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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-11 18:15


最近,“虹膜写真” 在市场上兴起, 不少拍摄过的网友及商家在网上 发布相关照片后,引发了对“虹膜写真”是否安全的热议。

据媒体报道, 虹膜写真的拍摄方法与 在医院检查眼睛类似。 首先顾客要将下巴放置在一个托盘上, 两侧强光会将瞳孔照亮, 再由处于正面的一台相机 进行近距离拍摄。


Iris photography has become a new trend, with many online users and businesses sharing related photos on social media.

Capturing iris photos mirrors hospital eye exams, resulting in distinct iris images through photography and processing.

虹膜写真拍摄机器 来源:大皖新闻

相关报道显示, 拍摄一张六寸的虹膜写真照片 价格为99-170元不等。 经过电脑渲染效果后, 半个小时就能取片, 根据照片再设计手串、手机壳等周边产品。

作为新兴产业, 不少从业者比较看好前景,有不少情侣前往门店拍摄, 还有一些人是和自己的宠物拍摄。

Many couples head to the studio for iris photography sessions, and some opt to have iris portraits taken with their beloved pets.



Some business owners claim that iris photography and iris recognition are distinct domains, and iris photography alone can't achieve biometric recognition. But experts caution that there could be potential risks.

对此,杭州电子科技大学网络安全学院教授徐明表示, 虹膜和人的指纹一样,其纹理特征包含着很多独一无二的个人信息。

尽管虹膜写真和虹膜生物认证在硬件、软件和技术原理上并不完全相同,但不排除有别有用心的不法分子可能利用虹膜的写真照片,结合相关技术手段对虹膜生物认证系统进行破解。 “对于拍摄的虹膜写真,尽可能不要在公共场合展示。”

The intricate texture features of the iris contain unique personal data of significance. While iris photography and iris biometric authentication diverge in technical principles, there exists a potential risk of malevolent actors exploiting iris photographs and associated techniques to compromise iris biometric authentication systems.

Professor Xu Ming from the College of Cyber Security at Hangzhou Dianzi University advises minimizing the public display of iris photographs whenever possible.

上海博和汉商(杭州)律师事务所创始合伙人、名誉主任律师邵斌表示, 虹膜写真照片如果单纯作为艺术品,并在消费者本人同意情况下拍摄,不涉及侵犯隐私。但商家若利用拍摄底片获取不法利益,则涉嫌侵犯公民个人信息。


浙中医大二院眼科主任俞萍萍表示,虹膜写真的原理是将虹膜的局部放大,呈现出细微的结构,在医学上已经广泛应用,一般情况下不会对人眼造成伤害。但由于拍摄瞬间往往需要强光照射,如果光线过于强烈,瞬间光能聚焦,还是有可能对视网膜造成光损害。 “建议在拍摄时,眼睛尽可能避开强光,更不要注视光源。也不建议经常拍摄。”

Dr Yu Pingping, the ophthalmology director at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, explains that while iris photography, commonly used in medical settings, generally poses no harm to the eyes, exposure to intense light during capture could potentially harm the retina. She recommends avoiding strong light and direct eye contact with the source during photography, as well as limiting the frequency of sessions.


Patients with conditions such as keratitis, retinal diseases, or recent eye surgeries are cautioned against undergoing iris photography, as advised by Han Wei, deputy director of the Ophthalmology Center at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

来源:中国青年报 潮新闻·钱江晚报 大皖新闻 杭州交通918等

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