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考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-26 19:53


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The company has created an education portal to test out a seller marketplace in Indonesia, the region’s biggest ecommerce market , called TikTok Shop Seller University.



1.portal: a website that is used as a point of entry to the Internet, where information has been collected that will be useful to a person interested in particular kinds of things 门户网站

2.test out: to use something for a short time to see if it works in the correct way

3.the region可以根据前句的south east Asia补充完整




多年来,主张一周四天工作制的人一直认为,压缩日程安排可以提高生产率并改善工作与生活之间的平衡。 报道称,西班牙将亲自确认这种做法是否奏效。该国将成为首批试行每周工作32小时的国家之一。


Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns about work/life balance had pushed some companies to experiment with a shorter work week. Like Delsol, both Microsoft Japan and the U.S.-based burger chain Shake Shack introduced four-day schedules in 2019, betting that such a measure would increase worker satisfaction and make the company more attractive to employees, especially those who are parents struggling to fit their jobs with their children’s needs.


甚至早在新冠疫情发生之前,人们对平衡工作和生活的担忧就已促使一些公司开始尝试缩短每周工作时间。和德尔索尔一样,微软日本公司和总部位于美国的汉堡连锁店Shake Shack在2019年推出了四天工作制,认为这一措施将提高员工满意度,并增加公司对员工的吸引力,尤其是那些已为人父母的员工,他们努力在工作的同时兼顾孩子的需求。

But after the coronavirus pushed legions around the world to work from home, other companies, including Unilever in New Zealand and Shopify in Canada have launched trials of their own, often in an attempt to respond to employees’ growing sense of burnout or simply buoyed by the newfound flexibility in the workplace.



For Más País, the change would accomplish important environmental and social goals. “Climate change obliges us to do things differently; we have to transform our way of working in order to reduce carbon emissions,” says Íñigo Errejón, party leader and member of parliament. “But how we work now is also not biologically or socially sustainable. European economies can’t compete with China to work more hours for less money. We should compete to work in better conditions.”


对于更多国家来说,这一变化将达成重要的环境目标和社会目标。“气候变化迫使我们采取不同的做法;为了减少碳排放,我们必须改变我们的工作方式,”该党领袖和议会成员Íñigo Errejón说。“但我们现在的工作方式无论在生物学上还是在社会层面都是不可持续的。欧洲经济体无法与中国工作时间更长但是工资更少的方式竞争。我们应该在争取更好的工作条件方面竞争。”

From Errejón’s perspective, it is precisely because the economy, long dependent on the kind of mass tourism that ceased to exist during the pandemic, is in crisis that the change is especially relevant now. And there is some research to back him up . In a study published in January in the Cambridge Journal of Economics, Luis Cárdenas and Paloma Villanueva establish that a 5-hour reduction in work hours across Spain in 2017 would have created 560,000 jobs, raised salaries nationally by 3.7% and increased the GDP by 1.4%.


翻译划线句,长按文末小程序码打卡,答案下期公布~ 有一些研究可以支持他的观点。路易斯·卡德纳斯和帕洛玛·维拉努瓦1月份发表在《剑桥经济学杂志》上的一项研究确定,2017年西班牙全国工作时间如果减少5小时,那么将创造56万个工作岗位,全国工资提高3.7%,GDP增加1.4%。

Companies that reduce their employees’ hours generally have to hire more staff to maintain the same level of productivity, the researchers note. Additional salaries drive costs up, but those can be largely offset by raising prices. ”Because it is hiring more people who are then spending more, and prices are increasing, the overall effect is positive,” Cárdenas, an economist at Madrid’s Complutense University, said in an interview.


研究人员指出,减少员工工作时间的公司通常不得不雇佣更多的员工来维持同样的生产力水平。额外的工资会使成本上升,但通过提高(产品)售价很大程度上可以抵消这一影响。马德里康普鲁坦斯大学经济学家卡德纳斯在接受采访时说:“因为公司雇佣了更多的人,这些人消费也会增加 (因为有工作收入了) ,而商品价格也在上涨,所以整体效果是积极的。”


