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张 丽|环洱海区域鼓吹乐曲牌的音乐结构研究——基于圈层传播的视角(讲座精彩长视频)

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-16 10:00



张 丽

摘     要 : 鼓吹乐作为全国性意义的乐种,随汉文化经各类传播模式传入环洱海区域,形成以洱海为中心圈层向周边地区辐射的发展样态,并在礼乐制度影响下构建了一套仪式规范化、仪轨程序化的民俗活动,成为鼓吹乐及曲牌繁荣发展的重要文化空间。文化的互融与互鉴使环洱海区域鼓吹乐之物质结构和曲牌类型体现出“二元共在”的典型特征。曲牌音乐的发展始终遵循中国传统音乐思维和组织逻辑,形成了曲体结构之整体一致性和局部差异性的特点。环 洱海区域鼓吹乐曲牌在历时与共时的发展过程中,体现了文化相通性、思维延续性和音乐共享性,其文化根脉是中华传统文化,文化身份是中国传统音乐,是“一体多元”中国传统音乐文化在边疆少数民族地区的表演实践。
关键词 : 环洱海区域;鼓吹乐;曲牌;音乐结构;圈层传播
中图分类号 : J607 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1002-9923(2023)05-0034-11
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2023.05.004
作者简介: 张 丽(1980—  ), 女,彝族,中国音乐学院2022届博士毕业生,云南艺术学院民族艺术研究院副教授。
基金项目: 文为2020年度国家社科基金艺术学重点项目“中国传统音乐曲牌研究”(项目编号:20AD005)的阶段成果。
Abstract: As a national genre of music, drumming music was introduced to the Erhai Rim region through various modes of dissemination intertwined with Han culture. It gradually formed a development pattern with Erhai as the central circle, radiating its influence to the surrounding areas. Within the context of the ritual music system, a framework of ritual standardization and procedural folk customs was established, creating a significant cultural space that fostered the prosperity and development of drumming music and drumming music Qupai. The integration and mutual learning of cultures resulted in the material structure and types of Qupai in drumming music around Erhai Lake exhibiting the distinctive characteristics of "binary coexistence."
The development of Qupai music has consistently followed the ideological and organizational principles of traditional Chinese music, resulting in a musical structure characterized by overall consistency and regional variations. Throughout its diachronic and synchronic development, drumming music Qupai in the Erhai Lake region demonstrates cultural interconnectedness, continuity of thought, and shared musical traditions. Its cultural roots are deeply embedded in Chinese traditional culture, with a strong identity as a manifestation of Chinese traditional music. Moreover, it represents a performance practice that embodies the "integrated and pluralistic" nature of Chinese traditional music culture in frontier ethnic minority areas.
Keywords: Circum-Erhai Lake Region; Druming Music; Qupai; Musical Structure; Circle-layer Dissemination

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更多精彩视频请登陆: https://cmj.ccmusic.edu.cn


《中国音乐》2023年 第5期



