限,不会考虑任何高于 370-375 美元 / fob 的价格。土耳其钢厂不确定能否以低于 200 美元 / cfr 的理想价格买进废钢,因此不愿在上述价位出售螺纹钢。

Turkish mills’ rebar export offer prices,which stood at $395-410/t fob Turkey actual weight last Thursday, have droppedto $385-395/t fob actual weight. However, the limited number of buyers still inthe market will not consider anything above $370-375/t fob. Turkish mills areunsure if they can buy scrap at desired levels of below $200/t cfr and aretherefore reluctant to sell rebar at these levels.



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