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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-11 06:02




Plucky strike


 A merger is the latest sign of Big Tobacco’s resilience


 BAT already owns 42% of Reynolds. Now it is buying the rest


 Jan 21st 2017 | NEW YORK


BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO (BAT) announced on January 17th a final deal to buy Reynolds American for $49bn. BAT already owns 42% of Reynolds; buying the rest of it will create the world’s largest listed tobacco company by sales and profits. It will peddle brands such as Dunhill, Camel and Newport. The casual observer might imagine the deal to be a frantic bid to revive an ailing industry. On the contrary. Cigarettes may kill you, but the big companies that make them are rather healthy.


That is despite a decline in smoking rates. In 2015 just over a fifth of adults smoked, estimates the World Health Organisation, down from almost a quarter ten years earlier. This drop hardly helps companies, but it isn’t ruinous either.


  • World Health Organisation 世界卫生组织

Smoking is still popular in certain spots. More than three-quarters of men light up in Indonesia, for example. The habit is becoming more common among men in Africa and the eastern Mediterranean (see chart). And though global smoking rates have fallen, population growth means that about 1.1bn people still smoke, roughly as many as did in 2005. This, combined with rising prices, means that the value of retail sales jumped by 29% in the decade to 2015, according to Euromonitor, a data firm.


The gravest threat to big cigarette makers comes from rivals. Indeed, this week’s deal increases the chance that Altria, which sells Marlboro in America, will be bought by Philip Morris International, which sells Marlboro elsewhere and is the industry’s leader to date—a scary prospect even for a merged BAT and Reynolds.

对于大的香烟制造商来说,最大的威胁来自于竞争对手。事实上,本周的交易增加了在美国销售万宝路的Altria公司将被Philip Morris International收购的机会,这家公司是在其他地方销售万宝路,至今都是业界领袖,即使对于合并后的BAT和Reynolds,它仍有着惊人的前景。

  • gravest  严肃的,严重的

Regardless of whether their rivals’ deal proceeds, the merger of BAT and Reynolds has clear logic. The firms claim it could save at least $400m each year. Reynolds will also give BAT access to America, a market that once looked repulsively  litigious but now seems stable. Companies still operate under a vast settlement reached with American states in 1998, but separate class-action suits have turned out to be less costly than feared.


  • repulsively 冷淡地

  • class-action 集体诉讼

New regulations have not snuffed out tobacco firms, either. Countries have passed a battery of laws to fight smoking, including taxes and bans on advertising and on smoking in pubs. Tobacco companies have fought these ferociously, suing countries such as Australia for prohibiting logos on cigarette packs, for example. But some rules had hidden benefits. Bans on advertising lower marketing costs and make it harder for young upstarts to challenge established brands.


  • ferociously野蛮地,残忍地,

Electronic cigarettes would seem another existential threat. But they increasingly appear to be an opportunity. Large tobacco firms are investing in such “reduced-risk” products, as they term them. New requirements for e-cigarettes in Europe and America, finalised last year, may also hinder smaller companies’ ability to innovate. That could help Big Tobacco gain even greater market share: large firms may be the only ones with resources to navigate complex rules.


  •  resources 来源;勇气;才智;谋略;有助于实现目标的东西

Companies are particularly bullish on new products that heat tobacco, without burning it. These gadgets are more satisfying to smokers than e-cigarettes, which contain nicotine but no tobacco, so may encourage more smokers to switch. Cigarette executives claim that would be a health boon: just heating tobacco avoids much of the nasty stuff that comes with combustion.


  • gadgets 小机械,小器具

  •  nicotine尼古丁;[化]烟碱

Less encouraging for health is the prospect that some smokers might switch to the new products rather than give up tobacco completely. For years companies have sold to a shrinking share of the population. If enough would-be quitters switch to “safer” cigarettes instead, firms could slow or even reverse what had seemed a permanent downward trend. Far from fading away, Big Tobacco might be on the verge of a new boom.


If so, the company formed by BAT and Reynolds stands to gain, as it will combine the two firms’ research into reduced-risk products. That will help it compete against Philip Morris, which has spent nearly twice as much on research as BAT. Philip Morris is now seeking approval in America to market its heated tobacco product as safer than traditional cigarettes; it submitted its application to American regulators in December. The firm already reckons the product might add $1bn in profit by 2020. André Calantzopoulos, Philip Morris’s chief executive, describes a possible future in which his giant cigarette company phases out cigarette sales.

若是如此,英美烟草公司和雷诺兹组成的公司会是获利的一方,因为将结合两家公司进行低危害香烟的研发。并且这将有利于其与Philip Morris的竞争,后者已经在研发上花费近似英美烟草公司两倍的资金。(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)11月份,它们已经向美国监管者上交了相关申请。Philip Morris已经计算出:到2020年,这类产品将会为其增加10亿美元的收益。André Calantzopoulos,Philip Morris公司的首席执行官,形容了一种未来的可能性:他的烟草巨头企业将逐步淘汰零售香烟。


Many health advocates view such declarations sceptically. For now, combustible products still account for almost all of cigarette firms’ revenue. And tobacco remains responsible for more than one in nine of all adult deaths.


  • combustible易燃的,可燃的


好彩香烟(LUCKY STRIKE)是美国好彩采用优质烟叶。
1902年,美国烟草公司和英国的帝国烟草公司联合成立了英美烟草公司,从而结束了两大巨头之间由来已久的销售大战。LUCKY STRIKE在二战时期是美国军队的特供烟,是世界上最老的香烟品牌。 LUCKY STRIKE中文的意思就是“幸运的发现”。也有人说是~幸运罢工~。 
LUCKY STRIKE为了进一步突出年青、现代化、刺激及男性化的产品形象,好彩香烟赞助了好彩铃木车队参与世界500cc&127级格兰披治摩托车锦标赛车队中的施万茨(1993年世界冠军)及达鲁比提DARLY BEATTIE均是叱咤一时的车手, 这个赞助达到了理想的市场效益,吸引更多年青吸烟人士,刺激销售量。

翻译 ▍倚南窗,eve,甜甜,小静菁

审核 ▍向北

编辑 ▍毛毛

背景 ▍沙漠下雨

Try to translate 

Philip Morris is now seeking approval in America to market its heated tobacco product as safer than traditional cigarettes; it submitted its application to American regulators in December.

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