专栏名称: ioncology
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ASCO GU现场直击丨Thomas Powles教授:EV+P方案改写含铂化疗主导格局,重塑尿路上皮癌一线治疗标准

ioncology  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-02 20:10


编者按: 尿路上皮癌是泌尿系统第二高发的恶性肿瘤,其预后较差,5年生存率较低。数十年来,以铂类为基础的化疗一直是局部晚期或转移性尿路上皮癌(la/mUC)的标准一线治疗方案,但由于临床获益有限以及铂类化疗不耐受等原因,临床治疗仍存在诸多未被满足的需求。EV-302研究的成果为尿路上皮癌的治疗带来了全新希望。该研究在2023年和2024年的ESMO年会上相继公布了维恩妥尤单抗联合帕博利珠单抗(EV+P)治疗la/mUC患者的疗效和安全性数据,开辟了la/mUC治疗的新时代。在近期举行的美国临床肿瘤学会泌尿男生殖系肿瘤分会(ASCO GU 2025)年会上,EV-302研究的随访数据再次更新(摘要号:664),巩固了EV+P方案在la/mUC一线治疗中的地位。肿瘤瞭望-泌尿时讯特邀 伦敦大学泌尿生殖系癌症教授、巴特癌症中心主任Thomas Powles教授 ,分享EV-302研究的最新进展及其对临床实践的深远影响。




Dr. Thomas Powles: 根治性膀胱切除术(RC)是治疗肌层浸润性膀胱尿路上皮癌(UCB)的主要手术方式,通常涉及切除整个膀胱以及周围的淋巴结和其他可能受累的器官,在20世纪40年代至60年代被广泛应用。

到了20世纪80年代,以铂类为基础的化疗方案应运而生,特别是吉西他滨-顺铂(Gem-Cis)在尿路上皮癌治疗中显示出显著的生存优势。研究表明,新辅助化疗(neoadjuvant chemotherapy)相较于辅助化疗(adjuvant chemotherapy)能够显著提高患者的生存率,其生存获益大约为5%。然而,约50%的患者仍会出现复发,复发风险与TNM分期系统及其侵袭性密切相关。含铂化疗可显著降低复发风险,具有约5%的绝对生存获益,使5年生存率从60%提高至65%。


Dr. Thomas Powles: Cystectomy was the initial treatment for urothelial cancer. It makes complete sense—cut it out. That’s what we did in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. Cutting cancers out, and radical cystectomy is a big operation.In the 1980s, when platinum-based chemotherapy was developed, specifically gemcitabine plus cisplatin (Gem-Cis) for urothelial cancer, studies demonstrated that cisplatin-based chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant setting, rather than the adjuvant setting, provided a significant survival advantage.The estimated benefit is an overall 5% improvement in survival.However, about 50% of patients experience cancer relapse. The risk of recurrence depends somewhat on the tumor’s T stage and its aggressiveness.Platinum-based chemotherapy has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of relapse, resulting in an absolute overall survival advantage of about 5%. This means that five-year survival improves from approximately 60% to 65%.The major drawback of chemotherapy is that it is associated with toxicity. It can also delay the time before surgery can take place.For these reasons, some countries and many clinicians have been hesitant to adopt it widely. Gem-Cis remains the standard of care, and although other regimens have been explored, none have proven superior.





Dr. Thomas Powles: 维恩妥尤单抗(EV)是一种靶向Nectin-4单克隆抗体与微管抑制剂的抗体药物偶联物(ADC),帕博利珠单抗(P)是一种程序性死亡受体-1(PD-1)抑制剂,两者联合使用,显示出显著的协同效应,可提高la/mUC的缓解率并延长缓解持续时间。

2023年ESMO年会公布的EV-302/KEYNOTE-A39(NCT04223856)研究显示,与化疗相比,EV+P的中位PFS显著延长至12.5个月,疾病进展或死亡风险降低了55%;EV+P的中位OS显著延长至31.5个月,死亡风险降低了53%,这一研究结果支持将EV+P作为la/mUC患者的一线标准治疗方案。此研究结果已于2024年3月7日《新英格兰医学杂志》(NEJM)上发表。基于该研究结果,美国国家综合癌症网络(NCCN)指南、ESMO 指南均将EV+P 作为 la/mUC一线治疗首选推荐。

