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BBC 6 minutes-Day 4-Smartphones

饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-14 19:29


Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

1 According to Neil, a smartphone is a device which enables users to go .......

2 Neil relies on his phone to such an extent that he uses the phone find his ... and gain information about weather.

3 Nicholas Carr argued that the ability of computers to do things is improving significantly, and that we tend to delegate all ... to computers.

4 As we are reliant on computers, we are losing the ability to do things, such as feeling ....., and taking a broad perspective.

5 Making friends on social media is good; however, we should not forget to communicate with people ..........

6 GPS is a system which tells us how to get around with the support of ..... orbiting the Earth.

7 The spellechecker helps us improve our writing with fewer ..... mistakes.


consulting apps 玩APP

playing on your smartphone 玩智能手机

waiting for a call 等待电话

go online 上网

find my way 找到路

gives us directions 给我们方向

growing astronomically 明显增长

exercising their own talents 运用他们的天赋

talents fade 天赋消失

lose skills 丧失技能

take a broad perspective 全面一点看事情

a natural ability 天资

satellites orbiting the Earth 卫星沿地球运转

useful piece of software 有用的软件

making spelling mistakes 犯拼写错误

type on a computer 在电脑上打字

commercially produced 商业生产




just doing something on my smartphone, you know, the kind of phone which allows you to go online.