随后,为了进一步筛选EV+P方案的优势人群,以优化la/mUC患者一线治疗策略,我们团队在2024年ESMO大会上报告了EV-302研究亚组分析结果。结果表明,无论Nectin-4表达水平如何,EV+P在各亚组中均表现出一致的生存获益,这表明其疗效高度稳定,进一步证明了EV+P优于化疗的事实,巩固了EV+P作为一线治疗在更广泛la/mUC患者群体及其亚群中的标准治疗地位。至此,关于Nectin-4的表达水平是否会影响EV+P的治疗效果以及其是否可作为疗效的生物标志物的争议已有定论。 (更多内容详见: 与Nectin-4表达高低无关!EV-302研究进一步巩固了EV+P一线治疗la/mUC的地位 免疫组织化学评分(IHC)分析显示,多数la/mUC患者存在较高水平的Nectin-4表达,Nectin-4并未显示出最佳的预测价值,因此,我们仍需努力探索更能预测EV+P应答的生物标志物,以精准识别能够从EV+P治疗中获益的患者群体。

本次会议上更新了EV-302研究29.1个月的中位随访数据,并评估了达到完全缓解(cCR)患者的疗效和安全性。研究结果显示,与化疗组相比,EV+P联合方案中位PFS延长了6.2个月(12.5个月 vs. 6.3个月),近乎翻倍,并使肿瘤进展或死亡的风险降低了52%(HR = 0.48;95% CI 0.41 ~ 0.57; P < 0.00001);中位OS延长至33.8个月(95% CI 26.1 ~ 39.3),与化疗组相比中位OS(15.9个月,95% CI 13.6 ~ 18.3)延长了17.9个月,生存获益翻倍,死亡风险降低了49%(HR = 0.51;95% CI:0.43 ~ 0.61; P < 0.00001)。



Dr. Thomas Powles: The enfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab combination—enfortumab vedotin is a Nectin-4-directed MMAE antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), and pembrolizumab is a PD-1 inhibitor—given together, showed exceptional activity in urothelial cancer. These findings highlight just how much better EV+P is compared to platinum-based chemotherapy. It demonstrated benefits across all subgroups, which underscores the robustness of its efficacy. We know that not all patients respond to EV+P. Around 20% of patients have stable disease, while approximately 5% experience disease progression while on therapy. The fact that EV+P showed superiority across all subgroups further confirms its advantage over chemotherapy. There is ongoing research to identify which patients will derive the greatest benefit from EV+P. Nectin-4 does not appear to be the optimal predictive biomarker. Immunohistochemistry analysis shows that Nectin-4 is broadly overexpressed in most patients. However, I suspect we will find additional biomarkers that can better predict response to EV+P.

A year ago, after only about a year of median follow-up, we showed that enfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab in the frontline metastatic setting significantly outperformed standard chemotherapy. It doubled progression-free survival and reduced the risk of death by 50%. It was associated with about a 70% response rate. At ASCO-GU, we presented data from a further year of follow-up—so now two years of follow-up—and the results remained consistent. The treatment still doubled progression-free survival and halved the risk of death. The complete response (CR) rate was 30%, which is very high. Overall, about 70% of patients responded to treatment. Among those who responded, the duration of response is striking. Around 50% of patients remained in response at two years, with a median duration of response of two years. Among the patients who achieved a complete response, 75% remained in CR at two years. This represents a transformational shift. When I started working in this field, the median survival for this disease was just one year. Chemotherapy provided temporary benefit, but patients would eventually develop resistance and succumb to the disease. Over the years, working in bladder, kidney, and other tumor types, I have rarely seen such a significant stepwise improvement in treatment outcomes.





Dr. Thomas Powles: EV-302研究的更新结果有力地证明了EV+P方案相较于化疗具有显著的生存获益。这一突破性进展不仅重新定义了la/mUC患者的生存预期,还推动着尿路上皮癌的治疗进入一个全新的时代。因此,全球正着眼于将EV+P方案尽早引入la/mUC的治疗策略中。与此同时,随着治疗策略的不断发展,靶向治疗与免疫治疗的结合正在为患者带来前所未有的希望。目前,化疗与EV+P方案疗效的多项对照研究正在进行中。尽管目前尚未得出最终结论,但基于EV+P在多个亚组中的广泛获益,预期这些试验将获得积极结果。

Dr. Thomas Powles: So there's a global effort to move these drugs much earlier because they're so much better than chemotherapy, and there are trials comparing them to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. I talked about it at the beginning—so neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus EV+P—and I think my feeling is, although we don't know the results of these trials, it's very likely they're going to be positive.


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